The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“Get it fixed, and quick,” I threaten.

I walk up to Jessica’s apartment and knock on the door, my temples throbbing from the rush of blood racing to my head from nervousness. The door opens slowly and my breath catches. She is wearing a white dress that falls just before her knees. The fabric resting against her tan thighs. Following her long legs down to her high heels, I have to adjust my dick and look up. Her blonde hair is down and curled at the ends and her face is glowing. Her pink lips lift into a smile, revealing two drop-dead sexy dimples.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I whisper, making her laugh. My heart slamming against my chest as I check her out.

“Subtlety never was your strong point,” she remarks, her cheeks turning a dark shade of red.

“Subtle? I’m thinking of saying screw the date and taking you back into that apartment and fucking you in that dress you look so hot,” I reply, closing my gaping mouth shut, and smiling wolfishly.

She laughs and walks out, shutting the door and locking it.

“Where is Addie?” I question.

“Staying at Bree’s for the night,” she answers, pointing to the door across from us.

“So I get you for the whole night?” I ask, lifting my eyebrows up and down suggestively.

“Like you need the whole night,” she mocks, walking down the hall.

“Touché,” I remark.

My eyes instantly find her tight ass. My hands involuntarily clench in on themselves, wanting to squeeze it.

“Where are you taking me?” Her comment makes my eyes snap up from her ass to her face.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“Hey, eyes up here, buddy.” She motions her fingers toward her face.

“I ain’t making any promises,” I reply honestly, making her shake her head.

I walk her out to my truck and she stops suddenly, her eyes scanning over the blue Chevy.

“This yours?” she asks surprised, her hand gliding along the hood.

“Yup, just got it,” I inform.

“Well, I was wondering how I was going to ride on the back of your bike in this,” she adds, biting her bottom lip.

I laugh and open the door so she can climb in.

She steps inside of the cab, her dress riding up right under her ass cheeks as she climbs in. Not able to take it anymore, I reach over and squeeze her ass before she sits on the seat. She turns her head and glares at me, making me laugh mischievously.

I shut her door and jog around the other side of the truck to get in.

“Wow, this is really nice,” Jessica admires, running her hand along the dashboard in appreciation.

“Thanks,” I respond, turning the key. I push my foot onto the accelerator, causing the motor to roar. I look over at Jessica and lift my eyebrows with every push of the gas pedal, making her laugh.

“Boys and their toys,” Jessica chuckles, shaking her head.

I slam the truck into gear, and floor it, making the tires screech against the asphalt. Jessica grabs onto my arm and the door, and giggles hysterically.

The night is warm and noisy with nature calling as we drive toward the ocean with the windows down. Looking over and seeing Jessica watch the night fly by her with her hair blowing in the wind, I can’t help but grin. She is so incredibly beautiful. Every time we are together, I’m more convinced we should be together. I pull up to the graveled parking lot, only a couple of old fishing trucks parked. Looking out past the few vehicles, there’s a bunch of docks holding boats.

I hurry out of the truck and head toward Jessica’s side, helping her out. The salty smell of the ocean is strong and the hostile waves crashing against docks are loud. I look up at the sky, hoping the storm will hold off long enough for us to enjoy the night.

“You brought me to the beach?” she questions, looking out toward the ocean.

“No,” I reply, grabbing her hand and guiding us toward the smell of salt, and the waves of the ocean.

We wander down cemented steps and onto a wooden dock. We pass a couple of small fishing boats, and other watercrafts. I turn to the right, pulling us toward another dock with bigger and faster looking boats.

“Umm, Bobby?” Jessica mutters as we pass boat after boat.

“This one,” I whisper, pulling us down the dock toward a red and white speedboat. I step onto the boat, and reach for Jessica’s hand, helping her step over from the dock.

“You, um, know how to drive this thing?” she asks nervously, eyeing the boat.

“Yeah, I know how to drive this thing,” I laugh. “My father taught me how to drive a boat. Once you learn, you never forget it.”