First World (Walker Saga #1)

Lallielle nodded before gesturing for Lucas to follow the rest. He saluted us politely and walked off down the hallway. The edgy feelings disappeared with him.

Francesca stopped in front of me. “I don’t know everything. For some reason I’m getting less information than usual.” She laughed in her odd way. “But I do know that this has happened to you, Aribella, because you were born to stand out. You’re important. You’re needed. And one day I hope my visions all come together and make sense to me.” She shook her head.

Smiling in a calm manner, I patted her on the shoulder. Her insanity would never make sense to anyone, but it had to be annoying to just get snippets of an ever-changing future. And then be expected to make correctly interpreted predictions.

Lallielle watched her walk away and then kissed my cheek. “I know this is very stressful and confusing, but try and get some sleep tonight. You’ll need to be at your best for this journey.”

Despite her words, she hadn’t completely erased the worry from her eyes. My gaze followed her along the hallway.

Once the space was clear, Josian had my sole attention.

“Okay, before you leave, I need to make sure you can access basic Walker powers. Have you noticed a change since you awoke?”

I nodded. “Yes, my senses are all heightened.”

Josian looked happy with that. “Excellent. Your powers will continue to change and grow as you age and as you practice using them.”

“So they might just burst out of me randomly?” I asked in horror.

He shook his head. “It should be a slow growth. But then I never expected the marks, so what do I know?”

I could see Josian wasn’t used to being unsure. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He clutched me a little closer.

“I need to make sure you can access the energy wormholes and open doorways to other worlds. I will not be letting you leave, no matter what Frannie says, if you don’t have the ability to escape.”

He took a deep breath. “I’m going to show you a crude way of creating a doorway. Once you’re more in tune with your abilities you’ll no longer need to resort to this type of energy manipulation.”

I nodded once, running my tongue nervously over my lips.

“Okay, as we’ve practiced, take some of your energy.”

I closed my eyes and reached into my inner spot. It was still there, in the same place. Only this time it was different. Now there was a bottomless pit of pulsing energy, alive and electric, with the same burning warmth I’d felt during my enlightenment. But thankfully muted.

“Draw from the energy, continue pulling it like string. Send it outside yourself, looping into a continuous circle. But do not let go of the end yet.”

The substance was still like sticky taffy, but there was a tensile strength now that it had lacked before.

“Visualize the completed circle, but hold on to the end of the string. In the inner space of the circle project an image of your bedroom upstairs.”

I followed Josian’s words, picturing my gorgeous king-sized bed.

“Open your eyes,” Josian directed. “And let go of the string.”

I obeyed again, and as my lashes flicked up I gasped.

In front of me, shining brightly, was the dark night of a Walker doorway. Not as large or clear as the one we had taken to Earth. But it was there. And I could see my bed, not too far in the distance.

Without warning, Josian took my hand and pulled me in. I was encased by the familiar sucking sensation. But it was different this time. Instead of an over-abundance of energized cells, moving at the speed of light, I simply drifted with the currents. It was a much shorter trip and at the end we exited onto my bed. No drama.

“That was amazing.”

Josian, demonstrative as always, pulled me into a tight hug. “When all of this is over, I’ll show you the right way to open a doorway and walk between the worlds.

“And remember, if you need to transport more than one or two people, you have to make sure your doorway is strong enough. At least two rounds of energy per person.”

I nodded as I pulled back. “Thanks. And I’ll be careful, I promise.”

He smiled and moved to exit my room. “See you in the morning, baby girl.”

My power hummed as I walked into my wardrobe to finally take off the dress, leaving it bunched on the floor. Everything I left on the floor here was washed and back in my wardrobe the next day. Magic – or housekeepers.

I showered and climbed into bed. I couldn’t be bothered with pajamas, so I just wore fresh underwear. My marks continued to pulse at me. I raised a hand above my head so I could see them more clearly.

The enlightenment hadn’t gone to plan, but I needed to get some sleep before tomorrow. I closed my eyes, only to find that strange new depthless pit of energy tugging at my attention, like an itch that wouldn’t go away. It wanted me to explore, coaxing me closer. Shaking my head, I slammed a heavy roof onto it for now. I was scared to traverse those depths, to know what was there, deep down.