The Broken Pieces of Us (The Devil's Dust #2.1)

I lean my face down and kiss her pouty lips. She traces my lip with her tongue, adding to the pleasure already building in my dick. I slide a hand off her tit and down her belly. Gliding over her mound, I find that swollen button again. I gently give it a light slap and thumb her clit. She moans, her body pushing back against mine as she hits the peak of her climax. Like a rush of water, my dick pulses as I release my load inside her, groaning in the back of her neck.

We stand there panting, my dick still inside her. She pulls from me suddenly, her eyes frantically trying to read mine. I look down at my shaft, glistening from her wetness as the shower head pounds warm water on my back. The high from my release now coating with guilt. What the fuck did I just do?

She raises her hands and covers her chest, suddenly shy. She must be feeling the same way.

“I…I…” she stammers.

“I get it, doll,” I assure her, knowing what she is feeling at this moment.

She suddenly bolts from the shower, leaving me in a stream of water turning cold. I broke the club's laws, threw the rules I preach right out the window. But I've never played by the rules, so why start now.

I am the one who pounds in these boys’ heads about being loyal. Wearing the patch is wearing the honesty of your brother. And I just fucked my VP’s wife, honesty was not my priority.


The next day, Babs shows up, her eyes catching mine as soon as she walks in. I can’t help but grin at her, the secret of what we did so sexy, I want to take her again. She grins back at me and quickly makes her way into the kitchen. I get up from the stool, tossing the newspaper in Hawk’s direction.

She is putting coffee into the filter when I walk in. Her curly red hair is down today; I love it when she wears it down. I walk up behind her and grab both of her hips slightly. She turns in my hold and purses her lips.

“What we did was very bad,” she whispers, her head lolled down in shame. I nod, it was.

“It was. We broke laws, and it would piss a lot of people off knowing what we did. But you can’t deny it was fucking great either,” I say honestly, not holding any mercy on the matter.

She tries to hide a smile, biting her bottom lip.

“We can’t do it again,” she mutters, her hand slightly pushing me way from her. I smile, knowing she is full of shit, but okay, I’ll let her believe that. When I stepped over that line with her last night, I fell right over the edge into falling for this beautiful creature. Now I'm fucked. There's no turning back from this standpoint.

four months later

I wear the shame of that night in the shower with Bull every time I see Locks. He might be okay with treating me like shit and cheating on me, but I can’t do it without guilt. Over the last four months, there has been a time or two Bull and I have gotten hot and heavy, but one of us breaks away before it gets to the point of no return. There have been many times I’ve packed up my bags; literally ready to flee the state and say fuck Locks. But something always holds me back, Scarlett being one, and here lately, Bull. When I'm with Bull, I feel desire and strength mend the broken pieces of my shattered life.

I wait by the bar for the bitch who has Bull in a frenzy today. Apparently, his ex-fling called him, needing the club’s protection desperately from some ex-boyfriend. She supposedly flew in from New York and will be here any minute. I have heard the back story from Vera, one of the ol’ ladies I talk to here and there. Said the ex-girlfriend named Lady walked in on Bull and Roxy, Candy’s mother. Go figure Candy is such a conniving slut; she gets it from her mother. I guess it wasn’t what it looked like, but Bull didn’t clear the air either. The next thing they knew, Lady was gone and the ol’ ladies were asked by Bull to take care of Roxy for stirring up shit with Lady behind Bull’s back. Vera said she took great pleasure in beating the shit out of Roxy with some brass knuckles. She said Bull could have found Lady easily, but he let her go. I look up from the counter to Shadow carrying some young brunette through the doors. She is limp in his arms and looks young.

“What the fuck?” I voice out loud, surely that’s not the ex-girlfriend. Shadow looks at me, his face pale and in shock. My heart stammers rapidly, nervous at what’s going on outside.

Just as I’m about to round the bar, Bull opens the club door and in walks a tall brunette. Her chocolate hair is flawless and she’s wearing a white button up blouse.

“Lady, this is Babs,” Bull introduces me, his face red from riding in the sun. Lady eyes me, her face scrunched with distaste as she takes me in. I have to pinch my lips to keep from laughing. She is nothing I would have expected Bull to be with. She is too clean and professional looking. I thought his ex-girlfriend would have some streak of biker in her, but looking at this woman I don’t even see a morsel of it.