The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

"Be at peace, soldier of Halaran," Tiesto said. "No one should be alone tonight, least of all you."

At the Terra Cathedral, a young man and a young woman, both clean and fresh, mounted the steps hand in hand, climbing up to the tall wooden door that barred the entrance to the spectacular building the Halrana had dedicated to the Lord of the Earth.

Two red-faced guards, evidently jovial from the empty wine bladder at their feet, rose to bar the entrance, but then one of them grabbed his fellow's arm when he saw who it was.

"Lord Marshal," the guard said, "it's all as you asked."

Amber thought about the prison camp and placed her hand on Miro's arm. "Miro, I… I don't like enclosed spaces. Or even dark ones."

Miro turned to Amber and smiled. "Amber, I'm a soldier. I've spent the last year or more sleeping outdoors, in pavilions or under the stars. I like the Crystal Palace — you'll like it, too — but anywhere else is too confining for me too."

Amber smiled in return, following Miro into the cathedral as he pushed open the door.

The domed room was massive, airy and light, with nightlamps in sconces and scenes of growing life decorated on the inside of the dome. It was a place of warmth and beauty.

With Amber's hand still clasped in his, Miro led her up the stairs that wound along the inside of the dome. At the top, they went through a tiny doorway and Amber once more smelled the freshness of the air outside. The night was cool, but there was no chance of rain. From below, they heard the sounds of the people singing.

A wide platform rested against the outside of the curved dome, and Miro now led Amber along the walkway to a flat area, open to the air and fenced by a low stone rail.

Thick cushioned carpets were spread on the expansive floor, with piles of pillows, plates of food, shining nightlamps, and flasks of water and wine. Coverlets were folded near the pillows.

"Only the priests come here," Miro said. "Do you see where we are? We're on top of the Terra Cathedral, between the four spires."

Amber looked up and gasped. The stars shone down from an amazingly clear sky, while at the top of each spire a glowing prism cycled through a series of warm colours.

"I asked the High Lord for somewhere special," Miro said, "and this is what he gave me. There's a bedchamber just through that door there if you'd prefer to go inside, and there's a washbasin in a second chamber.

"Miro," Amber said, "it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it."

"I know you've had a tough…"

"Shh," Amber hushed. "Yes, it's war, and it's been difficult for everyone. But thinking of you is what got me through. I love you. I always have."

"I'm a fool," Miro said.

"No you're not," Amber said. "You're a man." She pulled him down to the soft covers. "Please, show me that you're my man."

That night in Ralanast was a night when no one was alone. Some slept in a lover's arms, while others danced the night away.

And at least one couple made up for lost time.


PRIMATE Melovar Aspen brooded in his lush chambers at the Imperial Palace in Seranthia when two separate messages came to tell him he was losing the war.

When Melovar had first heard about the desert men and their siege of Tlaxor he'd diverted the legionnaires he was sending to Halaran and instead sent them towards Petrya. While the reinforcements were still travelling, where they wouldn't do anyone any good, the first message arrived to tell him that this desert prince had conquered the unconquerable city. Prince Ilathor had somehow crossed the boiling waters of Lake Halapusa to the Petryan capital, storming the gates and taking the city.

The Petryans were now out of the war.

Haptut Alwar was dead — caught trying to flee, they said — and the warriors of Raj Hazara would soon be pouring through the Gap of Garl and heading for Tingara and their evident goal, Seranthia.

Then the second message arrived. Moragon, the fool, had been touring Loua Louna when the Alturans crossed over into Halaran, and by the time he'd turned back to seize command of the situation, the Alturan commander had retaken several towns and then liberated Ralanast itself.

Moragon's men in the Ring Forts tried to drive through to the city, but they'd encountered a second army left in waiting for this very eventuality. After a great battle near Mornhaven, the Alturans had left the field victors, and soon the Ring Forts would once again be in the possession of the allies.

Moragon had been forced to pull back to the Azure Plains in Torakon. His position in Loua Louna was untenable, he said.

He then told Melovar the latest piece of bad news with his customary directness. After a coup in Vezna, High Lord Dimitri Corizon had been removed from power.

Now the Veznans, also, were out of the war.

The Primate looked at the ancient book of the Evermen, holding its secrets fast as it sat innocuously nearby. He picked it up and hurled it at the ground.

A guard poked his head in.

James Maxwell's books