
Silvia sits quietly on the edge of the bed behind me while I blast music and scrounge the Internet. After two hours, I know a few more facts about Doctor Kerr.


She was a primary care physician, surrendered her license two years ago, and now lives in Danville, Virginia.


I swivel the chair to face Silvia. “No record of what hospitals she worked at, that I can find.”


Silvia is still just sitting on the mattress, feet on the floor, staring at me.


“Do you ever blink?”


She looks down. “So go find her.”


“Not interested.”


Silvia's eyes dart back to me. “Well, I am.”


“Look, you don't get to summon me for this shit 'til someone suffocates your father in his sleep.” I rub my eyes and glance at the clock. Late afternoon. Maybe Syd will stop by tonight. “We've hit a roadblock, so just let it go. You should head home.”


“Call her, at least.”


“No phone number. I already checked.” I tap the monitor. “Just a home address. I can write her a letter.”


Silvia cracks a smile. “I think you're more persuasive in person.”


She's got me there.


I gather the papers back into the file and toss it into the desk drawer.


“Let's just entertain this idea.” I turn back to her. “Let's say I show up at her door in Danville, Virginia. Then what?”


“Find out why she left the mansion,” she says, her tone simple. “Find out why she lost her license.”


I stand and gesture for Silvia to lead the way to the living room. “What does it matter? Honestly?”


“That was my money, Dim.” She plants herself into the chair across from the couch. So much for nudging her out the door. “I want to know what he's doing with it.”


Even though I would like to disagree with her, she has a lot at stake here. An entire fortune, to be exact.


Her head snaps up to me. “I can make him stop summoning you.”




I don't think I heard her right.


“I'll tell him I want to go to Virginia, and that I'm taking you to protect me.” Her voice grows excited, and so does her expression. “He won't bother you while we're gone. A whole week without being summoned, Dim.”


“A week? Two days, tops.” I still don't sit down. I don't want her to think we're settling in for an evening chat. “Fly there, drive to her house, fly back.”


“Oh, no.” She shakes her head. “I won't get on a plane. Metal isn't meant to fly.”


I narrow my eyes. “There is no way I'm driving from Arizona to Virginia with you. We'll just not go then.”


“Even though the answer might give us a way to make Daddy stop sending you on back-to-back wishes?”


“Fine,” I say, annoyed that she homed in on a more vulnerable spot than she realized. “I'll do this alone.”


She stands, eyebrows raised. “And just how are you going to afford the trip, Dimitri?”


“I have a few credit cards,” I say, straightening.


No way she is winning this one.


“Yeah, credit cards Daddy checks every month.” She smirks. “How are you going to explain being in Virginia without me?”


Our gazes lock. Fiery arrogance roars in her eyes. She is a Walker, and she eventually gets everything she wants—especially from me.


I unclench my teeth just enough to say, “Well played.”


Even before the inheritance, she already owns me.


She gives a small smile. “I'll go pack and let Daddy know. We'll take my car.”


“Uh, no.” I shake my head. “Low key, Silvia. I'll come pick you up.”


She shrugs and then leaves.


I flop down onto the couch. A week on the road with Silvia was not what I had in mind for a vacation. But if we really do find a way to put an end to Karl's neediness as of late, I might be able to sneak in a real trip—with Syd.


I'm not sure how all that will work out. For now, I just have to get to Doctor Kerr and hope she has something useful to share.





Syd picks up on the first ring.


“It's after eleven.” Her voice is low and sexy. “Do you need me to come comfort you?”


I repress a moan and slide down in the seat of my car. “I wish. Got kinda bad news.”


She says, “You've reached the wrong extension for bad news. Please hang up and try again.”


I chuckle. I should just cancel this expedition and sign up for the exclusive Syd tour again. But I really do need to find out what's going on with Karl. It's my only chance at figuring out how to handle these insane missions—and not lose Syd over them.


“I gotta go out of town. For a week.”


“A week?” Her voice carries her surprise. “Like, seven days?”


“That's how the calendar shows it, yeah.” I push on the seat to sit upright. “I'm sorry. I'll try to hurry.”


“Well, just be safe … ” The disappointment in her tone causes guilt to settle in my stomach.


“I will,” I say, uncertain what else to add.


I'm sure Syd can survive a few days without me, but the thought makes me feel like a jackass anyway.


“I know.” She hesitates. “Where you going?”


“Virginia,” I say, because I won't be killing anyone there. Not even blowing up a building.


Rainy Kaye's books