The Broken Pieces of Us (The Devil's Dust #2.1)


I sit in my chair, waiting for the storm to pass, holding my phone in my hand. I want to text Bull, tell him what happened to Scarlett, but I know he’s going through some shit right now with Dani coming back to the club.

“Damn, it’s really coming down out there,” Locks yells, running through our front door. “Where did you go today?” he asks, stepping out of his muddy boots. I scoff; I’m surprised he noticed.

I sigh and set my phone on the side table.

“Scarlett got beat up pretty bad by her boyfriend, dislocated her jaw and everything,” I reply, shaking my head in shock. “He needs to pay for touching the Devil’s Dust. He—”

“No!” Locks roars, making me jump.

“What do you mean no?” I ask, my mouth parted in disgust.

“What I said, no. It’s not club business; it doesn’t need to be brought to the table,” he snaps, his voice cold and unfriendly.

“This is going to the table!” I demand, standing from the chair, angry.

“What? You think ‘cause you’re fucking Bull, you can do whatever the hell you want, princess?” I take in a sudden breath, my eyes widening in fear. My nose pushes out a scared breath as I stare at the malicious man I used to love. I close my eyes, forcing the flashback away, memories of when Locks was human and cared for me. When I reminisce those memories, they make me weak and cause me to feel guilty for Bull and me. I haven’t had one in a while, and they won’t start now.

“What, you think I didn’t know?” he asks, making me pop my eyes open. He stands there, arms bowed at each side like he’s ready to strike, smirking maliciously.

“I will say this, you go to him about this, you will fucking regret it. It will be the last time you run that fucking mouth of yours. This is my club, my life. You wanna open your legs, that’s one thing, but you better keep your drama out of it,” he threatens, pointing his finger in my face. I slap his hand out of my face and glare at him.

He scowls and walks away.

“I’m warning you,” he adds, “leave it alone.”

I can’t do this any longer. I need out of this marriage, and soon.

Looks like I’ll be taking things into my own hands with Scarlett’s boyfriend.

I grip my handlebars tighter, left over rain from the storm making it slippery as we ride back from the warehouse. I don’t know if Dani is telling the truth or not. Her mother yelling Dani was in on the FBI raid, and then Dani showing up, has me questioning a lot. Betrayal is a gamble life bestows on one who mistakenly trusts another. It’s just a chance you take loving someone. I had to get all our drugs and guns moved from the current warehouse and somewhere else, just in case. I want to believe Dani, and a part of me does, but that glimpse of hope might get her killed or my club thrown behind bars if I’m wrong. This situation, choosing between the club and family, I’ve been here before with Dani’s mom. I chose the club before Lady, and it cost me a daughter, cost me a family. I have an internal battle raging inside my head. If Dani did go along with her mother, and came back to try and gain more intel, my boys will rip her to shreds. She is my blood; I can’t allow that, no matter how much of a traitor she may be. I’ll have to stuff her pockets with cash and get her ass as far away as I can, out of the country. I look over at Shadow riding on his motorcycle next to me, his face scowled like it has been the last few days. He is messed up something bad over Dani. He has some serious trust issues, and this thing with Dani and her mom really set them back as a couple.

We pull up to the clubhouse, soaked. I have to swerve our van when entering the courtyard, its front sticking out. I look back at it. Was that parked like that before we left? I park my bike and take my helmet off.

“Who parked the van like that?” I ask, pointing to the black van. Shadow and Bobby both look at the van, shaking their head and shrugging.

“Get it fixed. I about plowed into the damn thing,” I grumble. I can’t help but let my eyes wonder to where Babs parks, finding it empty. She must have left while we were on our run. I need to talk to her. This shit with Dani and Lady going on, I haven’t gotten to talk to Babs much. I pull my phone out and debate on texting her. Maybe I should call her, hear that sweet voice. I call her number and place the phone to my ear, but it goes to voicemail.