The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

Amber had thought about this meeting for so long that she couldn't believe it was happening. He had changed — Lord of the Sky, he had changed — but if anything the resolve in the lines of his mouth and the thin scar that ran from below his left eye to his jaw line added something strong and indefinable to his character.

The last time she had seen him was at her graduation from the Academy of Enchanters in Sarostar; what felt like a lifetime ago. He had told her then that he was being sent to the front — and now he was the Lord Marshal.

Amber remembered the day so clearly because it was the day she realised that he'd finally come to terms with the way he felt about her. It was nothing he'd said; it was in the way he'd sat close to her, their legs touching, and the surreptitious glances he'd given her when he'd thought she wasn't looking.

Amber had been married then, but now Igor Samson was gone. But there was so much she knew she should tell him but was terrified to say. How could she ever tell him about how she'd given herself to Moragon? How could she mention her baby, when Miro hadn't even known she was pregnant?

She had forgotten how tall he was; as tall as Rogan. His dark eyes looked down at her past his sharp nose. Stubble lined his angular jaw, and his black hair was tied back with a cord. He was finally saving her, just as she had always imagined him doing.

All of a sudden Amber felt frightened and dropped her eyes. Of course he would be pleased to see her, but what if it was just as his sister's long lost friend; as the girl he had grown up with? She knew she looked terrible; why did he have to see her like this?

Amber felt fingers on her chin. She once more looked up into Miro's dark eyes, and saw the welling of water around their edges.

Miro spoke for the first time since he'd seen her. "Never again let me forget how beautiful you are," he said.

He lowered his head and his strong arms went around her. The last thing Amber saw from the corner of her eye was Rogan wiping some speck from his eye.

Then she forgot everything else, as finally Amber had what she had wanted ever since she first saw him in Sarostar, so many years ago.

Amber had the kiss of the man she loved.


BY THE end of the day, Ralanast was secure, and with every hand turned against them the soldiers of the Black Army were fleeing the city's environs in droves.

After a quick ceremony, Tiesto Telmarran, the new Halrana High Lord, took charge of Rialan Palace, dedicating his first words as High Lord to a fallen soldier named Marcus Toscan.

Marshal Beorn took charge of the army, seizing the former positions of the Black Army as far as half-way to the Louan border. Marshal Rogan set men to work repairing the demolished eastern gate, while in the afternoon Amelia returned to Ralanast and took care of the liberated prisoners.

With the city finally safe, sympathisers and even those who had simply preferred to stay clear of the fighting were rounded up by those who had suffered at the hands of their occupiers. Stones were thrown and names were called, but the Halrana had seen enough of bloodshed, and little more was done.

An hour before sunset High Lord Tiesto ordered the streets to be cleaned up. Soldiers and volunteers from the citizenry set-to willingly; the streets were cleared of rubble, and the bodies of the enemy were taken outside the walls to be burned, while those of the brave Alturans and Halrana who had given themselves for the city were taken to the cargo district to later be buried with full ceremony.

As the sun sank below the horizon the High Lord ordered the bells of the Terra Cathedral to be rung for an hour. The buildings emptied of people as Alturan soldiers and Halrana of all stations massed in the streets, in the square outside the palace, and out the front of the Terra Cathedral.

Music rose from many places in the crowd, and the people's voices rose as they sang simple Halrana songs about the harvest and the beauty of their country. There was little in the way of food and drink, but every man with food in his shop or beer in his cellar sent it into the crowd. They thanked the Evermen they were alive and they mourned the dead. Every Alturan soldier was kissed at least once, and those with no place to sleep soon had one, many by the side of a dark-haired Halrana woman. Husbands kissed their wives, and children were clutched to their father's chests. It was a night when no one was alone.

At a small house in one of Ralanast's poorer districts, an exhausted man opened his front door and slumped against the frame, looking at the sight that greeted him. Tapel squealed and ran to Rogan's side, hugging him around his waist, while a smiling Amelia came forward and wiped the tears from Rogan's cheeks.

"You stayed home, son," Rogan said. "Good for you."

Far away, in a cool chamber in Rialan Palace, where the songs of the crowd could be heard wafting in through the open window, High Lord Tiesto Telmarran stood by the body of Marcus Toscan, gently pulling away some blood-crusted flaxen hair from the young soldier's face.

James Maxwell's books