Every Which Way

Chapter Fifteen
Given the chance, her heart could start a tune with its erratic beating. Severine wanted this high to stay forever. And as long as Macsen remained by her side, that feeling would never leave. When she glanced across the couch at Macsen, she smirked.

“Stop staring.”


“You’re distracting me,” Macsen replied with his eyes glued to his laptop.

For the past hour, the two of them had studied. Severine’s brain was fried. Macsen’s obviously hadn’t shorted out. His fingers flew across his keyboard. Occasionally, he would glance at his notes before bringing his concentration back to the words on the screen. He looked rushed and typed furiously.

Severine smiled. “You’re going to break your keyboard, Macsen.”

“I’m trying to finish so we can really spend some time together.”

Severine sighed in response and settled her legs into his lap. Macsen barely seemed to notice, and leaned forward only a little. She felt his stomach and wiggled her feet. He only smirked and typed away. She watched his hands type faster until he pressed the period button, turned to her, and placed a hand firmly on her knee.

“Yes?” he said while he smiled.

“I think we need to go out this weekend.” Severine gave him her most charming smile.

He watched her thoughtfully and smirked. “Really? We need to?”

“Lily invited us to go to a new club. I said yes.”

He scratched the top of his head and frowned slightly. “Wasn’t there a bar they all went to only a few days ago?”

Severine moved close enough that her legs dangled off his thigh and spoke quickly, “Yeah. But it’s Friday. The weekend!”

Macsen stared at her with a blank look.

“We need to do something, or I’m gonna lose my mind! I know it’s not your scene, but, come on!”

“I’m not what you’d consider the slickest dancer.”

“So what? No one will notice. You can dance with me. Closely,” Severine emphasized slowly. He stared at her, and she drifted her foot up his thigh. “I’ll be wearing a really short dress,” Severine threw in for good measure.

Macsen groaned and leaned back. “I don’t know.”

“It will be fun, Macsen. I promise,” Severine pleaded lightly.

“I’m sorry, Sev. You should still go.”

“What? And dance by myself?” Severine jokingly asked as she inched her foot upward.

He grabbed it from going any further. “You’ll dance with someone and have fun.”

“And that doesn’t make you jealous?”

“Yes,” he growled and tackled her to the couch. “That’s why I won’t think about it.”

His lips moved to her neck and kissed everywhere. She could feel how hard he was becoming and tried a cruel tactic. Her hips moved against his thighs. His groan sounded tortured.

“You won’t have to think about it if you come with me,” Severine said in a seductive voice; one that usually gave her everything.

She watched as his eyes glazed over as he stared at her. He broke eye contact and placed his forehead on her neck. “It’s not my thing, Sev.”

“Macsen, it’s fine, don’t worry.” Severine paused to wrap her arms around his waist. “I’ll go with Lily and Benji. It will be great. I’ll be that annoying third wheel and barge in on all their conversations.”

His expression was sweet. The stubble he always forgot to shave gave him an edge. But with him right now, Severine saw how gentle he truly was. “Are you going to lose control like you did near Kasser’s?” Severine whispered.

Macsen pulled back and narrowed his eyes. “Are you questioning or wanting?”

He’d probably never push the boundaries too far with them. Severine sometimes wanted that other side of him to come out. She wanted him to be confident and sure. She was his; there wasn’t any other way around it. Her hand dragged the zipper of his hoodie down, and Macsen sat up quickly.

His cheeks turned red, as he took off the piece of clothing. He raised an inquiring eyebrow in Severine’s direction. She nodded her head and grabbed the hem of his dark green t-shirt. “I want, Macsen.”

Next his shirt came off. Severine’s eyebrows immediately jumped up in approval. He was lean, but more muscle was hidden underneath his shirt. His hands rested on his knees, and Severine noticed his abs flex at the movement. When he shifted closer, Severine wrapped her arms around his neck and grabbed onto the dark strands that were always covered with his trademark baseball cap. He suspended his body above hers. “What do you want me to do with you, Severine?”

Her full name never came out of his mouth. When it did, it captured her attention immediately. Her body reacted to the deep, soothing sound of his voice. “I’d like anything you could give me.”

“I don’t know if it’d be enough for you,” Macsen admitted quietly.

Severine pulled him closer. Her lips grazed against his slowly. He still hovered above her, but his warmth started to push closer and closer to her until their bodies touched fully, completely.

Soon, his lips and his tongue skimmed across the seam of her lips. Her arms pressed against his back with force. Macsen’s hands drifted down her stomach towards her jeans; his hands were insistent as he undid the button and lowered the zipper.

Through his pants, she could feel him. Severine shifted her hips, and Macsen’s hands moved across her stomach toward her hips to hike them around his waist. His belt buckle dug into her skin. Even with the discomfort, Severine didn’t want to pull away. All of this felt too good. She didn’t want to ruin this.

The door crashed loudly against the wall. The wall rattled, and Severine’s body completely froze up. She didn’t have to look up to know who was home.

Macsen shifted slightly to discreetly move the waistband of her jeans together. All his action did was rub his dick against her thigh.

His eyes fluttered shut, and Severine smiled. “Bonjour,” she whispered in his ear.

“It’s not funny.”

“Given our situation, and the fact that my pants are close to falling off, there’s nothing left to do but laugh.”

He went to respond. Chris’s loud voice boomed across the room. “F*ck, dude. You’re going to break the door off the hinges!” Chris exclaimed.

Thayer was hidden in the kitchen while Chris noisily dropped his things and kicked off his shoes.

“How are you two love birds?” Chris asked with a cheesy wink. He openly stared at the two of them entwined on the couch.

“Well, I’m effectively finished for the night,” Macsen mumbled against her neck. He pulled away and discreetly zipped up Severine’s pants. “We were doing great until you guys came barging inside.”

Chris held his hands in the air. “Hey. Don’t give me that shit. I didn’t slam the door like a maniac!”

Things slammed around in the kitchen. Severine cringed over the action. She knew what was in store next: Thayer being pissed off at everyone, glaring in Severine’s direction and avoiding any room that had her in it. All she wanted to do was leave. Thayer braced his arms on the kitchen island and practically snarled at Severine. “Don’t you have a f*cking home?”

Severine wanted to choke him. “No, Daddy Warbucks, I don’t. Are you offering? Do you guys want a fourth roommate?”

Macsen laughed next to her and grabbed her around the waist. “God, I’d love that. You could be my roommate. I’d have no problem sharing my bed with you.”

Thayer slammed his mouth shut. For a minute, it look liked he was going to say something else. Nothing came out of his mouth. The muscles corded up his arm clenched tightly, and he pulled away from the counter, disappearing toward the refrigerator.

Severine grabbed Macsen’s hand and squeezed. “I should go.”

He shook his head no, and Chris laughed and dropped himself into the lazy boy. “Are you sure? Your make-out session was so hot.”

Severine gave him a dull stare. Chris only laughed harder.

Macsen cringed and nodded his head. “Yeah. You should go.”

“Aww. You’re leaving so soon?” Thayer crooned from the kitchen entrance. He stood with his arms crossed. Sweat dampened his shirt around the collar and sides. Severine looked away quickly and mumbled a quick good-bye to Chris. There was no point in saying anything to Thayer. Every day things became more and more tense between them. One of them was going to snap soon, and it’d be an ugly battle of wills.

“I’ll see ya later.” Macsen said as he hugged Severine tightly and kissed the top of her head.

“Yep.” She wanted to ask him, hell, plead with him to come with her tonight. She kept her lips pressed together and quickly whispered in his ear, “I’ll stop by later, okay?”

Macsen nodded his head but looked confused.

Severine waited until she was halfway to her car to take a deep breath. How long could the tension keep going before it became impossible to take?