Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception



OPAL Kobois shuttle was a concept model that had never gone into mass production. It was years ahead of anything on the market, but its skin of stealth ore and cam foil made the cost of such a vehicle so exorbitant that even Opal Koboi couldnt have afforded one without the government grants that had helped to pay for it.


Scant secured the prisoners in the passenger bay, while Merv piloted them across to Scotland, then underground through a mountain river in the Highlands. Opal busied herself making sure that her other plan, the one involving world domination, was proceeding smoothly.


She folded up the screen on a video phone, dialling a connection to Sicily. The person at the other end picked up in the middle of the first ring.


Belinda, my dear. Is it you?


The man who had answered was in his late forties, with Latin good looks and grey-streaked black hair framing his tanned face. He wore a white lab coat over an open-necked, striped Versace shirt.


Yes, Papa. Its me. Dont worry, I am safe.


Opals voice was layered with the hypnotic mesmer. The poor human was utterly in her power, as he had been for over a month.


When are you coming home, my dear? I miss you.


Today, Papa, in a few hours. How is everything there?


The man smiled dreamily. Molto bene. Wonderful. The weather is fine. We can take a drive to the mountains. Perhaps I can teach you to ski.


Opal frowned impatiently. Listen to me, idiota . . . Papa. How is everything with the probe? Are we on schedule?


For a moment, a flash of annoyance wrinkled the Italians brow, then he was bewitched again.


Yes, my dear. Everything is on schedule. The explosive pods are being buried today. The probes systems check was a resounding success.


Opal clapped her hands, the picture of a delighted daughter. Excellent, Papa. You are so good to your little Belinda. I will be with you soon.


Hurry home, my dear, said the man, who seemed to be utterly lost without the creature he believed to be his daughter.


Opal ended the call. Fool, she said contemptuously. But Giovanni Zito would be allowed to live at least until the probe he was constructing to her specifications punctured the Lower Elements.


Now that she had spoken to Zito, Opal was eager to concentrate on the probe portion of her plan. Revenge was certainly sweet, but it was also a distraction. Perhaps she should just dump these two from the shuttle and let the Earths magma core have them.


Merv, she barked. How long to the theme park?


Merv checked the instruments on the shuttles dashboard. Weve just entered the main chute network, Miss Koboi. Five hours, he called over his shoulder. Perhaps less.


Five hours, mused Opal, curling in her bucket seat like a contented cat. She could spare jive hours.


Some time later, Artemis and Holly were stirring in their seats. Scant helped them back into consciousness with a couple of jolts from a buzz baton.


Welcome back to the land of the condemned, said Opal. How do you like my shuttle?


The craft was impressive, even if it was ferrying Artemis and Holly to their deaths. The seats were covered with illegally harvested fur and the decor was plusher than your average palace. There were small entertainment hologram cubes suspended from the ceiling, in case the passengers wanted to watch a movie.


Holly began to squirm when she noticed what she was sitting on.


Fur! You animal!


No, said Opal. Youre sitting on the animals. As I told you, I am human now. And that is what humans do, skin animals for their own comfort. Isnt that right, Master Fowl?


Some do, said Artemis coolly. Not me personally.


Really, Artemis, said Opal archly. I hardly think that qualifies you for sainthood. From what I hear, youre just as eager to exploit the People as I am.


Perhaps. I dont remember.


Opal rose from her seat and fixed herself a light salad from the buffet.


Of course, they mind-wiped you. But surely you must remember now? Not even your subconscious could deny that this is happening.


Artemis concentrated. He could remember something. Vague, out-of-focus images. Nothing very specific.


I do remember something.


Opal lifted her eyes from her plate. Yes?


Artemis fixed her with a cool stare. I remember how Foaly defeated you before with superior intellect. I am certain he will do it again.


Of course Artemis had not truly remembered this, he was simply repeating what Holly had told him. But the statement had the desired effect.


That ridiculous centaur! shrieked Opal, hurling her plate against the wall. He was lucky, and I was hampered by that idiot, Cudgeon. Not this time. This time I am the architect of my own fate. And of yours.


And what is it this time? Artemis asked mockingly. Another orchestrated rebellion? Or perhaps a mechanical dinosaur?


Eoin Colfer's books