First World (Walker Saga #1)

“Are we getting this party started or what?” Francesca’s light-hearted words broke the tension. Surprisingly, she had a wicked sense of humor. She’d be enjoying the strain in the room.

“You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you, Frannie?” Lallielle glared at her. “So Aribella goes with Lucy, Samuel, Brace and Lucas? Is there anyone else about to join the group?”

Francesca shook her head, her mouth apparently too full of cake to speak.

When I looked out the window, the large glowing numbers in the sky told me it was eight minutes to midnight. Eight more minutes before I stopped being Abigail, Earthling, and my destiny as Aribella, First Worlder and Walker, kicked in.

Leaving the arguing group, I stepped outside. I needed a few minutes to walk, so I scooped up the train of my long dress and strode out onto the sand.

No one knew what to expect when I reached my power enlightenment. Josian had told me that full Walkers were born with their powers; they just developed further as they aged. First Worlders’ powers kicked in at maturity, twenty-eight. Francesca told them I’d fall between this.

“You shouldn’t wander off by yourself, Red.” Brace appeared at my side. He was as sneaky as Josian sometimes.

I was standing on the edge of the water line, allowing the cool water to wash over my aching feet. I mentally made plans to burn those heels the next day.

He too was barefoot, with just dress pants and his white shirt, the top two buttons free. “What are you thinking about?”

I glared at him. “You can’t actually expect me to share my thoughts with you, disappearing Chuck.”

He sighed, staring out into the horizon. “Actually, I’m almost hoping you don’t share too many of them. You already drive me crazy with your words. Thoughts are sure to be much worse.”

Did I really want to know what that was about?

Once again I found myself turning to leave the crazy tension he created. I’d never think of myself as a coward, but something about Brace scared me to death.

It didn’t matter, though. Brace captured my hand, preventing me from escaping.

I’d had enough. Using his bulk, I brought myself in close, lowering my shoulder, and flipped him cleanly over my back. I was lucky enough to have taken him by surprise. Yanking my dress up, I went to pin him down, but he was too fast. Within seconds he reversed our positions. I found myself on my back in the sand, staring up at him. He used his bulk to hold me down before bringing his face close to mine.

“You’re important, Abby.” He was serious. “These events are much bigger than you and me.” His velvet brown eyes softened. “Despite the fact you constantly irritate me.” He leaned closer. “But I would take on anyone to keep you safe, by my side, where you belong.”

The last part was barely a whisper. I wasn’t sure if I would hear any more over the beating of my heart.

I sucked in a ragged breath. His lips were inches from mine.

He shook his head. “Why did it have to be you, Abigail ... all this time?” His thick sooty lashes framing those captivating eyes, his expression and body against mine was driving me insane.

And then he kissed me.

His full firm lips pressed into mine and I forgot everything.

His strange behavior.

The long absence.

My lips opened as the kiss deepened. He kept the bulk of his weight off me, as if he knew I’d hate the loss of independence. All that touched were our lips. I could escape at any point – not that I wanted to.

He did bring one hand down to cup my face. Fireworks exploded behind my closed eyes. A fire burned through me.

Brace groaned against my lips.

And in that moment the time clicked over to midnight. A surge of energy arched me under Brace. The pain was suddenly everywhere, sharp and intense. I looked down to see if knives were filleting my bones from my body.

“Red, what is it? What’s happening?”

Pain arched my back again. Brace held me as he tried to figure out what was attacking. With a bloodcurdling scream, my body succumbed to the pain and I writhed on the ground for a few endless moments. My sole aim: just keep breathing.

Chapter 15

Clarity returned in an instant. All pain ceased.

I was still in the sand. But I was alone.

Sitting up, I looked around. I was overwhelmed by the crashing influx of sensory information. In rapid movements my eyes darted left and right. Damn, my eyesight was so much clearer. Even in the dark I could make out certain landmarks I’d never have seen before. My hearing was also improved. I could hear Josian yelling from inside the house. Within moments, he was at my side.

“Baby girl, Brace said something happened to you.”

I must have been down only seconds. Josian’s shock was apparent as he helped me to my feet. The rest of the group were making their way along the beach to where we stood.

Josian kept staring at me.

“Dad, I’m fine.” I grimaced at him. “But you could have told me about the pain. That was brutal.”

I rubbed my face. The ache of dicing knives hadn’t quite left me yet.

Josian shook his head. “There shouldn’t have been pain.”