First World (Walker Saga #1)

“I just had a few things to take care of. But Sammy told me about Spurn. I’ve decided you need me, so I’m coming along.”

I pulled back, spluttering a little. “What makes you think we need you?”

What was Brace up to now?

Shaking his head, he pulled me back into his arms. “I said you need me and, more importantly, Sam doesn’t want to be the only guy on the trip.”

I continued to glare. But there was something I’d been wanting to say, and since this was the first time I’d seen him since Earth, now was it.

I took a deep breath. “Thank you for ... uh ... killing Olden ... saving me.” I stuttered over my words. I didn’t really know how to express my gratitude.

His light-hearted expression sobered. “I was too slow. There were too many distractions, but ... you should never have been hurt.”

I shook my head, but before I could satisfy my need to reassure him, his mood lifted and, grinning, he swirled me away, out of the main dance floor. We moved closer to the large balconies. The doors were thrown wide open and huge fire torches were scattered around. Along one wall were massive antique mirrors with ornate gilded framing.

I caught the first glimpse of my reflection. I looked again, just to make sure that was really me. I looked tall and slim. My full glossy red lips were parted in surprise. The long black dress fitted flawlessly, contrasting with masses of dark red and black hair, which was piled up in messy curls, a few falling to frame my face.

Lallielle and Lucy had outdone themselves with my makeup. My skin was always clear, but tonight it glowed. And my eyes looked even larger and more cat-like than usual; the black kohl lining them enhanced the emerald green.

“I told you. You really have a beauty that is otherworldly,” Brace said, observing my stunned expression. “You have the beauty of a Walker.”

I turned away. Maybe for the first time I actually did have the otherworldly look of Josian. But that didn’t mean I wanted to be the world savior. Or that I even could be.

I turned at the sound of Brace’s name. A group of suit-clad men, his friends I assumed, were calling him over. With a regretful glance, he left me there, making his way to them.

I followed him across the room, where he was cajoled into a dance with ‘boobs’, my nickname for ‘vulture woman in the red dress’. Clenching my nails into my wrist, I turned away, attempting to calm my murderous thoughts. I was pretty close to ripping every strand of blond hair from her head. I stepped out onto the balcony, allowing the cool breeze and sounds of the ocean to soothe the ragged edges Brace always left me with.

Later that night, after numerous awkward dances, and countless introductions, the party was over.

Lallielle was off ushering the last of the revelers out the door. Lucy and I were lying on the ballroom floor, staring up at the massive ceiling.

“So, could you have ever imagined this would be your eighteenth birthday?”

Turning my head to the side, I smiled. “I was just hoping we wouldn’t be in some type of people-smuggling rape ring for my birthday.”

Lucy shoved me. “There’s still time, Abbs, twenty minutes till midnight.” She looked thoughtful. “What was with you and blondie in the red dress?”

Lucy was referring to the incident that had taken place ten minutes earlier, when ‘boobs’ had been leaving with her parents. They’d stopped to thank Lallielle. I was standing there as well. As our parents started chatting, she’d leaned in close to me.

“Don’t even think you can have First World’s most eligible bachelors, Aribella. I don’t care what anyone else believes, I know you’re not the empress.” That wasn’t the first time tonight I’d caught murmurs of that. She continued to sneer at me. “I was here first and I’ll be long after you’re done and gone.”

I didn’t even flinch at the snarling venom in her low voice. I smiled sweetly as I lowered my own voice. “Seriously, boobs, you don’t scare me. I grew up in New York and ran in the ganglands. Hormonal women are the least of my worries. If you don’t get your bitchy ass out of my house, I’m going to break your nose.”

Lucy erupted into laughter as I explained what had happened. “You called her ‘boobs’?”

At my nod, she snorted louder.

While we were relaxing, the boys were off playing some game on a huge felt-covered table. They’d tried to explain the rules, but it was beyond me. Some type of cross between pool and chess, with large colored balls and stone statue people that had to be moved around in a pattern.

I changed the subject from ‘boobs’.

“Thanks for the earrings too, Luce, I love them.” I reached up to touch the beautiful emerald-colored stone studs. That and my necklace were the only jewelry I had on.

She shrugged. “I did have a vintage tee stashed back home. But these will do.”

I laughed.