The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“Where’s the evidence?” he asks gravely. My mouth suddenly dries and my throat constricts at his question.

“Why?” I ask, turning to dig into the bag of food.

“So I can get rid of it, babe,” he responds, his tone as if I should know that.

“You are not taking it to the club, Bobby,” I smart. “I don’t want them to know anything about what I did,” I clip, pulling out a breakfast sandwich. Bobby scoffs, and walks around the counter, crossing his arms, scowling at me.

“And why is that exactly?” he asks, clearly offended.

Turning to face him, I sigh. His blond hair is still a mess from last night, and his clothes are wrinkled from lying inside out on the floor. He still looks sexy though, even with a disproving look written on his face. The club has had a few instances where people have come in claiming to be a part of the MC, only to find out they were enemies of the club, causing a shit storm in their wake, and lives to be taken in the process. I can’t take the chance there’s still a rat in the pack who hasn’t been weeded out.

“Truth?” I ask, running my tongue along my bottom lip nervously.

“Please,” he mutters.

“Your club has a bad track record. How many people have come in and said they were loyal and turned out not to be who you thought they were? The last thing I need is word getting out I offed the biggest drug lord in California,” I explain, my tone serious. Bobby nods his head in understanding, his hand rubbing the stubble on his chin, making a scratchy noise against his palm.

“I understand that so I won’t say anything to the club,” he replies, surprising me. “Unless it needs to be brought to light,” he continues hesitantly, causing me to groan in response.

“All right,” I mutter. I know going against his club would make him one of those people who betray the brotherhood, so asking him not to say anything unless he has to will have to do.

“So where is the evidence?” he asks, shrugging.

“It’s in my pocket,” I reply, pointing to my pants sitting by the door.

Bobby walks over to my wrinkled pants, carefully sliding his hands into the pocket, pulling the capped syringe out.

“I’ll make sure no one finds this,” he mutters, sticking it into his pocket.

He looks down and sees my scrub bottoms with my pink underwear tangled in between them. Looking at me, he grins. He reaches down, grabs my panties, and sticks them in his jeans pocket.

“Drop them, buddy. Those are my expensive panties.” I point my finger at him. He smiles and stands up, ignoring me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow for that date,” he adds, giving me a wink before opening the door, locking it, and leaving.

My eyes widen and my heart sinks. Shit, I forgot about the date.

I sigh heavily and sit down on the stool, sipping my coffee, my mind running wild with what has happened in the last twenty-four hours.

I hear the front door handle wiggle, making me look over at it warily.

“Addie?” I question loudly. The handle stops, making me lift an eyebrow. I slide off the stool and walk toward the door. I push up on my toes to look out the peephole, but I don’t see anything but Bree’s door across from me. I unlock the door and open it, finding nobody there. I look down the hall and spot muddy footmarks staining the carpet from my door to the stairs. I look inside my apartment curious if Bobby brought mud in on the bottom of his shoes, but there is not a trace of it on my apartment floor. I look back at the shoe prints in the hallway and realize the shoe print is too small to be Bobby’s. My heart stammers. Someone was trying to get into my apartment. Were they waiting for Bobby to leave? I slam the door shut and lock it quickly. My heartbeat picking up rhythm in my chest. Could it be one of Augustus’s men?

“Mom?” I yelp and turn around quickly, finding Addie rubbing her eyes trying to wake up, wearing her Hello Kitty pajamas.

“Hun, I thought you were at Bree’s,” I reply, clutching my chest in panic. She nearly gave me a heart attack.

“I came over late last night to sleep. Bree is in my room sleeping on her laptop’s keyboard,” Addie laughs. Bree is a studying fool. It’s not the first time she has fallen asleep at her laptop and drooled on her keyboard.

I give a half laugh, my frayed nerves keeping me from seeing the full humor in the situation.

“What happened in here last night?” Addie raises a brow, looking around the aftermath of mine and Bobby’s exhilarating sex session. Thank God, Addie is a sound sleeper, and I pray Bree had her headphones on.

“Hungry?” I ask, pointing toward the counter containing the bag Bobby brought, avoiding her question.

Addie nods and runs to the counter, pulling the bag open eagerly. I lean against the back of the door, and chew on my fingernails nervously, watching Addie dig the food items out of the bag.