Hitched (Hitched #1)

Of course Vi would go for the guy she could more easily control. "That sounds fine. Thanks so much." I give her the address and time. "So, things are going well with Chad? You usually don't date one-night-stands."

"He's sleeping next to me right now. We were up all night." And then, as if I didn't quite understand her meaning, she added, "fucking."

"Yeah, I got that, but thanks. I'm glad. I look forward to meeting him."

I assume I didn't meet him that night. He and Vi were already gone by the time I got really drunk.

"Okay, great. See you then, Kacie."

Two hours before the party, Nicole and Jasmine arrive to go over the itinerary. They're the best exotic dancers we work with, and I'm glad they were both available for tonight. Especially since this was a referral.

I hug them each, and Tate kisses them both on the cheek. Neither is dressed provocatively. Nicole is tall with long natural blond hair, blue eyed, full breasts, a thin waist and legs a mile long, but she's wearing normal jeans and a t-shirt with a large black bag thrown over her shoulder. Likely her costume for tonight.

Jasmine is her opposite: petite, honey-skinned with silky black hair that's cropped just under her ears in a stylish bob. She has a five-year-old daughter at home and is in school to become a paralegal. Nicole was a professional ballerina until an injury took her out of the game. Men at our parties only know them as sex objects to be lusted after, but I know the real women behind the persona. I used to feel badly for them, but I can tell they really enjoy their jobs, and they are well paid, so I’ve made my peace with it. As long as they don't feel exploited or forced into anything, then it works.

And at Hitched, we don't do sex. While it might be legal in some parts of Nevada, it's not legal in Las Vegas, and it's not the kind of business Tate and I want to run regardless. We decided early on that we want to run a high-end bachelor party business that caters to specialty clients in a classy and fun way.

Without the “extras” other companies sometimes provide, legal or not.


"You ladies ready for tonight?" I ask as I straighten my short black skirt and red sleeveless blouse. I'm going for professional but sexy. It's a tough balance, but I think this outfit strikes the right chord.

Nicole grins. "Sure. This is a pretty small party. I think we can handle them."

I glance at Jasmine, who's putting on a coat of lipstick. "How's your daughter?"

Jasmine smacks her cherry red lips and smiles. "Great. She's so excited for kindergarten this fall she won't stop talking about it. I can't get any peace, but I love it."

"Is the dad still being an asshole with child support?" Tate asks. He can't stand deadbeat dads and would beat the shit out of all of them if he could, not that I blame him.

Jasmine rolls her eyes. "Yes, but thankfully we're doing okay. Working for you is really helping. Your clients are the best tippers."

I beam at that, pleased that our business gives her some perks over working for someone else.

My heart flutters as we leave the house. I check my phone, hoping I got a message from a certain famous magician. Nothing. I don’t let it get me down. I know we'll get the job, but tonight, I have a client to focus on. I still get nervous right before a party, but once it gets rolling, the butterflies settle, and I'm flying high.

I take my own car, and Tate takes his. The women join Tate. They like to tease him, and I enjoy watching him blush under their friendly flirtations.

We arrive at the hotel room before anyone, which is good. I want to be set up before the groom and his friends get here. My name is on the reservation, and Tate gives all of our bags full of party supplies to the bellhop to take up.

The room is perfect. I worry when someone else books the space whether it will be a tight room with the bed monopolizing the area we need to work, but this is a suite with a spacious living area, a bar and a balcony overlooking the Strip. The bedroom is separate and will be a good place to keep our gear while the guests enjoy the celebrations in the main room.

Vi arrives shortly after us, dressed in her standard leather and lace. Chad, a slim-framed man with beautiful green eyes and short brown hair is at her side and casts adoring gazes at her frequently. He's definitely smitten.

"Thank you for filling in," I tell her.

"No problem." She introduces Chad to the four of us, and I shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too," he says, his smile bringing out a dimple in his cheek. He looks around the room, still grinning. "This is nice. Thanks for letting me come and help." He holds up a guitar case and looks sheepishly at me. "I know this is probably not the right venue, but I play and sing if you need a change of music tonight. No pressure."