The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“Were you followed, did anyone see you two talking?” I ask, placing my fists on the table, and closing my eyes trying to keep calm. Jessica could be in danger if anyone saw them conversing with each other.

“I’m not sure,” Lip replies, his tone solemn. I rub my face, and exhale slowly. My fists clenching and unclenching, wanting to punch Lip in the fucking face for putting Jessica in such a position. I finally feel like Jessica and I are making progress, and this could ruin all that. Proving to her that my lifestyle is too much for her and her daughter.

“If anything happens to her, I will fucking kill you, do you understand?” I seethe, my teeth clenched so hard they may fucking shatter. Lip flinches from my threat, the rest of the guys at the table silent as I stare a brother down with deadly promise.

I’ve made sure the entire time I have known Jessica, that I never put her in danger. Then a brother goes and throws her into the most dangerous situation this club has had to endure. Augustus is a savage and doesn’t care who he tears apart to make a point.

“Bobby, that’s enough. Sit down so we can figure this shit out!” Bull hollers, snapping me from my haze of anger.

“This is not good. As soon as Augustus gets the chance, he is going to ID you and order his men after us,” Old Guy motions from the back, taking my nerves a notch higher.

“Why did he shoot at you?” Bull asks, his tone exasperated as he looks at the wall confused. “I thought we were on good terms.”

“Because he was doing something he didn’t want us knowing about. He saw Lip with his cut and tried to take him out, before he could get back here and tell us.” Shadow’s jaw ticks in anger.

“I bet that is exactly it,” I add. Augustus is the worst person to be in business with. To get his point across to our club last time, he tried to run down every one of our ol’ ladies, killing one in the process. He has everyone in his pocket, making him one of the biggest kingpins on the west side. His reputation wasn’t built on trust, but rather in blood and fear. If anyone saw Lip with Jessica, they could come after her. There is no way she would survive their tactics in getting her to talk, but there is no way I would let that ever happen. Augustus needs to go, and today.

“Shit, I need to call Jessica and warn her,” I grumble, pushing away from the table.


I look at my phone in disbelief as the nurses close up the patient on the operating table. Augustus to be exact. I turn to get a better look at him, his long black hair pulled into a blue cap. His face blemished with age and pockmarks from acne across his cheeks. He was just rushed in for a bullet wound to the chest. Working the ER, I worked on him instantly. If I had known who he was, I would have taken my time digging that bullet out.

Bobby just called, concerned I might have been seen with Lip who was running after shooting Augustus. I was rounding the corner after leaving the restaurant and Lip slammed into me, nearly knocking me on my ass. He was holding his arm, blood rushing down his elbow at a fast pace. I was concerned, but he pushed me away and told me to fuck off. I didn’t know he was in trouble, or that he might have been followed at the time. I just thought he was being a dickhead. I wasn’t seen with him though. When I got to the hospital doors, Augustus was being rushed into the ER at the same time. I helped wheel Augustus in, his men right next to me. If they had seen me, they could have easily grabbed me, thrown me into the back of their car, and tortured me for information on the club.

Trying to control my mind, I close my eyes and inhale deeply. This guy killed a good woman of the Devil’s Dust, nearly killed Bobby, and now might have the opportunity to finally kill Bobby and the rest of the club. I saved a monster, a plague about to wipe everyone I know out. Strings of memories flare in my mind, images of Bobby wheeled into the hospital when Augustus shot him years back. I thought Bobby was dead when he arrived at the ER. The things I said I would do differently if Bobby would just pull through never happened. I made empty promises of being a better person, living more openly, spending more time with Bobby, and accepting the club as family. All were forgotten over the years. But now, it seems my lies are paying their dues, and the ultimate fate of the club and Bobby’s life might resume its deadly timeline.

I just stamped the death certificate of the club, and someone I care about more than I am willing to admit.