The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“Dr. Wren,” Nurse Helga calls, stopping me feet from the exit. I still and close my eyes before turning with a bright smile on my face.

“I need you to delegate this patient’s care. I’m not sure if we should seek surgery, or send them to pediatrics and let them decide,” she rambles, flipping through a patient’s chart, her lips smacking together as she reads it over. Shit, the reason I was called in, I forgot with everything that happened with Augustus.

I walk to the desk and she hands me the chart. Looking it over, it’s nothing serious, and looks like the patient will be handled better on pediatrics floor.

“Send them to pediatrics,” I mumble, pushing the chart on the counter.

“Will do. See you tomorrow,” Nurse Helga calls out, sitting down at the desk and lifting the phone to call pediatrics. I lift my hand and wave, and walk toward the exit, not faltering in my steps. I try to slow my steps as I head toward my Jeep, but I can’t help but pick up the pace. My heart is slamming against my chest with every beat, my lungs burning, trying to keep up with my sporadic breathing. I have to get home. I have to get rid of the evidence.

I can tell nobody about this.


I walk up the steps to my apartment, my hands still shaky, and my eyes filling with tears at the thought of actually killing someone on purpose. I’m a doctor. I save people not kill them.

I grab the keys in my pocket, my hand bumping the evidence in my pants. I close my eyes, and shake my head, fishing my keys the rest of the way out. As I look up, I see someone leaning against my apartment door, their legs crossed out in front of them. I stop as I eye the person. They are wearing a dark-colored hoody, the hood pulled over their face as they look down. Is it one of Augustus’s men? I take a step back, and my shaking hands give out from fear. The keys in my hand fall, making a loud noise as they hit the ground.


I look up from my keys now laying on the floor and see Bobby looking at me from under his hood.

“Bobby,” I whimper, tears filling my eyes in relief. I try to hold myself together. I don’t want him to know I just killed Augustus. I don’t want anyone to know.

He pushes himself off my door and strides toward me quickly. I lean down and pick my keys up, closing my eyes tightly to push the tears away, trying to mask my emotions with a fake smile.

Bobby grabs my face, both of his large hands cupping my cheeks firmly. My watery eyes look directly at his wide blue ones. His eyebrows raise upward, and his nostrils flare from the hard breaths leaving his nose.

“What did you do?” His voice is shaky, but stern.

“I…” He knows. He knows I did something to Augustus. “I killed Augustus,” I whisper, tears begin spilling from my eyes. I lower my head, cursing myself for just spitting out a confession I swore not to tell anyone.

Bobby inhales sharply as his hands press on my cheeks harder. “Why would you do that?” he whispers in disbelief.

“For you,” I mutter, a tear falling against my lips as I stare into two blue orbs belonging to this man I’ve grown fond of.

Just as I think he is about to yell at me, he smashes his lips to mine. I grab his wrists, kissing him back. My top lip sitting comfortably between his. He nibbles at my mouth as his thumbs caress my cheeks. This kiss, it’s not like any other kiss Bobby and I have ever had with one another. This kiss is desperate; it’s gut wrenchingly desperate.

“You stupid, stupid woman,” Bobby mumbles against my lips, his tone emotional.

He grabs me under the thighs and turns, walking us to my door, his lips never leaving mine. He grabs the keys from my hand, letting us in. As soon as we are in and the door is shut, he plows me against the back of it, sliding one of his hands up my top, kneading my breast. I take my hands from the back of his neck and pull my shirt my head, exposing myself in my pink bra. He pulls me close, smothering his face in my breast, and leaving a hint of my perfume on his face. He pulls us away from the door, stumbling against the couch in the middle of the room, knocking a lamp over in the process. He lowers us to the floor, his hands unbuckling his leather belt, eager to push his pants down. His cock is hard and swollen to the point it looks painful. I lick my lips at the curve his cock displays, my pussy aching to have it inside me. I slide my hands up his shirt, my fingers gliding against his defined muscles. He lowers himself on top of me, my fingers sliding down his chest to his scar; the scar Augustus caused. Bobby looks between us, eyeing my fingers caressing his scar before looking at me. His eyes strong and intent as he looks at me with a passion deeper than yesterday. I wrap my hands around his neck, and pull his lips back to mine. His mouth desperately taking mine into a breathtaking embrace. He pulls away, brushing his lips along my cheek as he sits up on his knees.

“I’m going to fuck you, Jessica,” he whispers against my face, stroking his cock.

“Please,” I moan, arching my back off the floor, grabbing his shirt by the hem, and pulling it up over his head.