Cast into Doubt


Shelby had not been home to her condo since she went to Chloe’s house to fill in while they were on the cruise. She was blindsided by the desolation she felt when she walked in. Everything was in order. Her friend Jen, as promised, had collected her mail and watered her plants. The apartment, with its river view twinkling in the night, was neat and elegant as ever. But as she entered the front hall, she wondered automatically if there would be a message on her machine from Chloe. And it was then that it hit her – there would be no message. Not now. Not ever.

As she walked around, turning on the lights, she thought that no one but the doorman knew that she had returned, or cared. She felt ashamed of her own loneliness, as if she had failed to make herself a meaningful life. She went to her computer and checked her mail. There was a message from Chief Giroux and her heart leapt with hope until she read his words. ‘There is no point in continuing the search. All hope is gone.’ Shelby read it several times, tears running down her face, before she replied. Then, she poured herself a glass of wine, sat on her sleek gray sofa and looked out at the swags of lights on the Ben Franklin Bridge.

In the darkness, beneath the Ben Franklin, the Delaware River flowed to the Bay. And the Bay, she knew, emptied, at the tip of New Jersey, into the Atlantic. And the Atlantic, far away to the south, merged with the Caribbean. And in the Caribbean, on its white sand floor, Chloe. The shell that was Chloe’s living body, now drowned, was somewhere snagged on a reef or entangled in the sea grass. All the water is connected, she thought. Merged and connected. She stared at the sparkling onyx surface of the river, and felt a glacial chill trickling through her veins.

She slept badly and the next morning Shelby was up early and dressed long before it was time for her to leave. She arrived at the Markson’s Store about half an hour before her appointment with Perry, rode the elevator to the fifth floor and entered her old office. Her assistant, Rosellen, a brown-skinned Wharton grad with shoulder-length cornrows in her hair, was hunched over her computer entering figures into a program. She looked up from her work and, to Shelby’s relief, a look of genuine pleasure and surprise crossed the girl’s face as she recognized her boss.

‘Shelby,’ she cried. ‘I didn’t know you were coming in.’ Rosellen got up from her desk, came around and gave her boss an unrestrained hug. ‘I am so sorry about Chloe,’ she said.

Shelby thanked her.

‘You should have let me know you were coming in,’ Rosellen chided her. ‘I’ve got a list a mile long of people who want to see you.’

Shelby had not realized, until that moment, how unready she was to get back to work. She glanced into her office and saw piles of folders and photos on her desk and racks of clothing, tags dangling from the sleeves, hanging against the wall. Normally, the sight of those unfinished tasks filled her with energy and determination. Today, she just wanted to avert her eyes. ‘As far as those people are concerned, I’m not here,’ said Shelby. ‘I’m only in because I have an appointment with Perry Wilcox.’

Rosellen frowned. ‘The security guy?’

Shelby nodded and decided not to explain. ‘How’s it going around here? Managing all right without me?’

‘It’s a madhouse,’ Rosellen admitted, sitting down beside Shelby on the low sofa that took up one wall of the office. The coffee table in front of it was piled high with fashion magazines. ‘Elliott Markson has been . . . hands on, shall we say.’

‘I’m sorry,’ said Shelby.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Rosellen said stoutly. ‘I can handle him. You don’t need to be worrying about anything around here. Not until you’re ready.’

Shelby stood up. ‘Thanks. I’d better get over to Perry’s office.’ She waved and went out into the hallway and down the corridor to the security office. Perry Wilcox was waiting for her, looking calm and well-groomed as usual. Perry was not yet sixty, but he had an avuncular air, and the bearing of an older man. His thinning hair was neatly combed back, and he wore silver-rimmed glasses. Perry offered her a chair in the inner office and closed the door.

‘I have not been idle,’ Perry said, ‘since I received your email, Shelby. I don’t personally have a lot of experience with this area of investigation, but I made some phone calls and talked to several colleagues who were helpful.’

‘What did they suggest?’ she asked.

Perry sat down behind his desk and folded his hands on his immaculate blotter. ‘First of all, I want to do a background check on all the staff of the ship.’

‘Yes, absolutely,’ said Shelby.

‘And I’ll request copies of the security tapes.’

‘I saw them,’ Shelby said. ‘The police showed them to me in St Thomas.’

‘With all due respect, you were in no condition to know what to look for. I’m also going to ask the cruise line for a copy of Chloe’s charge card and that of her husband. These will show what they bought, where they went on board, and when they came and went from their room.’

‘OK,’ said Shelby.

‘One investigator whom I spoke to suggested that you may want to post a reward for information.’

‘But the police talked to everyone on the ship. I mean, if anyone had had information, wouldn’t they have said so?’

‘Shelby, these ships can have upwards of 2500 passengers,’ Perry said patiently. ‘It is not possible that they talked to everyone on the ship. And nothing loosens the tongue like the opportunity for a little financial gain.’

Shelby nodded grimly. ‘I’m sure that’s true. Where do we post it?’

‘Well, ideally we would want to email every passenger on the ship’s manifest,’ he said.


‘That’s the list of all passengers and their addresses. This would be useful to have for another reason. You could examine it and see if anyone on board that ship might have had a personal connection to your daughter. We need to know if there was anyone on that boat who had a disagreement with her or wished her ill. Other than her husband, of course.’

Shelby stared at him. ‘You suspect him,’ she said flatly.

‘I mean,’ said Perry, ‘obviously her husband was the only person, that we know of, who might have wanted to harm her. That’s why we need the list. To see if there might be anyone else. Any name that rings a bell.’

‘That makes sense,’ Shelby agreed. ‘Can we do that?’

‘Well, it’s difficult. The cruise ship line will probably refuse to give it to us. They’ll cite privacy reasons. One attorney I spoke to told me that, in a similar matter, he was able to get a subpoena, and all the cruise line produced was a list of passengers with no contact information.’

‘That’s so unfair.’

‘It’s bad publicity. They want it to go away,’ Perry said.

‘So you’re saying we can’t get it,’ Shelby said dejectedly.

‘The police in St Thomas may have requested and received the manifest. I’ll check with them.’

Shelby nodded. ‘Chief Giroux was very nice. He tried to be helpful.’ Shelby recalled the words in the chief’s email. ‘All hope is gone,’ he had written. She knew that he was telling her this for her own good. It was time to face it. In her reply, she had sorrowfully, reluctantly agreed to end the search.

Perry unfolded his hands and wrote a note on a pad on his desk. ‘G-I-?’

‘R-O-U-X.’ Shelby finished the spelling. ‘Anything else?’

Perry hesitated. ‘I have to ask. Does your daughter’s husband know that you wish to reopen this investigation?’ Shelby avoided his gaze. ‘I haven’t mentioned it to him,’ she said.

Perry nodded, a knowing expression in his eyes. ‘Are you aware of whether your son-in-law took a polygraph test in St Thomas?’

Shelby’s eyes widened. ‘No, I don’t know.’

Perry nodded. ‘I will ask Chief Giroux when I speak to him.’

Part of Shelby wanted to pursue his question. Part of her did not want to hear what he was thinking. ‘Is there any hope at all of finding out what really happened to Chloe?’

Perry nodded. ‘Of course there’s hope. That’s why you got in touch with me, right? Now, try not to worry.’ He stood up. ‘I will let you know as soon as I know anything.’

Shelby reached into her purse and fished out her checkbook. ‘All right. That’s good enough for me. Let me just give you a check now and then, at the end, you can make me out a bill . . .’

Perry raised a hand. ‘No, no,’ he said. He shook his head. ‘No payment necessary. I’m going to treat this as company business. You’re a valued employee here at Markson’s. It’s what Mr Markson would have wanted.’

Albert Markson, Shelby thought. She wasn’t sure at all that Elliott would feel the same way. ‘Are you sure? I’d be glad to pay you, Perry.’

Perry shook his head. ‘I don’t want it to seem like I’m moonlighting,’ he said. ‘Let’s just keep this between us, shall we?’

Shelby stood up. They shook hands.

‘You’ll hear from me, soon,’ he said.

‘I can’t thank you enough,’ said Shelby.

‘You lost your only child,’ Perry said. ‘It’s the least I can do.’

Patricia MacDonald's books