The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“Hey, Shane.” He turns, his smile arrogant.

“I tried to warn you I didn’t want to go on a date with you, that I don’t date pussies. Next time a woman says that to you, you might take the hint,” I smart, my eyes narrow in anger. “And you’re right. That guy probably would have snapped your neck. Alphas like Bobby tend to take out the weaker of the pack.” His face falls, its color turning a ghostly white. I smile before turning and walking off.



“So he died of a heart attack?” Lip questions, sitting beside me at the chapel’s table. He looks like shit. His eyes are bloodshot with dark bags under them, and his bandage on his arm needs changing.

“Yeah, that’s what Jessica told me,” I explain, interlocking my fingers and resting my hands on the table. I hate not telling the club everything I know; it goes against everything I believe in. But Jessica asked me not to, scared for her safety if someone sided with Augustus under the table. I feel like shit not trusting my brotherhood like I know I should, but if I’m being honest, our club has had some shady motherfuckers waltz up in here in the past.

“Well, that worked out for everyone then,” Bull laughs, lighting a cigarette. I nod and give a tight-lipped smile.

I look over and see Shadow eyeing me suspiciously, one eyebrow raised.


I look away and tap my fingers against the tabletop. With Shadow and I growing up together, we know the look and tone of one another when we are bullshitting. He knows I’m bullshitting right now. Hopefully, that VP patch doesn’t give him a big head. There was a time I stood up for him against the club when he and Dani got into some shit. He took a bullet for dating the president’s daughter and I was there by his side. He better have my back now.

“We got some wind that the Howlerz were buying guns from Augustus. I think we’ll take us a little ride,” Bull remarks, eyeing the smoke from his cigarette climbing toward the ceiling. The Howlerz are a small MC here in town. They usually buy guns and sometimes the occasional pot from us, reselling the pot and cutting us in on the payment. As a small club, they pay up front with cash, so we don’t mind them around our territory, ‘til now. Them buying from someone else while on our turf is humiliating. It was different when they used our merchandise and we got a cut, but dealing with someone else, we just get fucked in the end. We lose business and our street credibility with having another MC competing so close to home.

“I’m game,” Lip adds, pulling his pistol from his waistband. I cock my eyebrow at him.

“Got some anger issues there, Lip?” I ask, laughing.

“That asshole Augustus shot me. For what? To deal with these asswipes?” he yells, pointing toward his arm.

“Let’s ride, boys,” Shadow hollers, standing up.

Everyone gets up from their chairs, beginning to leave. I stand up, my chair sticking to the hardwood floor, making me kick it back so it will move.

Just as I reach the doorway, a hand clasps on my shoulder, squeezing with force.

“So what really happened?” Shadow growls in my ear from behind, his voice low making sure nobody can hear him.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I reply, turning my head to look at him fully.

Shadow huffs, knowing I’m lying.

“Try again,” he demands, squeezing my shoulder, trying to intimidate me. I flex my muscles under his grip, dissipating the pain. He is strong; I give him that, but I have been working the weights here lately and can easily take his ass. I reach with my other arm and grab his arm, quickly twist it behind his back, and push him on the table. He starts laughing as I twist his arm harder.

“I get it. I get it,” Shadow yells, his tone of laughter gone. I pull away and run my hand through my hair, watching Shadow closely in case he tries to retaliate.

“I said nothing happened, so nothing happened,” I repeat, my voice serious.

“I think you’re protecting Doc, and I understand that. Just don’t let it get the club in deep shit in the end, brother,” Shadow replies, stretching his arm that I twisted behind his back.

“I had your back when you met Dani, when shit went fucking downhill quick around here. Don’t let that VP patch get to your head, brother,” I confront.

“What the fuck did you say to me?” Shadow’s head wrinkles in anger.

“You heard me. I didn’t know half the shit that was going on between you and Dani, yet I took a damn bullet for it. I love Dani like a sister and would do it all over again, don’t get me wrong. But standing there telling me what is going to happen after everything I’ve done for you, ain’t flying,” I shake my head, my jaw clenched. Shadow’s face softens as he nods.

“You’re right. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt or worse,” he admits.

“They won’t,” I respond.

Shadow walks over to me and slaps my back.

“I got your back, brother.”