The Evanescence (Fallen Soul Series)

chapter 23


“We have to get him out of there.” I leap to my feet. “We can’t let him change into a Lord, let alone a Lord of the Afterlife, that takes souls and hangs around with slutty Banshees.”

Laylen’s head slants to the side as his eyebrow questioningly bows upward. “Slutty Banshees?”

I wave him off as I start pacing the floor. “There has to be a way to break the debt he owes to Draven… a loophole or something.”

“There’s not.” Evan grabs a small, jewel-encrusted knife from the end table, throws it up in the air, and then catches it like it’s a baseball. “I told you that he dies if he breaks the debt. It’s how things work.”

Laylen nods his head in agreement with pity in his eyes. I want to argue with them and tell them there’s always a way, but my mouth feels thick, the words too heavy to get out.

“We need to take care of some other problems first,” Evan says, touching the tip of the knife with his finger. “And then maybe we can look into it… but I’m going to be blunt and say that, as far as I know—” he puts two fingers to his temple, “and there’s a lot of knowledge stashed up here—there’s no way around a debt to Draven.”

“Fine,” I huff as I stop pacing and put my hands on my hips. “I’m going in then. It’s time to get this damn Faerie thing over with and move on.” I blow out a breath and then wrap my hand around the Cornu Lepore hanging around my neck. “God, I’m really beginning to hate Faeries.”

Laylen eyes me intently, his expression filled with concern. “Are you sure you want to do it this way…” He eyes the pendant on my neck. “Maybe we should try to find another way… a less power-driven way.”

I shake my head, straightening my shoulders. “It’ll take too long. It’s time to get this done.” Before anyone can say anything else, I march out the front door, leaving it open as I step outside and hike across the grass.

“Gemma, wait!” Laylen calls out as he hurries after me, but I only speed up.

Once I reach the edge of the lake, I don’t waste any time. I shut my eyes and picture the Kingdom of Fey; the vibrant blooming flowers, the flourishing leaves and trees that encase the land, the grassy forts that are on the ground as well as in the tree branches.

My body starts to shift forward and then I feel a ripping tug, but I relax and let it happen. When I open my eyes, my feet are planted firmly on the grass and trees tower to the side of me. The sky is clear, the sun beaming down across the flowers dotting the shallow hills and paths. I’m about to do a celebratory dance because, honestly, I thought it’d be harder to get inside, when a voice rises over my shoulder.

“Well, Gemma, thank you for making my job easier.” I spin around and come face-to-face with Luna. She’s in normal form, average height, and she looks almost human except for the purplish tint of her skin and the wings sprouting from her back.

Towering figures with wings and spears in their hands emerge from behind the trees and bushes. I turn in a circle as they close in on me and reach for my knife that’s in my pocket.

“Don’t even try it,” Luna warns as her guards aim the tips of their spears at me. She stands just outside them, smiling at me, and then she squeezes through them, snapping her fingers at me. “Come with me.”

I glance around, wondering if I should shut my eyes and Foresee back, but that wouldn’t solve the problem. Making sure the pendant is tucked safely into the collar of my shirt, I walk with her, hoping she’ll lead me to Aislin and Aleesa, that the pendant works the way Nalina told me; hoping I’ll make it out of here, hoping Luna won’t do anything to me.

Suddenly, I realize just how much faith I’m putting in hope.