First World (Walker Saga #1)

The next morning my eyes flew open. My newfound internal alarm clock had just woken me. It was early in the morning. I had quite a few hours until it was time to leave. As I sprang out of bed, I found my energy was boundless. I dashed into my dressing room. I felt stronger, faster, and I knew exactly where I wanted to be.

Ten minutes later, I quietly walked out the front door and down to the water. The sun was mid-rise, its golden hue highlighted in the now familiar indigo sky. I dropped my drying sheet – the material they used to dry off from the ocean – onto the sand before stepping into the cool water. I’d left my hair loose and wore a simple black two-piece swimsuit. It was skimpier than I would usually wear, but I wasn’t expecting company.

I stopped before the calm water reached my waist. I still wasn’t a strong swimmer. Palms down on the water, I crested with each small wave, enjoying the fresh air and rays of the rising sun. All too soon, I had to leave. It was time to prepare for the next adventure. I froze as heat traversed my spine to settle at the base of my skull. It was the heat of a stare, and I recognized the signature warmth. I turned away from the horizon, and was not surprised to find Brace standing on the beach, watching me. He looked as if he had been going for a morning run, and with my newfound senses I could see the sweat beading on his sun-kissed skin. By the time I made it out of the water he was gone.

My skin felt flushed and too tight over my entire body. That kiss last night had set off fireworks. I couldn’t help but wonder if that chemistry had anything to do with the marks now permanently visible on my skin.

Back in my room, I stood in the bathroom and stared in the mirror for a few minutes. My skin was gleaming. The luminosity was fainter than Josian’s but there was a definite glow. My hair was more vibrant, especially against the red marks pulsing back at me. My lips were even naturally redder. Everything I had been before was further enhanced.

I showered quickly before dressing. Ready to leave, pack on back, I made my way downstairs. Lucy and I had coordinated our outfits. We were going with ‘bad-ass explorer’ – faded blue jeans, stylishly torn, black combat calf-high boots, a white t-shirt, and a black combat vest – the kind that had pockets everywhere. Coats and other essentials were packed.

As I walked along, I could hear everyone in the kitchen long before I reached them. These new senses were going to take some getting used to.

I dumped my pack with the group near the door and walked into the room. I took a plate and filled it before sitting down. The food was so amazing. Lallielle’s staff, local women from Angelisian, should all receive awards daily. I was not looking forward to being on the road again, although I was likely to start gaining unwelcome weight if I continued to eat this way. I glanced at Josian. Or maybe not. The way he ate, it appeared as if Walkers had an over-active metabolism.

Lucy raised her head for a moment and waved her hand in my general direction before going back to stuffing her face. For a tiny person, she was a champion eater.

Brace and Lucas were in deep discussion at the end of the table. Lucas gave me a half-smile acknowledgement, but Brace was focused on his plate, his expression troubled.

Got to love men. Kissed the hell out of me yesterday, swim-stalked me on the beach this morning, and now couldn’t even look up when I entered the room.

“Morning, baby girl. How did you sleep?” Josian was glowing away at the end of the table, his red hair smoothed down, golden skin luminous, a large stack of flat round pastry pieces in front of him.

These delicious little miracles were shaped like pancakes but filled with a buttery golden syrup. True magic, if you asked me.

“Had some weird waking dreams. Figured out how to open Walker doorways. Got a permanent tattoo and no one knows why. And about to head to another planet.” I shrugged. “Can’t really complain.”

I’d started eating as I talked. A few small pieces of food flew out of my mouth onto the crisp white table cloth.

Josian boomed his laughter. Francesca shook her head. “I don’t see too many obstacles in your path.” She shrugged. “At least not today.”

I shook my head. “I’d feel much better about that if you didn’t have your face all wrinkled up with worry.”

She smiled, although that was a generous description. More of a grimace.

I laughed. “Very reassuring, thank you. Don’t quit your day job, Frannie.”

She looked affronted. “But this is my day job.” She winked at me.

Brace was still ignoring me. Jerk. Should leave him here with Samuel. Also a jerk.

Look at me making friends everywhere I go.