
Touching her anywhere seems … wrong.


“We grew up together, Dim. I don't want anyone else.” Her frown deepens, as if this is all an inconvenience to her.


The money for personal trainers and nutritionist apparently went to good use, but there is absolutely nothing erotic about Silvia the Succubus naked on all fours next to me.


She sits back on her knees, unabashed.


“I know you've been with other girls,” she says in a tone like she's giving the weather report. “You're my inheritance. It's not … fair.”


My eyes are as confused as my hand.


Then her expression seems to settle on the realization that I'm not giving in to her weird little fantasy.


“It is going to happen.” Her tone sounds more like the normal Silvia.


She relinquishes off the bed and shuffles through her luggage. Her figure is stunning. Her mind is frightening.


She looks up at me. “I gave you a choice.”


I scramble out of bed, standing on the side opposite of her. Shock morphs into anger.


“Don't ever fuckin' do that again.”


She shrugs and starts dressing for the day.


“I mean it,” I snap. “It's not acceptable.”


She ignores me as she pulls on her clothes, slips on her shoes, and then shoulders two of her bags. She heads for the front door.


I cross the room and block the exit with my arm, hand against the wall.


“Get out of my way, Dim,” she says, voice cracking on a whine.


I reply through gritted teeth, “Stop acting like I didn't ask you to the prom.”


She stabs me with an unamused look. “Well, you didn't.”


“We didn't have a prom!” I throw my hands in the air.


She ducks past me and lets herself out. The door clicks shut behind her. I scramble for my things, then head to the parking lot.


She is standing by the car, bags at her feet. I unlock the trunk, drop in the rest of the luggage, and slide in behind the steering wheel. She struggles with her bags then closes the trunk so softly I pop it and get out to shut it properly.


She settles into the passenger seat and lights a cigarette.


I roll down the windows. Just because she wants to smell like a crematory, doesn't mean I have to.


While she puffs away, I search on my phone GPS for a place to eat and then head around the front of the hotel to drop off the keys. Then we're on the road.


She says nothing, but flicks a half-used cigarette out the window and lights another one as we pull into IHOP.


She looks up, surprised. “What's this?”


“Pancakes.” I twist the key from the ignition. “I assume you still want those?”


She nods, then steps out and crushes her cigarette before following me into the lobby. A hostess shows us to our booth.


My phone vibrates in my pocket.


“Hey, order me some coffee.” I lean over to pat her shoulder. “I'll be right back.”


I try not to seem in a hurry as I head toward the hall. The last thing I need is for Silvia to try to get her claws on my phone. I duck inside the bathroom and pull the phone from my pocket.


It's Syd.


I don't know why she would be calling me. I haven't been away an entire twenty-four hours yet.


I answer, my voice low. “Hey, everything okay?”


“Yeah.” She sounds tired. “I just wanted to see what time your flight leaves.”


“Uh. I'm driving,” I say, which sounds even more ridiculous spoken aloud. “Long story.”


“Oh.” She pauses. “When are we going to New Mexico?”


“Why would we go to New Mexico?” My attempt to sound casual falls flat, but at least I'm properly confused.


She doesn't reply.


Then my brain switches on. I really do need coffee.


“Oh! Your grandmother's place.” I take a deep breath. “I'm working on that, I promise.”


That's not entirely a lie. The only real reason I'm on this stupid trip is to find out what Karl is up to so I can plan the other parts of my life accordingly.


“Okay, sounds good.” Her voice is distant.


There's more to this conversation, but I'm not privileged to know. Just like she doesn't tell me anything else. I despise this situation more every time I think about it.


The silence between us lingers.


“All right, I gotta get rolling,” I say. “Just about to grab breakfast then get back on the road.”


She hesitates. “Be careful, okay?”


“I always am.” I try to sound reassuring. “Go have coffee with Coleen, and I'll be home before you know it.”


“Okay.” She pauses again, and then hangs up.


I wish she had insisted on talking longer, but it's probably for the best. Don't want to upset royalty waiting for her pancakes.


With a sigh, I cram the phone into my pocket and return to the booth. Silvia is waiting, back straight and hands folded on her lap. My gaze wanders over the plates.


“I see you took liberties and ordered breakfast.” I slide into the booth and frown.


Welcome to the rest of my life.


Silvia picks up her fork. “Blueberry pancakes, hash browns, eggs over easy, and the bacon well-done.”


Rainy Kaye's books