The Broken Pieces of Us (The Devil's Dust #2.1)

“Is she okay?” I question frantically.

“Yeah, little banged up, but she’s okay. That girl is tough, I tell ya. Anyway, that’s when I found out about her and Shadow. Shadow was a fucking mess when he found out she was taken, off his game and distracted. Don’t get me wrong, I was fucking sweating bullets as well, but I was rational,” Bull explains; his head tilts to the side as he explains what happened.

“So what’d you do?” I ask nervously, my voice cracking, giving away my unease.

“I fucking shot Shadow in the arm, Bobby too,” he informs, his voice confident and stern.

“Bobby?” I question, curious why he would shoot him too.

“Yeah, he knew the whole time that Dani and Shadow were together. I couldn’t let that kind of betrayal go without justice,” he dignifies.

I shake my head, understanding his predicament. I walk up to him and cup his scruffy face in my hands, trying to calm the rage inside of him.

“He broke a club law. He went for her even when I told him not to,” Bull continues. I can’t help but smirk. Shadow reminds me a lot of Bull, and looking at the spot Bull and I are in, how can he be so judgmental?

“Why are you smiling?” Bull demands, his tone angry. I bite my lip, trying to stifle my grin.

“Who else do you know who has broken a club law, a few of them actually?” I ask, taking my gaze from the blood to him.

Bull breaks eye contact and looks at the blood staining the floor.

“That’s different,” he mumbles, his face letting up some of the tension. He stares back up at me, his green eyes smiling.

“How is it so different?” I scoff. Bull looks away, before slowly turning his head back to me, his eyes hooded.

“Because I love you and will protect you from anything,” he mumbles. I gasp and blink rapidly. Is this real? Did he just say what I think he did? I care for Bull, I do. I know I would do anything for him and think about him all the time. Bull grins and shakes his head like he knows it’s taboo. I grab him by his face and turn it so he is looking right at me.

“I love you, too,” I whisper, my lips brushing his, my cheeks turning red from the forbidden feelings. His fingers dig into my hips as he brings my lips into his fully, igniting a passionate kiss, so full of raw energy. Look at us, two people in love but bound to the world of secrets and Hell.

I pull away, resting my head on his shoulder, looking at the spilled blood on the floor.

“Don’t worry about Dani. I have seen the way Shadow looks at her; it’s not like he looks at other girls. I think your daughter is his biggest Hell,” I inform him, kicking his legs apart to stand between them.

“I can relate,” he teases me, grabbing me by the hips. “So I should just let it go?” he asks, his hands rubbing up and down my back.

“I don’t think shooting him is letting it go.” I laugh, making Bull laugh, his tension lost. “Good thing Dani’s mother split the other day. Who knows what she would do to Shadow if she found out,” I continue. Dani and her mother got into a big fight the other day. Her mother yelled how Dani was just like her father, and left Dani behind, leaving her to be looked after by her father and the club. I’m glad Dani stayed. I hoped she would.

“Yeah, I find Lady leaving just a little too easy,” Bull admits, shaking his head. “Lady isn’t known for just letting things go,” he says. I frown, nervous at what that means. Will she be back? Try to hurt the club?


A couple weeks have gone by and Bull has accepted Shadow to have taken Dani under his wing. Shadow is crazy about that girl, and I can’t help but smile at the two. Not to mention, Shadow and Dani just went on a getaway, and before he left, he asked Bull if he could make Dani his ol’ lady. I suddenly feel all giddy, the excitement of our bitch crowd growing.

I am wrapping up some food together with the ol’ ladies in the kitchen. Today is the bike rally, and the club is having a big family get-together. Just as I am packing shit up to put in the fridge, I notice Dani walk in. She is tan and wearing something classy, as usual. She always looks out of place in this club, wearing expensive, shiny shit.

“Bitches get younger and younger, I swear,” Vera insults, eyeing Dani. “You can leave the way you came in,” Vera smarts, rolling her eyes and turning back to wrapping up a dish. If she knew who she was just talking to, she would have a heart attack. Vera hasn’t met Dani yet, none of the girls have, in fact.

“This is Dani, Bull's daughter. She ain’t fucking your man, calm down,” I remark, staring intently at Vera.

I can’t help but laugh at the look of surprise on Vera’s face.

“Oh, shit,” she curses, looking at Dani, smirking. “My bad.”

“Dumb ass,” I laugh, shaking my head. Poor Dani’s face is red and drawn down, nibbling on her bottom lip. Poor thing.