Every Which Way

Chapter Seventeen
Why did Severine torture herself with heels?

They had only been there for an hour and her feet were practically howling at her to chuck the damn black heels across the room and never let them see the light of day again. None of her bitching would change her mind. Severine would keep complaining, and she’d keep buying them just for fashion’s sake. Having piles of shoes that she hardly wore made her nonexistent bank account weep and then caused her to spew out every cuss word her grandma hated.

But it channeled her inner Carrie Bradshaw to lust after every Jimmy Choo and Christian Louboutin available. She got lured into the vicious cycle the minute she stepped into them. She felt lithe and in complete control of her body. It doesn’t hurt to know that when anyone is clad in a pair, everyone stares. They just demand attention.

With one last sip of her drink, Severine pushed it aside, stood on her already blistered feet and walked back to the dance floor. The energy was toxic. Everyone fed off each other as they danced on the floor. She scooted around people before spotting Lily and Ben close together.

Chris stood by them with a girl wrapped around him. He caught her coming in their direction. “You going to dance with me, Save-ah-reeen?” Her name came out slurred. Chris was officially shit-faced.

“Ask me in an hour.”

“You told me that an hour ago!” Chris shouted over the music. For being drunk, he had a freakishly good memory.

“I’m feeling generous.” She held out her hand and he took it, brushing off the girl on him like a piece of lint. It didn’t piss her off—the random chick blended in with everybody else. “I’m gonna warn you once. If your hands go below the waist, I’m giving you a swift kick to the baby maker. And then the world will never be repopulated with tiny Chrises.”

“Follow me, Save-uh-reen!” He held her hand in the air, led her to the floor, and shouted loudly, “Move aside, bitches!”

His actions were hyper. It was a cross between someone doing a jig to get the spider over his or her shoulders, and a person trying to stop, drop, and roll.

By the time they were walking toward Lily and Ben, Severine was exhausted. “You dance like you’re choking!” Severine shouted in his ear.

“It’s the only way to go. It attracts the ladies!”

“To do the Heimlich on you?”

Chris wiggled his eyebrows. “Does that involve her tongue in my mouth?”

The smile on her face faded. Thayer was back at their table with a girl. Everything about her was the opposite of Severine. Short in stature, a bob cut curved around her chin, and from where Severine was sitting, she could see her eyes were dark.

She wanted to snarl her upper lip in disgust, but it was hard to hate someone when they were unaware of the havoc they were creating. The small girl turned and spoke with Thayer. He nodded to her, but focused on Severine.

It was provocative; taunting her to say something. Severine wanted to—there was nothing to lose. Alcohol swam in her veins, making her words come out quicker than normal.

Thayer wanted a response. He was waiting to bite.

The longer she remained silent, the more apparent the frown covering his brow became. Finally, he turned away. His back became hunched as he leaned down and talked to the girl. The picture they made was all wrong.

“Are you having fun?” Lily shouted across the table.

“Of course!”

“Do you miss Mac?” Chris asked and mimicked tears coming down his cheeks.

Both the midget and Thayer turned back to the conversation. Severine subtly shifted her shoulder, blocking them from her sight. “It’d be great if he was here.”

“Dancing has never been his thing,” Chris confessed. “You think I’m bad? Watch Mac dance. He’d make me look like Usher.”

“A drunk Usher,” Ben shouted out.

“Come dance with me, Usher. I want to see your spaztastic moves again.” Severine dragged him away from the table. Away from Thayer.

She stayed there till two in the morning.

“My feet are going to fall off,” Chris moaned. “Unless you’re putting out tonight, I’m going to sit down.”

Severine held on tight and tugged on Chris’s hand. “Come on. One more dance.”

Chris bounced back on his heels and examined Severine. “Dude. Is this about Thayer?”

“Dude, no.”

“I’m not blind.”

“But aren’t you drunk?”

“Correction. I was drunk, and then you challenged me to a dance off for the past hour. Buzz is long gone.”

Severine saw the clarity in his eyes. “To answer you, no, nothing about Thayer. It’s just weird to be the third wheel.” Severine glanced over where everyone stood. “Weirder than I thought.”

“You no longer have to worry about that. Now that I’m going home with no p-ssy, you can tag along with me.”

With more people leaving the building, Severine was able to listen in on Thayer and the tag along. Her name was Vanessa. Vanessa shared a class with Thayer. Vanessa just loved this club. Vanessa was having a great time. Severine walked to the bar and sat down at one of the open barstools.

Impatiently, she drummed her fingers against the counter. The bartender raised an eyebrow in her direction. “I need a shot!”



He absently nodded his head and handed it over as if she was already gone to the world. Unfortunately, she was not. Severine still had eyes that could see clear as day.

Quickly, she gulped down the liquid and chased it down with Coke. It burned. But after a second, the taste wore off, and it wasn’t too bad at all.

Maybe it was fifteen minutes later...maybe an hour. Chris firmly held her elbow. “Easy, killer. We’re gonna leave.”

“Where’s Lily?” Severine shouted.

“I’m here,” Lily calmly replied. She linked arms with Severine, and the two of them walked out the door.

Severine eyes stayed glued to Thayer and Vanessa. They walked in front of her, almost taunting her to say something. Jealousy was a dark, ugly color. It was ironic that it was finding its way into Severine’s heart. She was finding out a lot about herself tonight. Her only hope was that she’d remember none of it tomorrow.

A girlish laugh sounded in front of them. Lily tightened her grip on Severine. “I shouldn’t have brought you here tonight.”

Liquid courage could work in peoples’ favor. For Severine, it was a bad, bad thing. “That girl.” Her finger could barely stay straight as she pointed in front of them. “I’ve never met her.”

“I know,” Lily agreed.

“She’s a bitch.”

Thayer heard every word. Severine wanted to hate him. But it was hard to when it was a move she would’ve done herself.

With her hands tucked deep into her coat pockets, she walked past the couple. Her steps were careful, and she made sure to walk far from where he stood.

“When we get back,” Lily murmured, “take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow you’ll feel better,” she promised.

No amount of promises could kick the fear that had taken up in her conscience. It was rooted deep and refused to leave. She had something with Macsen she needed. Doubts could snatch her thoughts from where she wanted to go, but the facts were clear. Severine’s armor was slowly being ripped away. One more cut, and she wouldn’t know what she wanted anymore.