The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

"Preposterous," the lord said haughtily.

"We'll soon find out," Miro said, grim-faced, "for our objective of reaching Seranthia ahead of the Hazarans means we will need to move quickly. I would have preferred to move into Torakon via Loua Louna, leaving a small force behind us to lay siege to the Ring Forts, but for expediency we will now need to assault the Ring Forts directly. Marshal Scola has a large force with him, which, added to ours, will give us the manpower we need to take back Manrith, Penton, Ramrar, Charing and finally the great fortress Sark. We will, however, suffer heavy losses."

"When we once more have control of the Ring Forts," Rogan continued, "we'll have a strong base from which to launch a direct assault on the Azure Plains in Torakon. Our objective is to push through quickly and decisively, using every weapon at our disposal, until we are standing in the streets of Seranthia."

There was a hesitant knock on the door, causing every man in the room to frown, a situation that would have been comical if their words weren't so grave. "What is it?" High Lord Tiesto called. "I left orders that we weren't to be disturbed."

A steward popped his head in; Miro recognised the man who had been planning the evening meal with Amber.

Suddenly he felt a shiver of fear run through him. Why was the steward here?

"What is it?" Miro demanded.

"I'm sorry, terribly sorry, but I need to speak with the Lord Marshal."

"Tell me now," Miro said, unable to wait until he was outside the chamber.

"Lord Marshal, it's about Lady Amber… She was due back from the market hours ago. I went looking for her, but it appears she's gone."


AS LORD Marshal, Miro had the prerogative of telling his men what to do. He felt no guilt at ordering the city of Ralanast to be searched from one end to the other.

He had never felt so furious, but the anger was directed completely at himself. His men leapt at every snapped command, fearful of their commander's rage, and soon there wasn't a soul in Ralanast who didn't know the Lord Marshal was looking for a young Alturan woman with brown eyes and auburn hair.

Miro put all battle plans on hold, forcing down any objections with an iron will. Yet, when two days had passed and Miro still hadn't found her, he finally stood on the steps of the Terra Cathedral, his fists clenched at his sides, impotent and uncertain, when Rogan Jarvish placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I lost her before," Miro whispered. "Why do I keep losing her? And it's always my fault. I lost her when I let her marry someone else. I lost her when I left her behind at the Bridge of Sutanesta. I lost her when I left her on her own in a city that I told her was safe, a city that I thought, in my arrogance, I had made safe."

"You can't control everything," Rogan said. "You're right, you're being arrogant, but not because you thought the city was safe. You're being arrogant because you think that the destiny of other people can be controlled by your actions. You aren't all-powerful, Miro."

"It's my fault," Miro said.

"You're probably going to believe that you made a mistake no matter what I say," Rogan said. "So I'll just say what I've always said. You learn from your mistakes and you move on."

Miro looked up at Rogan, whispering as realisation dawned. "I never knew I took those words from you."

Rogan clasped Miro's shoulder. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

"I keep losing the people I love. First it was Ella, when that scratched Hazaran Jehral took her from me, and now it's Amber, the woman I want to be my wife. Rogan, I have to find her." Miro looked down at the floor. "Something happened in the prison camp, something she didn't tell me. I could see it in her eyes. Her disappearance must have something to do with it. If Tiesto discovers her here in Ralanast, he can keep her safe for me, but there are many who can search this city. If the enemy have her, they will have taken her to Torakon."

"Miro, if that's the case, your chances of finding her are slim," Rogan said.

"I have to try," Miro said. "Rogan, you will be commander in my place. I know I'll be leaving the men in the best of hands. I give you my word that I'll be back as soon as I can."


"STOP," Prince Ilathor said. "Do not move a muscle."

Ella froze, half-way through cupping water from the little pool in her hands to splash on her face. She looked sidelong at where the prince was slowly reaching forward to the flat rock beside her, and then with horror recognized the dark shape basking in the sun.

Ella's eyes grew wide and she held her entire body rigid. The prince reached forward and with incredibly fast reflexes he snatched at the long shape. A moment later he held the snake in the air behind its neck as the lower half of its body writhed and swayed.

Ella drew back, looking frantically around for more snakes, but this was the only one. She stepped away from the prince as he grinned at her.

"What kind of snake is it?" she asked.

James Maxwell's books