Hitched (Hitched #1)

I raise a brow in surprise, and Vi laughs at my expression. "He's quite amazing. I promise."

I can't let him audition with a live audience, so I guess I have to listen to him now. If you've ever been in a situation where you might have to tell someone they suck at something, then you know how I feel right now. It's awkward and uncomfortable, and I want to kick Vi for not giving me some kind of warning, but she's also doing me a huge favor so I guess I'll have to hope he's as good as she says. "Why don't you play while we get set up, and we'll see if the music is a match for tonight?"

I still give Vi the stink-eye, but she just winks and laughs. Bitch.

We get to work, me, Tate and Vi, while Jasmine and Nicole go into the bedroom to change. Tate has had all the alcohol brought up and is helping Vi set up the bar while I work to make the room festive, fun and sexy for the party.

But my hands still, my breath hitches, when Chad begins to sing. It's a haunting melody, and his voice is hypnotic. I turn to watch him as he strums his guitar, his beautiful falsetto voice filling the room. Vi and Tate have stopped too and are just as lost in his performance as I am. When he finishes, I clap the loudest, truly blown away by his talent. "That was amazing. You are incredible. I don't know if it's the right vibe for tonight, but I will find a way to get you in, maybe toward the end when things are quieting down. Do you perform at other events?"

His shy grin fills with joy. "I've been trying to. It takes some connections that I don't have, but Vi has been spreading the word about me, which has helped bring in a few gigs."

"You'd be a hit at a few bachelorette parties we're planning this summer. Give me your number, and let's see what we can do."

His eyes light up. "Thank you so much. Vi said you were amazing, and she was right."

"Vi is biased," I say, but I'm pleased at the compliment. I check my watch, and my heart ramps up again. "The guys will be here soon. We've got to get everything finished up."

Tate sets up speakers and puts on our standard playlist of popular music that keeps the energy high. Jasmine and Nicole both have their own music they dance to, but they'll stay in the bedroom until it's time for their dances.

When the first person knocks on the door, I'm just finishing up the food platters provided by the hotel. Everything looks perfect, and I smile, swipe my lips with Russian Red lipstick and open the door to our guests.

My heart stops, and I don't even acknowledge the groom and his other friends, because standing before me is Sebastian Donovan.

Chapter 8

Cigars and Strippers

My mouth falls open, but I quickly shut it, channeling all my professionalism as I pull my eyes from Sebastian to the groom, who is talking to me.

"So nice to meet you in person," Dan says, hand extended to shake.

I smile, grip his hand firmly and open the door for him and his friends. "Come in. Everything's ready for your big night."

His friends tumble into the room, filling it with testosterone. We've already dimmed the lights, turned up the music, and a few guys head straight to the bar, whether for drinks or to admire Vi, I'm not sure, but I can see her turning on the charm as she mixes and serves and flirts just enough to keep them coming back.

I expect to see Chad a bit jealous, but he's having just as much fun talking, laughing and serving drinks. My estimation of him increases as I turn my attention back to Dan.

"I hope you find everything as anticipated." I lead him to a special area where I've set up a smoking lounge with the finest Cuban cigars money (and a few well-placed connections) can buy. "As you requested. I think you'll find these to your liking."

He picks a cigar up and lifts it to his nose, inhaling deeply. "A 1989 Punch Punch. These are extremely hard to come by and one of the most coveted Cuban cigars around. I don't know how you managed this."

I laugh. "This is nothing. You should see what some clients have requested. It was my pleasure."

He's a handsome man with dark eyes, blond hair and a kind smile. He hasn’t even glanced at Vi, which doesn't surprise me. Contrary to Hollywood tropes, most grooms don't ogle other women during their bachelor party. Most of them spend the whole night talking about their bride, and I can tell he won't be any different.

"Janet, my fiancée, wanted to use you too, but since I found you first, I won."

"I hope she's having a good time," I say, meaning it. Some day I hope to grow our business enough that we can take on two parties in one night, just for this reason. But we're not quite there yet.

He checks his phone, smiles and texts something, and I know he's probably going to be texting her all night while his friends and her friends celebrate.