The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

Then Miro was at the gate, a tall tower of stone to either side of him. Orbs rained down; the Black Army were insanely killing their own men. The explosions were reflected from Miro's armoursilk, with only the shrapnel and bone splintering Miro's cheeks.

He despatched a Tingaran with two blows, the warrior falling to one knee, and then Miro saw an imperial avenger making its way towards him, twisting and turning with its strange gait. Miro used the Tingaran's back as a board to launch himself high in the air, his zenblade held over his head, the song from his lips never ceasing. The barbs of the avenger's flail tore at his armoursilk, but still Miro continued his trajectory. He took the avenger's head from its shoulders, landing with both feet on the ground as the body crumpled to the earth.

Miro next took down two surprised legionnaires, then he saw Halrana soldiers in brown over the heads of those he was fighting, and sensed the press of his own army behind him. Crushed between the two forces, the warriors in black started to throw down their swords. Those of the enemy who didn't surrender turned and fled. The two forces met and Miro's army surged into the city. The gate was won.

Marshal Beorn swiftly gave assignments to the green and brown-clad soldiers. Panting, Miro lowered his zenblade, allowing the runes to fade. He knew Beorn would take control, sending the men throughout the city — although it seemed the rising Halrana had done most of the hard work already. Calm began to descend as the final pockets of resistance were crushed one by one.

Another bladesinger stood in front of Miro, with his back to him. He was a tall man — as tall as Miro himself — and lean, with grey in his dark hair, yet he wore his armoursilk like it truly belonged on his form.

Soldiers in brown ran up to the bladesinger, the man responding with curt orders. Then the bladesinger turned, and as Miro saw the man's face in profile, the ugly scars and weathered features, and noticed the raj hada across his breast, Miro began to smile.

"So they made you a marshal?" he called above the explosions and shouts of a battle still in its last throes. The bladesinger turned in surprise when Miro called out. The two tall men in green faced each other. Miro knew this was the man who'd made him who he was today.

"I always knew you couldn't follow orders," Rogan Jarvish said, in the same voice he'd once used to berate Miro at the Pens in Sarostar. "Lord Marshal, eh?"

"Something like that," Miro said, grinning. "We all thought you were dead. Lord of the Sky, I could have used your help." He looked around at the blood-splattered Halrana. "But it looks like you found some people who could use it more."

Rogan stepped forward and he and Miro embraced, Miro's old teacher evidently embarrassed when a cheer erupted from the soldiers around them.

"Ah, there he is. High Lord Tiesto Telmarran," Rogan said when they separated, "this is Lord Marshal Miro Torresante, my best student."

"I had a good teacher." Miro smiled. "It's an honour, High Lord."

"Thank you, Lord Marshal," Tiesto said. "I still have not been named High Lord…"

"But you've earned it," Rogan growled. "Don't be a fool, man. After today, there isn't a man here who won't follow you to the ends of the empire."

"Which is where we'll likely end up," Miro said. He shook his head. "Please, don't thank me, High Lord. Half of my men didn't even participate. The uprising has been well-planned and bravely fought."

"There's still more to be done," Tiesto said. "I must go." He turned to Rogan. "Marshal Rogan, I've sent five hundred men to the prison camp. Amelia will be fine."

Tiesto departed, and with his final words Miro felt a terrible squeezing feeling in his chest. "I've heard about the camp. Where is it? I'm leaving to…"

"Miro," Rogan said, "we've freed the camp. It's done. A woman there helped us."

Miro opened his mouth, and suddenly the act of asking about her was the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life.

"The prisoners…?"

"It was a dark time for them. Many were taken away, murdered to feed some evil magic of the Primate's. We were able to free thousands of them. That's all I can say."

"There was a young woman," Miro said. "I don't know if she was with them, or even if she was taken prisoner. I lost her, at the Bridge of Sutanesta."

"I'm sorry, Miro," Rogan said. "If she's living, I promise you, I'll help get her back to you."

Miro nodded, unable to ask more. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to ask Rogan where the rescued prisoners had been taken.

"Ah," Rogan said, spotting someone over Miro's shoulder, "there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Miro turned.

"Enchantress Amber Samson, meet Lord Marshal Miro Torresante."


"MY LAST name is Rosalie," Amber said. "My husband was killed."

James Maxwell's books