When the Heart Falls

I turn to Winter, who's sitting up in bed, clutching the sheet to her, shivering in the darkness. I want to crawl back into bed with her, to make love to her and fall back into our paradise where everything was perfect and sadness was just a distant memory, but that paradise has shattered, and I can't go back to it.

I will leave her here alone to return home, and in the process ruin any chance I had of passing this French class and going to New York. Whatever dreams we had, they are just that. Dreams.

Reality always comes crashing in.

But what does school and career matter when my little brother is lying on his deathbed wondering why I'm not there with him? While my mother sits by his side alone, because I was too stubborn and stupid to answer the fucking phone, and now she's lost me and my dad.

It only takes a minute to pack my book bag and put shoes on. I can't look at Winter, but I hear her crying. Still, she doesn't speak, and she can't get out of bed naked while my father stands in the doorway.

When I can't put it off any longer, I sit on the edge of the bed and wrap my arms around her, kissing her with everything in me. I taste tears in these bittersweet kisses and it breaks my heart again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you, Winter, that's not going to change."

She nods, wipes a tear from my face and holds my hand to her heart. "Go be with your family. I'll be okay. I love you, too, Cade. Don't forget that."

With a last kiss, I turn away from her, away from my future and the life I wanted more than anything, and walk out the door with my father to face another death.



MY DAD IS in a mood by the time we reach the airport and get a flight out of Paris.

He tried talking, which turned to yelling and accusations, and now we’re in the stony silence phase of our communication.

My phone beeps and I pull it out, reading the text from Winter.

I love you. I’m sorry about your brother. Be safe.

“Cade, quit messing with your phone. We have to board. You’ve made us late enough with all of your dallying.”

Nothing and no one makes me angrier than my father, expect maybe Rodney. Shoving the phone in my pocket, I grab my carry-on and boarding ticket.

I may have to leave Paris, but my heart will stay. I send a silent message to Winter, hoping her heart can hear it.

I'm sorry, Winter. But I have to leave. I’ll never stop loving you.



HE'S GONE. HIS side of the bed is still warm. I can still smell him on the pillow, but he's left me. I lie awake all night shivering, tears leaking out of my eyes until a wet spot forms under my head, but I don't move. The moment the sun rises I get up, splash water over my face and swollen eyes, pack up my belongings and take the bus to the train back to Paris.

The moment I enter my dorm room, Jenifer throws herself at me in a one-sided hug. I don't reciprocate.

"O.M.G. You're back!" she says.

Obviously. "You want to get out of here and do something?"

Jenifer smiles. "Sure!"

I change into jeans and a t-shirt. "Let's leave the city, see the wine country."

Her side of the room is a mess, clothes tossed everywhere, some of her shit is even on my bed. She hustles to remove her stuff from my side of the room. "We have classes this afternoon."

I shrug. "My grades are good."

Jenifer pauses in her last minute tidying and looks up at me wide-eyed. "Who are you, and what have you done with my friend, Winter?"

"Haha. Funny. I'm just bored. So, are you coming?"

It doesn't take much convincing. "Let me get my stuff." She touches up her makeup, which looks freshly applied, sheds her jeans for a mini-skirt and tube top and grabs her purse.

I'm already heading for the door while she hops on one foot to get her high heels on and catch up to me.

I glance back. "Bring Duke."

She pauses. "Is this a double date?"

"No. Cade's gone." I leave the room and close the door as she finishes getting ready.

Duke picks us up in his Renault outside our dorms. His fancy French car is too small, and I'm forced to squeeze into the backseat while Jenifer and Duke practically dry hump in the front.

"I know good place," Duke says when they come up for air. "Show you good time."

He drives us out of Paris, the bustling city life turning to pastures and grazing livestock as hours pass. My mind is numb, and I ignore the banter of the couple in the front seat.

By the time we arrive somewhere in the country, it's dark and my body is full of cramps.

I crawl out of the car, stretching the pain out as I scan the fields around us. Duke leads us to a lake, and he and Jenifer set up tents and a picnic.

I'm sick of picnics and sick of lovers, but I eat while Duke and Jenifer drink bottles of wine and rum. They don't offer me any and I don't ask.

Halfway through the second bottle of wine, Duke notices me. "You okay?"

"Don't I look okay?"

"You look tense. My mother look like that when she argue with my father."

"Your parents argue often?"

"I don't know. As soon as I turn eighteen, I get my ass out of there."

"You don't talk to them at all?"

Duke shakes his head. "My father crazy. My mother stupid."