The Broken Pieces of Us (The Devil's Dust #2.1)

Several days pass and Bull hasn’t really spoken to me at all and has ignored my texts. I know it’s because his ex-girlfriend has come to town and him just finding out about his daughter. I’m on edge and feeling anxious. Is he wanting to get back with her? Not to mention, Locks seems to be putting on some kind of show lately, acting sweet toward me at the club. Not sure if it’s to appease Miss. Fancy Pants or what it is. Maybe he wants to work things out between us. I don’t see how that would be possible with everything that has happened between us though. The young girl Shadow was carrying is named Dani, and looks just like Bull. She seems nice as they go. Dani is innocent and na?ve. I’m floored she is the daughter of Bull and that bitch who walks around here like she is better than everyone. Dani better grow a backbone if she wants to survive this place.

Just as I’m about to head into the kitchen, Dani walks out from the hallway and sits on a stool. She looks up at me and smiles, her bright green eyes nailing me. She has got her father’s eyes something bad. I go in the kitchen and pile a heap of eggs on a plate, grab an orange juice from the fridge, and place it in front of her. She grabs the fork next to the plate and takes small bites, surveying the place between each forkful.

“Where are all the guys?” she asks, pushing her plate forward.

“They've gone on a bike run, hun. Something the boys do to handle club business. They should be back soon,” I reply, wiping the bar clean. “Other than that, we don’t get the privilege of knowing what their runs consist of or how long they'll be out,” I inform her. Her face takes on a blank look, as if she is shocked at what I just told her. I have seen the way she looks at Shadow; better she know now then fall for the fool and throw the rules out the window like I did with Locks.

“A lot of these bikers, they don’t like women here at the club. This is their stomping ground, and we are not privy to what goes on here. Being an ol’ lady, you are to take care of your man and not ask questions regarding the club,” I continue. She nods, but doesn’t say anything. Just as I think I have scared her enough, I grab her plate and head for the kitchen.


There is a club party tonight, and I have been chopping and whipping up dips all day. I want everything to go well for Bull and the party. Not to mention, he goes crazy over the dip I make. The club is getting loud and hectic just as I put out the last bowl of dip. I push through crowds of people. The music loud and the smell of pot strong, I go down the hall in look of a bathroom. The hall is packed with people leaning against the wall and talking. I try and shove through, but am not making much progress when my hand is suddenly grasped and I’m pulled forward. I smile, I know that hand anywhere.

Bull pulls me into his room and shuts the door. It’s dark and I can smell hard liquor on his breath.

“I haven’t been ignoring you,” he states, rubbing his hands down my face gently.

"What do you mean?” I try and act like I haven’t noticed, but it’s a lie. I have been sweating bullets that I was thrown on the back burner now that Lady is back in town and they have a daughter together.

“Shit with Lady isn’t adding up. Lady’s ex is hard to find. I have had my men looking for him and have come up with nothing. Why is he so hard to find if he’s a bigwig as Lady says he is?” He sighs, shaking his head. “I can’t believe I have a daughter, and I’m trying to make up not being there by being there now,” he replies. He grabs my hand and gently applies kisses to my fingertips, his breath skirting across my knuckles. I’m shocked he is telling me shit that happened at the table and the trust he must have in me to tell me these things. But to hear Lady’s name come out of his mouth has me angry.

“Do you love her?” I blurt mindlessly. I close my eyes as soon as I say the words, scared of the response and pissed at my bitter jealously of that vile woman who calls herself Lady.

“Who?” Bull questions, slowly licking his bottom lip.

“Lady,” I answer quickly. Bull drops my hand and exhales slowly.

“Does it matter?” he questions. I pull my head back to look at him, see if he is joking.

“It does, very much so,” I reply, ticked off.

“No, I don’t love her,” he whispers, his tone sincere. My breathing picks up, relieved.

He skirts his hand down the side of my neck, taking my mind from collided thoughts. Aware of his touch, I squeeze my legs together to smother the ache rising between them.

“You can clench those legs together all you want, it won’t help,” he whispers arrogantly.

“Bull, I can’t. We can’t,” I whisper back.