The Evanescence (Fallen Soul Series)

chapter 18


They’re trying to create a plan to get Aislin and Aleesa out of the Faerie Realm, even though we talked about it last night. It’s making me mad because, even though Alex said I could do it my way, he seems to be trying to find a way around it, like he changed his mind.

“But it’s the easiest way,” I say. “I’ll put on the Cornu Lepore and foresee my way to the Faerie Realm. When I get there, the Fey have to obey me, then I’ll find Aislin and Aleesa and bail them out. It’s that simple.”

“You know there is probably a loophole somewhere.” Alex says, slumping back in the kitchen chair. “There always is and what if there is this time. What if you get stuck there or something and have to be their ruler?”

I think of my dream last night and how content I felt in the throne. “That’s not going to happen,” I say. “I won’t let it happen.”

He lets out a derisive laugh. “Yeah, like you can control it. You can’t control anything… none of us can.”

I stab my nails into my palm, clenching my fist. “You don’t have to be an ass about it.”

“And you don’t have to be so naïve,” he retorts.

I glare at him, rising from my chair, fully prepared to run off and go there myself. He snags my wrist, though, and pulls me back down.

“I’m sorry,” he says, releasing my arm. “I just worry about you.”

“I know you do,” I tell him. “But you have to stop. You make things so difficult sometimes.”

He rakes his hands through his disheveled hair. “That’s because I love you and the idea of anything happening to you scares the shit out of me.”

My lips part and I’m about to tell him I love him, too, however, like I’ve said a million times, he needs to stop worrying, except I’m interrupted by a knock on the front door.

The four of us glance around at each other with baffled expressions on our faces. Nobody ever comes to the castle—at least, not anyone good.

“Who the hell could that be,” Laylen mutters under his breath as he pushes away from the table. Evan follows his lead and I start to get up when Alex grabs my arm.

“Stay here,” he instructs, then surprises me when he stays with me.

Laylen and Evan disappear into the hall and, moments later, we hear the sound of voices. I tap my fingers on top of the table, anxiously wondering who’s out there.

Alex squeezes my leg gently. “Relax. I don’t think it’s anything bad. It’s too quiet.”

He’s right, but I’m still edgy. I hear the front door close and the shuffling of feet heading down the hallway towards us. There are no loud bangs, or screams, and I start to relax.

I look at Alex. “I guess you were…” I trail off at the sight of him.

He’s staring at the doorway, with his eye enlarged, and his skin has gone deathly pale. “Dammit.”

I track the line of his gaze to Laylen and Evan and some strange man is with them. His dark hair matches his black eyes and his skin is as white as a lily and equally as beautiful. His lips are a deep red, like they’re stained with blood. He’s wearing a black buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black jeans, and black boots.

“Is he a Vampire?” I whisper to Alex, leaning over the table towards him.

He shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the man. “Nope, he’s something worse.”

Something worse? I gape at the man as he enters the room.

His eyes are on us and, when he sees Alex, a malicious smile rises on his face. Using long and very deliberate strides, the man makes his way towards us. Tension fills the air, more and more, the closer he gets. Alex looks sick, but he keeps his head up, his chin raised high with confidence and his shoulders squared.

“Alex, who is he?” I hiss, starting to panic when Laylen and Evan hover in the corner, like they’re afraid for their lives.

Alex takes my hand from underneath the table and I can feel his erratic pulse through his fingertips. “Draven, Lord of the Afterlife.”

“Lord of the Afterlife? What?” I’m confused and fear rushes through me. “Why is he here? Is he working for Helena?”

“Nope,” Alex says with a simple shake of his head. “He’s here for me.”