The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

I open my mouth to answer, but shut it quickly not sure how to answer that. I am not with anyone, but with this deal Bobby and I have, I am not really available either. Then again, I don’t want a relationship either, so maybe telling Shane I am with someone will have him back off a little bit.

My skin rises with a sudden chill, and the room takes on a sudden charge causing goose bumps to race up my arms. I look around the restaurant curious what has my body reacting the way it does and spot Bobby. He has his blond hair blown everywhere from riding on his bike, a snug gray shirt on, and that cut of his on top.

As his eyes survey the tables, they catch mine. My heart stammers in panic, the air zapped from my lungs. Why is he here? I quickly look away and see Shane, bobbing his head to the music, my eyes widening in awareness. Is he going to beat up Shane?

I release a breath I wasn’t aware I was holding, and risk a glimpse at Bobby. I see a short woman step up next to him, her arm hooked around his waist intimately. She is wearing a short black dress and the tallest black heels I have seen on a woman. She’s not afraid to show some skin that’s for sure.

Shane turns in his seat, looking at what has me in a trance and spots Bobby.

“You know them?” he asks, popping another chip into his mouth.

“Eh, I know him,” I nervously remark. Wondering if I should tell Shane to run for his life. Bobby and I have dated other people along the years we have been seeing each other, but we have never seen one another on a date the entire time.

Bobby and the girl walk our way, his blue eyes piercing me as he approaches. As my body temperature rises, I think of all the things that could go wrong in the next thirty seconds.

“Jessica, what are you doing here?” Bobby’s tone unsettles me as he looks between Shane and me.

“Shane, this is Bobby. Bobby, this is Shane,” I introduce, gesturing my hand between both men, and ignoring his question.

“Shane,” Shane greets, holding his hand out. Bobby eyes it, before finally clasping it in a handshake.

“Bobby,” he responds gravely.

“Hi, I’m Diamond,” the dark-skinned girl adds, stepping up to shake my hand. I reach out and shake her hand. She is beautiful, stunning actually. I notice body glitter glisten off her chest from the light above our table, and her perfume wafts toward me as she shakes my hand. She eyes me with disgust, as if I just crawled out from under the table. I give her a death glare right back. Wouldn’t be the first time one of Bobby’s tarts gave me that look. When I do attend a club party, girls could throw knives from their eyes the way they look at me.

A waiter comes up and scoots a table right next to mine and Shane’s, catching our attention. Apparently, the hostess thinks we are all here together. Shit!

“Um,” Shane interjects, trying to look around Bobby to correct the hostess for the error.

“Ooh, a double date,” Diamond claps eagerly and sits right next to me.

“Date, huh? Is this a date, Jessica?” Bobby asks, sitting across from me, his eyebrows raised mischievously. I’d tell him yes, and to shove it up his ass if I didn’t fear for Shane’s life. There is no way Shane would survive a fight against Bobby

“Actually it is. She took me to a coffee shop when I let her pick our first date. So I got to pick this time, for a real date,” Shane explains, taking a sip of his beer.

I smile a tightlipped smile, my stomach suddenly not hungry.

“Is that right?” Bobby muses. “Funny, Jessica has never mentioned you,” Bobby lies, his eyebrows inward as he looks at me. I take a deep breath, and prepare myself for a pissing contest.

“Yeah, she is kind of a private person,” Shane continues, smiling brightly at me, talking as if we are close.

“She’s not very private with me. In fact, she was rather open to me last night,” Bobby continues, his tone earnest, making my cheeks flush with warmth from embarrassment. My hands grab a menu, seeking some kind of distraction.

“What’s good here?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“Good. I am glad she has someone she can open up with,” Shane mentions, completely oblivious to what Bobby is indicating.

“Oh, man, I am the most open person I know,” Diamond adds, smiling cheerily at Bobby. Bobby doesn’t even look at her, making Diamond sit back in her chair with a look of displeasure on her face.

I swallow the lump in my throat and set the menu down, my aversion not working. This is too much. I’m not sure if I want to laugh, or bolt for the door. I take a deep breath trying to gain some self-control.

“Bobby is not much to open up to,” I respond, trailing my eyes downward to Bobby’s crotch, implying he has a small dick even though I know it's not true, but playing Bobby’s game against him is something I can’t resist. “But he gets an A for effort,” I continue, eyeing Bobby wolfishly. Bobby smirks, knowing the game I’m playing. The look of the cat that is about to eat the canary playing across his face.