
“I brought this for you. I thought it would help with your research about the hospital donation. I thought it would make you happy.” She flings a folder I didn't even notice she was holding onto the seat and stalks away.


In a few seconds, her Porsche squeals past my car, zips out of the parking lot, and disappears from sight.


I pick up the folder and shuffle through the papers. It's a print out of everyone who has worked at the mansion in the last thirty years, their role, their dates of employment, and their salary.


Typical of Silvia, her power to acquire anything is both impressive and useless.





My wounds are numerous but superficial. Considering I jumped two stories from an exploding building, I'm surprised all I need is some rubbing alcohol.


The hum is so light it might as well be gone, but it won't fully shut off until I deliver the books. As much as I would like to sleep first, I never really rest until I've completed the wish. It seems too risky.


Plus, I probably should make sure Silvia arrived safely. Karl will pin it on me if something bad happened to her.


The drive to the mansion is quiet. The desert offers no noise, and I'm too tired to bother with the radio. I don't like the thoughts creeping around my mind, but they're always there. I might as well let them get their say in eventually.


I have no idea what will happen when Silvia inherits the master bond and takes our situation to a new level. I'm not looking forward to finding out either. The worst part is, I have no idea how this is going to impact the future with Syd. My hopes and my reality are not meshing, and I don't know how to fix either.


At the mansion, I let myself inside and lug the books to the summoning chamber. I swear these damn things are enchanted to grow heavier with each step.


I drop them on the floor, and then jump.


Karl is already sitting on this throne.


Good god, it's after midnight.


“Bring them to me,” he says.


My shoulders slump with exhaustion, but I scoop them up and leave them next to the throne. I step back and wait, because I'm sure he has plenty left to talk about.


That's just how this night is going.


“I would be upset,” he says.


Yep, here it comes.


“It turned out well in the end, however.” He leans forward. “You got lucky. Orders are orders.”


I scowl. “What are you talking about? I found the books and blew up the lab.”


The hum has vanished, so I know I fulfilled the wish.


I have no idea what is happening anymore.


“I had asked for the lab to be in ashes, but I only wanted to send a message,” he says. “What you did sent one, loud and clear.”


I would almost swear he is praising me. I must be so tired I'm hallucinating.


“I'm pretty sure it's in ashes,” I say. “I used thermite. Lots of thermite.”


He puts his hand to his chin. “Smart move, but it didn't collapse the building. Left sizable damage. Possibly weakened the structure.” He smiles and settles back in his throne. “They got the idea. Good work.”


I stare at him. If he's ever complimented me on anything since I became the genie, it has been so long I don't remember.


“There is one thing,” he says.


Crap. I should have left when I had the chance.


“You're playing in a big world now, Dimitri,” he says. “Cameras are everywhere.”


My heart stops. Then it kicks up. Of course I'm on camera. I saw security watching monitors at the downtown office building. The anthropology lab would have had them too.


I stutter trying to formulate an answer, but I have nothing.


He holds up his hand. “I took care of them. Just be mindful next time. I can't always swoop in to fix things, but I know this is new to you. We're no longer hunting down businessmen, where the only cleanup needed is paying someone to take the fall. I understand everything has changed. But soon, Dimitri. Soon it will be over.”


I study Karl in silence. For the first time since I took over this role, I see the man who had brought me gifts for Christmas and my birthday when I was young. The man whose daughter I had built forts with in their enormous backyard. The man who used to tell the house staff that I was to be treated as his son.


Back then, I had considered us family. Finding out that wasn't the case for him might have been the second worst thing he has ever done to me.


The first was killing my father.





A good night's sleep can improve almost anything. In the morning, I'm able to shove down the disaster of the last few days.


I try calling Silvia, but she doesn't pick up. I'm not worried. I saw her car in the garage before I left the mansion last night. She is just mad at me.


Nothing new there.


I text Syd to let her know I'm back. She wastes no time showing up at my front door wearing tight black shorts over fishnets, another pair of wicked boots, and a shirt that shows a peek at her stomach every time she moves. She damn near jingles with jewelry.


Being re-invited to the party was arousing on its own. Now that I know I have an exclusive pass, I don't want to waste a moment of it. I lead her to the couch and pull her onto my lap.


Rainy Kaye's books