The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“Get an IV in her arm. She’s dehydrated from the heat,” I inform the nurse as I walk back to the desk. As things start heating up outside, people forget to hydrate themselves, causing an ER visit.

“Dr. Wren, you owe me a date, ya know,” Shane interrupts, laying his clipboard on the counter. I remove my gaze from the chart on the wall and look at him. I knew this conversation was coming. I have been dodging him for days, and he knows it.

“Why, so I can end up in the paper again?” I snide, grabbing a patient’s file from the rack on the counter.

“Oh, but you looked so good plastered on the front page. Why hide it?” he laughs. “I have to feed the gossip hunters something, so why not some hot doctor?”

“I don’t think so,” I respond, looking at him from the corner of my eye.

“How about if anyone takes your picture tonight, I will break their camera,” he replies and I can’t help but giggle. Shane doing anything violent is an image to behold.

“We made a deal,” he informs, his face emotionless. Deal, my head swims around that word, making me think of Bobby. I need to distance myself from him. I can feel myself becoming vulnerable. I don’t want to love; I can’t love Bobby. I made the fucking rule of no falling in love.

“I don’t know, Shane,” I whisper, exasperated.

“It’s just as friends,” he shrugs, making me feel silly thinking Shane wants more. Maybe I really am over thinking things lately.

“My shift ends in an hour. We’ll go then and I’m picking the place this time,” he rambles, walking off down the hall.

“Tonight?” I shriek, surprised by the urgency. He chuckles, walking away.

I look back down at the desk and see Nurse Helga staring at me, her dark eyes wide.

“What?” I ask, curious as to why she’s looking at me with hazy eyes like that.

“Do you know how many nurses have been after that fine ass?” she laughs, looking down the hall where Shane strides away. Helga runs her hand through her dark hair, bobbing her head up and down in appreciation of Shane’s backside.

I slap the counter and laugh. “Who needs to be seen next, Helga?” I question, changing the subject.


Sitting in a leather chair in the middle of the room, I watch the growing crowd in the Wicked Birds strip club as I listen to Trove Lo singing “Habits”. I just happened to walk into the Devil’s Dust at just the right moment, or wrong, depending on how you look at it. Bull ordered me to come here and make sure things didn’t become hectic. Watching naked chicks hump a pole for a few hours, why not? I could find worse things to do with my time.

“Bobby baby, I’ve been waiting for you to call me back,” Diamond says seductively, walking toward me in some black fuck-me heels along with a black laced corset. Her dark hair falls over her shoulders in perfect curls as her eyes trail up and down my body.

“Hey, there,” I reply, sitting up straighter in my chair. Shit, I have been ignoring her calls, but only because I’ve been busy with Jessica.

“Where have you been?” she questions, kneeling on the floor between my legs.

“Been busy, is all,” I respond, giving her hand that is sliding up my leg, a tender squeeze. The music suddenly fades and the DJ introduces the next dancers to appear on stage, Diamond being one of them.

“Well, I’m glad you are here now. I hope you enjoy the show, baby,” she coos, standing up and walking away. I admire her fine ass, making me groan in response. Diamond is a beautiful girl. I’m kind of curious why I haven’t tapped that yet. Actually, I know why I haven’t tapped that. She’s not Jessica, far from it. And Jessica is all I’ve had on my mind lately. I sigh. Somewhere along the way, I became pussy whipped.

Some commotion catches my attention over by one of the stages. I look over and find some fat guy leaning over the stage grabbing one of the girl’s legs. She looks down, startled, trying to pull her leg from his grasp.

“Shit,” I mutter, standing from my chair.

“Come on, baby, take those pesky bottoms off,” the guy encourages, pulling on her leg harder.

“Let go,” I order, giving him a tap on the shoulder. He barely turns his head in my direction, eyeing me from the corner of his eye.

“Fuck off, this doesn’t concern you, punk,” he grunts, curling his lips in anger, his hand still wrapped around her leg tightly.

“You are in my club, harassing one of my girls. It concerns me,” I growl, pissed. I broaden my shoulders, ready to pummel the asshole for his tone of disrespect.

The guy looks back at the scared blonde who is stumbling, trying to keep her balance.

“Maybe if you made your cunts worth the entry fee—” I collide my fist in his face, not letting him finish his sentence. Calling her a cunt throws me over the edge of anger and into rage. You want your front teeth missing? Call a woman a cunt in front of me and see what the fuck happens.

He falls on his ass, taking the skinny blonde off the stage with him.

“Shit!” I yell, grabbing the half-naked woman before she nose-dives onto the floor.