Fierce (Storm MC #2)

“My thoughts exactly. Talk to you later,” he said, and ended the call.

I was quiet while Scott processed what Griff had told him. Having no idea what they were talking about and knowing it was none of my business anyway, I refrained from asking him anything about that conversation. We drove in silence for awhile but it wasn’t the kind of silence where I was trying desperately to come up with something to say. No, it was an easy silence and I realised that being with Scott was easy. Sure, I felt that excited, nervous buzz a little but that had to do with my attraction to him. Just being with him though, was uncomplicated; he put me at ease with the way he treated me.

Eventually, I broke the silence. “Can I ask you another question?”

He chuckled. “Something tells me you’re going to anyway.”

“What does your Dad do as the President? Because it seems to me like you’re in charge of a lot.”

“He’s handed a lot of the responsibility over to me; getting me ready to take over as President when he steps down. But he still does a lot.”

“When will he step down?”

“Not anytime soon. Could be years but I need to be ready.”

“Griff didn’t want to tell you that stuff with me listening, did he?”

“No, he didn’t.”

I took that in. Scott said a lot without actually saying a lot.

A couple of minutes later we pulled up to Wynnum Esplanade and Scott parked his car on the road near the wading pool. We went across to Pelican’s Nest and he bought us lunch which we took to the park to eat. It was a beautiful day to be out; it kind of felt naughty to be sitting in the sun by the ocean on a work day.

Scott set us up at a picnic table and then asked me, “Is your art something you still want to pursue?”

“Absolutely, and my best friend is helping me find galleries that might be interested in my work.”

He scowled. “Wait, this isn’t the bitch that cheated with your boyfriend is it?”

“No, I haven’t seen her since I discovered that. This is Cassie, my new friend who I’m pretty sure would never do that to me.”

“So, you’re working on getting your Mum sorted and in the meantime trying to get your art happening?”

“Yeah. And working at a strip club to pay the bills,” I winked at him when I said this.

He scowled again. “Harlow, if any of our customers give you trouble I want you to come to me with it and I’ll sort them out.”

“You seem worried about that but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“I’ve seen some of those motherfuckers in action, babe. You bring it to me if there’s an issue. No-one else; me,” he asserted in a way that made his request clear.

“Okay, Mr. Bossy,” I teased him but he wasn’t in a mood to be teased.

We were sitting across from each other and he dipped his head so that his face was closer to mine. Determination was clear in his eyes. “I’ll always be bossy where your safety is concerned. I’m not mucking around here; these men aren’t all your standard Joe Blow and you need to take that in. They fuck with you, it means they fuck with me. And babe, I’m not one to be fucked with,” he warned in that deep, threatening voice I’d heard him use before. The fact that it made me feel safe didn’t escape me. I kind of liked it; no man had ever made me feel safe like that before.

Later, when he dropped me back at the café, he reiterated what he’d already said. “Remember, no putting up with shit from Indigo customers. I want to know if there are any problems,” he said as he met me on my side of the car.

I only just stopped myself from rolling my eyes. “Okay.”

He moved close to me, backing me up against his car, his right hand sliding behind my neck and holding my head. Then he delivered another strong warning. “Something tells me you don’t plan on involving me, babe, so let me make myself clear. I’m not a man who likes finding shit out later; especially if something happened that I could have stopped. There will be problems between you and me if you don’t do as I’ve said. Understand?”

Shit. Who could argue with that? “I understand,” I agreed.

“Good,” he murmured, eyes on my lips, “Now, I don’t do this dating thing so I’m not sure, but I reckon I’m supposed to get a kiss out of it.” His left hand had made its way to my face and he was holding my cheek.

Smiling, I bantered, “That would only be if you were dating a woman who didn’t have a three date policy.”

“What the fuck’s a three date policy?”

“You take me on three dates before you get a kiss.”

His eyes twinkled. “Babe, you’re deluding yourself. We’ve already kissed and you’ve already made it clear you want me to fuck you. I’d say your three date policy is null and fucking void.”

“Well, have you made your mind up about having sex with me yet?”

Smirking, he asked, “Are you trying to bribe me with a kiss for sex, Harlow?”