Theft of Swords (The Riyria Revelations #1-2)

RIONILLION: \ri-on-ill-lon\ Name of the city that first stood on the site of Aquesta but was destroyed during the civil wars that occurred after the fall of the Novronian Empire

RIYRIA: \rye-ear-ah\ Elvish for two, a team or a bond

RONDEL: Common type of stiff-bladed dagger with a round handgrip

ROSE AND THORN, THE: Tavern in Medford run by Gwen DeLancy, used as a base by Riyria

ROSWORT, KING: Ruler of Dunmore

ROYCE MELBORN: Thief, one-half of Riyria

RUFUS, LORD: Ruthless northern warlord, respected by the south

RUSSELL BOTHWICK: Farmer in Dahlgren, husband of Lena

SALIFAN: \sal-eh-fan\ Fragrant wild plant used in incense

SAULY: Nickname of Maurice Saldur, used by those closest to him

SENON UPLAND: Highland plateau overlooking Chadwick

SENTINEL: Inquisitor generals of the Nyphron Church, charged with rooting out heresy and finding the lost Heir of Novron

SERET: \sir-ett\ Knights of Nyphron. The military arm of the church first formed by Lord Darius Seret, who was charged with finding the Heir of Novron.

SHERIDAN UNIVERSITY: Prestigious institution of learning, located in Ghent

SPADONE: Long two-handed sword with a tapering blade and an extended flange ahead of the hilt allowing for an extended variety of fighting maneuvers. Due to the length of the handgrip and the flange, which provides its own barbed hilt, the sword provides a number of additional hand placements, permitting the sword to be used similarly to a quarterstaff, as well as a powerful cleaving weapon. The spadone is the traditional weapon of a skilled knight.

SUMMERSRULE: Popular midsummer holiday celebrated with picnics, dances, feasts, and jousting tournaments

TABARD: A tunic worn over armor usually emblazoned with a coat of arms

TEK’CHIN: Single fighting discipline of the Teshlor Knights that was preserved by the Knights of the Fauld and handed down to the Pickerings

TENENT: Most common form of semi-standard international currency. Coins of gold, silver, and copper stamped with the likeness of the king of the realm where the coin was minted.

TERLANDO BAY: Harbor of Tur Del Fur

TESHLORS: Legendary knights of the Novronian Empire, greatest warriors ever to have lived

THERON WOOD: Father of Thrace Wood, farmer of Dahlgren

THRACE WOOD: Daughter of Theron and Addie

TILINER: Superior side sword used frequently by mercenaries in Avryn

TOBIS RENTINUAL: History professor at Sheridan University

TOLIN ESSENDON: Son of Brodric, who moved the capital to Medford and built Essendon Castle

TOMAS, DEACON: Priest of Dahlgren village

TORSONIC: Torque-producing, as in the cable used in crossbows

TRENT: Northern mountainous kingdoms


TUR: Small legendary village believed to have once been in Delgos, site of the first recorded visit of Kile, mythical source of great weapons

TUR DEL FUR: Coastal city in Delgos, on Terlando Bay, originally built by dwarves

UBERLIN: The god of the Dacca and the Ghazel, son of Erebus and his daughter, Muriel

URITH, KING: Ruler of Ratibor

VALIN, LORD: Elderly knight of Melengar known for his valor and courage but lacking strategic skills

VANDON: Port city of Delgos, home to the Vandom Spice Company, which began as a pirate haven until Delgos became a republic, when it became a legitimate business

VENLIN, PATRIARCH: Head of the Nyphron Church during the fall of the Novronian Empire

VERNES: Port city at the mouth of the Bernum River

VILLEIN: Person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord

VINCE GRIFFIN: Dahlgren village founder

WARRIC: Kingdom of Avryn, ruled by Ethelred

WESBADEN: Major trade port city of Calis

WESTBANK: Newly formed province of Dunmore

WESTERLANDS: Unknown frontier to the west

WICEND: \why-send\ Farmer in Melengar who lends his name to the ford that crosses the Galewyr into Glouston

WINDS ABBEY: Monastery of the Monks of Maribor near Lake Windermere in western Melengar

WINTERTIDE: Chief holiday, held in midwinter, celebrated by feasts and jousts

WYATT DEMINTHAL: Onetime ship captain, father of Allie

WYLIN: \why-lynn\ Master-at-arms at Essendon Castle


about the author

After finding a manual typewriter in the basement of a friend’s house, Michael J. Sullivan inserted a blank piece of paper and typed It was a dark and stormy night, and a shot rang out. He was just eight. Still, the desire to fill the blank page and see where the keys would take him next wouldn’t let go. As an adult, Michael spent ten years developing his craft by reading and studying authors such as Stephen King, Ayn Rand, and John Steinbeck, to name just a few. He wrote ten novels, and after finding no traction in publishing, he quit, vowing never to write creatively again.

Michael discovered forever is a very long time and ended his writing hiatus ten years later. The itch returned when he decided to write books for his then thirteen-year-old daughter, who was struggling in school because of dyslexia. Intrigued by the idea of a series with an overarching story line, yet told through individual, self-contained episodes, he created the Riyria Revelations. He wrote the series with no intention of publishing it. After presenting his book in manuscript form to his daughter, she declared that it had to be a “real book,” in order for her to be able to read it.

So began his second adventure on the road to publication, which included drafting his wife to be his business manager, signing with a small independent press, and creating a publishing company. He sold more than sixty thousand books as a self-published author and leveraged this success to achieve mainstream publication through Orbit (the fantasy imprint of Hachette Book Group) as well as foreign translation rights including French, Spanish, Russian, German, Polish, and Czech.

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Michael presently lives in Fairfax, Virginia, with his wife and three children. He continues to fill the blank pages with three projects under development: a modern fantasy, which explores the relationship between good and evil; a literary fiction piece, profiling a man’s descent into madness; and a medieval fantasy, which will be a prequel to his best-selling Riyria Revelations series.

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