The Broken Pieces of Us (The Devil's Dust #2.1)

“Mmm,” Lady vibrates with disapproval as she gawks at me.

“Let’s go talk, figure out what’s going on, doll,” Bull says, placing his hand on the small of her back. I scowl at the gesture and see flames burst from behind my eyes at him touching her. Does she think she can just come back here and have Bull? Does Bull want to be back with her? I feel jealous. The feelings I have for Bull have grown over time, and they are all coming very clear at the moment. I want Bull, and this bitch is not going to step in the way of that.

About twenty minutes later, everyone leaves the chapel. Lady sits on a stool as Bull makes his way down the hall to where the young girl was taken to

“You got something to drink?” Lady asks, wiping her forehead with a handkerchief she pulls from her purse. She looks flustered and nervous.

“What do you want?” I ask, trying not to sound hateful.

“Something hard and in a clean glass,” she insults. I scoff and find a dusty glass from the back of the rack and grab something cheap from the whiskey cabinet, giving her a shot. She eyes the glass, then back at me, disgust dripping from her intense stare.

I smirk.

Shadow comes in and slumps against a stool next to Lady. She looks at Shadow, glaring at him. I feel protective, my claws ready to scratch this bitch if she disrespects him. She sets the untouched glass down on the bar, gets up, and walks down the hall.

I grab the dirty glass and put it in the sink to wash, and glance over at an overwhelmed Shadow fidgeting with his hair.

“Who was that girl you were carrying?” I interrogate.

“Bull’s daughter,” Shadow replies, his hands covering his face, making it hard to hear him clearly. The wind is suddenly taken from my lungs.

“His daughter?” I shriek in disbelief. “I didn’t know Bull had a daughter,” I reply out loud.

“Yeah, me neither,” Shadow remarks, running his hands back and forth through his hair. Something has him wired and nervous. I have never seen Shadow like this before, and it seems to have just happened. I look at the hall, wondering if that young girl he was carrying has anything to do with it.

“You better stay away from that girl, babe. She’s the president’s daughter,” I encourage softly, not wanting to stir him up.

“Yeah, thanks for the tip,” Shadow snarls, making me giggle. I can tell he has already crossed a line.

I run my hands through my hair nervously, looking at the young girl who looks identical to me, my daughter. I literally just found out I was a father. Looking at this young girl, I have missed out on more than a few years, and who knows what her mother has said about me. When Lady left me, she left on the worst of terms, and I did nothing to reconcile them. I wanted to find Lady, wanted to figure the shit out that was going on between us. However, I knew this world was never meant for Lady. Bringing her back and making her my ol’ lady would be torturing us both. I look back at my daughter, her bright green shinning back at me. She’s waiting, wanting to know where her father has been this whole time. What the fuck do I say to that?

“If I had known you existed, Dani, I would have been there. I will never forgive your mother. I can only imagine the things she has said about me over the years. When she left, we were not on the best of terms,” I say with as much honesty and sincerity as I can muster. Dani’s face takes on an amused look.

“Only to say I was acting like my father. If I asked about you, she would just ignore me. She is a very private person, about everything. She works a lot, too. So we haven’t really bonded.” She looks up from fiddling with her hands, those green eyes confirming she is most definitely my child. “I just found out about you on the plane ride.” My heart slams against my chest in the most painful way. Fucking Lady didn’t even tell her about me, go figure. I can’t help but hurt a little. The bitch hides me as a father, but comes running to me for protection when shit with her and her boyfriend go south?

“Well, your mom told me everything that happened. You guys are going to stay here until things blow over. You’ll be free from danger here. I would put you guys up in our safe house, but we have a charity event coming up and we have other chapters already held up there.” Come to think of it, I need to get those boys out of that house and get Dani there. Having her at the club full of horny men is not a good idea.