Hitched (Hitched #1)

It's Henry. And now he's really drunk.

He leers at me as he stalks toward me. He's got a good one hundred pounds on me and is much taller. I know some karate, so I'm not too scared—hey, a girl's gotta be able to defend herself in a city like this—but my heart still jumps into my throat. "Henry, please return to the other guests. This room is private."

"Which makes it perfect for what I want. You took my money, bitch. Now I'm going to take what I paid for."

He's about to grab me as I raise my knee to catch him in the balls when the door opens again, and Sebastian is there, looking like he's ready to kill someone.

He grabs Henry and pulls him away from me. "What the fuck are you doing in here with her?"

Henry unwisely gloats. "None of your fucking business."

"It is now," he says and punches the man in the jaw. My first thought is, holy shit. My second is immediate concern for Sebastian's hands. He's a surgeon. Punching someone isn't a great idea when your whole career relies on your hands.

But he doesn't seem to care about his hands or his career. He's about to punch him again, but Tate joins us with a face full of apology. "Let's get this guy out of here," he says to Sebastian, who visibly calms down and nods.

They both escort Henry to the door, and Sebastian makes a call, securing a cab for the man through the concierge of the hotel.

When Tate closes and locks the door behind Henry, I finally breathe normally. The music has stopped, I realize, and all the party guests are staring at us.

"I apologize for the brief interruption. Who would like another dance from our amazing dancers? This time to live music?"

The men nod eagerly, and I give a nod to Chad to do his thing. He looks about ready to piss himself, but he grabs his guitar and sits to the side of the stage as he begins strumming his guitar.

I know Jasmine and Nicole will find ways to improvise this. They're that good. And they don't disappoint. They create a very sexy, very sultry dance that's almost story like in its presentation as Chad sings.

The men are mesmerized, and I use the distraction to make sure Dan is okay.

He apologizes before I have a chance to say anything. "I shouldn't have invited him, but he's my cousin, and my parents twisted my arm. I'm so sorry."

I smile. "It's okay. We're used to it. No biggie." This is a lie, but it makes him feel better.

"I'll pay for any inconvenience he posed."

"Just enjoy the rest of your night," I say.

It seems that he does. The party goes late into the early morning before the men tire and start leaving one by one.

I'm dead on my feet as the last one departs. I look around but don't see Sebastian, and I shove away the disappointment that I didn't get to talk to him when he left. Vi and Chad leave after that, and Tate packs up what he brought and gives the dancers a ride home. "I've got to stay and clean up, but I'll be home in a little bit. You don't need to come back. I've got this covered," I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He doesn't look convinced.

"Yup. Get the girls home." I hand him the tip jar. "Split this up with them and save some for Vi. This should make them happy."

He kisses my cheek. "Will do, sis. Be safe and don't stay out too late."

I give him my best wide-eyed innocence look. "Who me? Never."

I can still hear his laughter down the hall as he leaves.

Once alone, the weight of exhaustion hits me, but I still have work to do. I'm cleaning up cups and wiping up spills when the hotel door opens.

I turn, startled. Tate and I should be the only ones with the key.

But apparently not.

Sebastian has one too, it seems.

Chapter 9

The Remaking of Kacie Michaels

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, my body too still, frozen in place as I gape at him. I hate him for showing up here. I want to slap him for refusing to sign the papers. And I'm pissed off because, despite all that, I want to kiss him.

He takes long strides toward me, his body thrumming with pent-up energy, his eyes devouring me. "I came to help you clean up."

His answer disarms me. "What?"

"I came to help you clean up," he repeats. "From the party."

I must look like someone who doesn't understand words at all anymore, because he frowns and looks around at the mess, gesturing with his hands. "Clean. Up." He says slowly.

I can't help but laugh despite myself. "I get it. Sorry, that just… surprised me. It wasn't what I was expecting."

"What were you expecting?" he asks. He grabs a trash bag and starts tossing plates and napkins in.

I shrug, not willing to turn down help when I'm dead on my feet, and start taking down the decorations. "I don't know. I guess, something more carnal."

He pauses in his cleaning and smiles in that devilish way he has. "That comes later. After your job is done and you can relax and fully enjoy those carnal delights."