Eyes of Ember (Imdalind Series #2)

Where I wanted to be.

I was where I had held out hope that someday I would be again. It was the reason I never forgot his song. My heart had held onto him. And as he clung to me, as he soothed me and held me, I felt everything begin to relax.

My heart opened me up, taking me away from the panic that still clung to my body and hid deep inside my muscle tissue. I could still feel the panic, fear, and anxiety deep inside of me. I knew it wasn’t gone, but somehow Ilyan made it better. He made my heart calm.

My heart.


It was so strong. It filled me, consumed me. If I focused on it, I could almost feel normal. Normal. No twitches, no stutters, no rats scurrying through my brain. I could easily remember every moment of my life, every heartbreak, every joy, and every fear. Every moment I’ve shared with every person that ever meant anything to me. And I saw it all with perfect clarity, the emotions sharper than I ever remembered them. They weren’t as raw as the terrors I had escaped from, they were just me. And with just those thoughts inside of me, I could just be me.

Just a girl. In Ilyan’s arms.

Slowly I uncoiled my body, my arms disentangling from against my chest, to wrap them around Ilyan. My fingers dug into his shirt, wrapping the fabric around them. I pulled him close to me, and he wrapped his body around mine, keeping me close, keeping me safe.

Danger was everywhere. Heck, danger was now tucked deep inside my brain. I knew without a doubt I would be haunted by it for the rest of my life. But right here, right now, I was bigger than it. Ilyan made me bigger than it, made me stronger than it.

Ilyan made me stronger. And here, in his arms, I felt everything open. Every magical vein in my body was alive, surging with fire – with power.

I wasn’t as scared anymore. I wasn’t as confused. I could do anything.

I knew where I was going to start. I don’t know if it was based in fear, or pain, or revenge for what he had done to me. But one thing was clear.

I was going to start by killing Ryland LaRue.

Join Wyn and Ilyan and find out what happened during the final T?uha in Scorched Treachery the next book in the Imdalind Series, which is out now

If you have Questions about the ending of Eyes of Ember, please read here



Who could have predicted the outpouring of love and support and kindness I have felt after Kiss of Fire made its debut. I certainly didn’t! I have been overwhelmed by everything that has happened, and continues to happen. I cannot thank you (yes you!) enough for being part of that.

Thank you for reading, for sharing, for loving, for reviewing, for your eager anticipation. Thank you for your support.

My fans have blown me away!

Thank you to my family who has stood by me, and cheered me on.

Thank you to Kim who stepped in to edit at the last minute and saved the day. Thank you to Sarah whose endless vision creates one amazing cover after another. Thank you to Crystal for the neck rub, and the final edit gloss over – you perfected this piece!

Thank you to my beta readers and anyone who stepped up with a smile and supported me.

Truly, you amaze me.

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About the Author

Rebecca Ethington has been telling stories since she was small. First, with writing crude scripts, and then in stage with years of theatrical performances. The Imdalind Series is her first stint into the world of literary writing. Rebecca is a mother to two, and wife to her best friend of 14 years. She was born and raised in the mountains of Salt Lake City, and hasn’t found the desire to leave yet. Her days are spent writing, running, and enjoying life with her amazing family.

Scorched Treachery, the third book in The Imdalind Series is out now

Soul of Flame, the fourth book in The Imdalind Series is due to be released December 2013

Rebecca will also be releasing Through Glass, book one in The Glass Series September 20th 2013

And Hit, a YA Contemporary, in November 2013

Follow Rebecca on her blog at: www.rebeccaethington.com

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On Twitter: @ RebEthington

On Facebook: Facebook.com/rebeccaethington.author

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Scorched Treachery


Rebecca Ethington

?Rebecca Ethington

Chapter One