Theft of Swords (The Riyria Revelations #1-2)

GLENMORGAN III: Grandson of Glenmorgan. Shortly after assuming the stewardship, he attempted to reassert control over the realm his grandfather had created by leading an army against the invading Ghazel that had reached southeastern Avryn. He defeated the Ghazel at the First Battle of Vilan Hills and announced plans to ride to the aid of Tur Del Fur. Fearing his rise in power, in the sixth year of his reign, his nobles betrayed and imprisoned him in Blythin Castle. Jealous of his popularity and growing strength, and resentful of his policy of stripping the nobles and clergy of their power, the church charged him with heresy. He was found guilty and executed. This began the rapid collapse of what many called the Steward’s Empire. The church later claimed the nobles had tricked them, and condemned many, most of whom reputedly ended their lives badly.

GLOUSTON: Province of northern Warric bordering on the Galewyr River, ruled by the marquis Lanaklin

GREAT SWORD: Long sword designed to be held with both hands

GRIGOLES: \gry-holes\ Author of Grigoles Treatise on Imperial Common Law

GUARDIAN OF THE HEIR: Teshlor Knight sworn to protect the Heir of Novron

GUTARIA: \goo-tar-ah\ Secret Nyphron prison designed to hold Esrahaddon

GWEN DELANCY: Calian prostitute and proprietor of Medford House and The Rose and Thorn Tavern

HADRIAN BLACKWATER: Mercenary, one-half of Riyria

HALBERD: Two-handed pole used as a weapon

HEIR OF NOVRON: Direct descendant of demigod Novron, destined to rule all of Avryn

HELDABERRY: Wild-growing fruit often used to make wine

HESLON, BROTHER: Monk of Maribor, great cook

HILFRED: Bodyguard of Princess Arista

HIMBOLT, BARON: Nobleman of Melengar

HOUSE, THE: Nickname used for Medford House

HOYTE: Onetime First Officer of the Black Diamond

IMPERIALISTS: Political party that desires to unite all the kingdoms of men under a single leader who is the direct descendant of the demigod Novron

JADE: Assassin in the Black Diamond, girlfriend of Cutter, friend of Royce

JERISH GRELAD: Teshlor Knight and first Guardian of the Heir

JERL, LORD: Neighbor of the Pickerings known for his prizewinning hunting dogs

JULIAN TEMPEST: Chamberlain of Melengar

KILE: Master sword smith, named used by Erebus when in the form of a man

KRINDEL: Prelate of the Nyphron Church and historian

KRIS DAGGER: Weapon with a wavy blade, sometimes used in magic rituals

LANAKLIN: Ruling family of Glouston

LANIS ETHELRED: \eth-el-red\ King of Warric, Imperialist

LANKSTEER: Capital city of the Lordium kingdom of Trent

LENA BOTHWICK: Wife of Russell, farmer in Dahlgren

LENARE PICKERING: Daughter of Count Pickering and Belinda, sister of Mauvin, Fanen, and Denek

LINGARD: Capital city of Relison, kingdom of Trent

LONGWOOD: Forest in Melengar

LOTHOMAD, KING: Lothomad the Bald, ruler of Lordium, Trent, expanded territory dramatically following the collapse of the Steward’s Reign, pushing south through Ghent into Melengar, where Brodric Essendon defeated him in the Battle of Drondil Fields in 2545

LOWER QUARTER: Impoverished section of the city of Medford

LUIS GUY: Sentinel of the Nyphron Church


MANDALIN: \man-dah-lynn\ Capital of Calis

MANZANT: \man-zahnt\ Infamous prison and salt mine located in Manzar, Maranon

MARANON: \mar-ah-non\ Kingdom in Avryn, ruled by Vincent and Regina

MARES CATHEDRAL: Center of the Nyphron Church in Melengar, run by Bishop Saldur

MARIBOR: \mar-eh-bore\ God of men

MASON GRUMON: \grum-on\ Blacksmith in Medford

MAURICE SALDUR, BISHOP: Head of Nyphron Church in Melengar, friend of the Essendon ruling family

MAUVIN PICKERING: \maw-vin\ Eldest of Count Pickering’s sons

MCDERN: Peasant family living in Dahlgren

MEDFORD: Capital of Melengar

MEDFORD HOUSE: Brothel run by Gwen DeLancy and attached to The Rose and Thorn Tavern

MELENGAR: \mel-in-gar\ Kingdom in Avryn, ruled by the Essendon royal family

MELENGARIANS: Residents of Melengar

MELISSA: Head servant of Princess Arista, nickname Missy

MERCS: Mercenaries

MERLONS: Solid section between two crenels in a crenellated battlement

MERTON, MONSIGNOR: Eccentric priest from Ghent, known to talk aloud to Maribor

MILLIE: Hadrian’s horse

MIR: Person with both elven and human blood

MONTEMORCEY: \mont-eh-more-ah-sea\ Excellent wine imported through the Vandom Spice Company

MOTTE: Man-made hill

MOUSE: Royce’s horse

MURIEL: Goddess of nature, daughter of Erebus, mother of Uberlin

MYRON: Monk of Maribor, son of Victor, brother of Alenda

NAREION: \nare-e-on\ Last emperor of the Novronian Empire

NATIONALISTS: Political party led by Degan Gaunt that desires rule by the will of the people

NEVRIK: \nehv-rick\ Son of Nareion, the heir who went into hiding

NIDWALDEN RIVER: Marks the eastern border of Avryn and the start of the Erivan realm

NOVRON: Savior of mankind, son of the god Maribor, demigod who defeated the elven army in the Great Elven Wars, founder of the Novronian Empire, builder of Percepliquis

NOVRONIAN: \nov-ron-e-on\ Pertaining to Novron

NYPHRON CHURCH: The worshipers of Novron and Maribor, his father

NYPHRONS: \nef-rons\ Devout members of the church

PARTHALOREN FALLS: \path-ah-lore-e-on\ The great cataracts on the Nidwalden near Avempartha

PATRIARCH: Head of the Nyphron Church who lives in the Crown Tower of Ervanon

PAULDRON: A piece of armor covering the shoulder at the junction of the body piece and the arm piece

PERCEPLIQUIS: \per-sep-lah-kwiss\ The ancient capital of the Novronian Empire, named for the wife of Novron

PERCY BRAGA, ARCHDUKE: Lord Chancellor of Melengar, winner of the title of Grand Circuit Tournament Champion in Swords, the Silver Shield, and Golden Laurel; uncle to Alric and Arista, having married King Amrath’s sister

PICKERING: Noble family of Melengar and rulers of Galilin. Count Pickering is known to be the best swordsman in Avryn and believed to use a magic sword.

PICKILERINON: Seadric, who shortened the family name to Pickering

PLESIEANTIC INCANTATION: \plass-e-an-tic\ A method used in the Art to draw power from nature

PRICE: First Officer of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild

RATIBOR: Capital of the kingdom of Rhenydd

RENDON, BARON: Nobleman of Melengar

RENIAN, BROTHER: \rhen-e-ahn\ Childhood friend of Myron the monk

RHELACAN: \rell-ah-khan\ Great sword that Maribor tricked Drome into forging and Ferrol into enchanting, given to Novron to defeat the elves

RHENYDD: \ren-yaed\ Kingdom of Avryn, ruled by King Urith

RILAN VALLEY: Fertile land that separates Glouston and Chadwick