Fierce (Storm MC #2)

I leant forward, towards him. “I get that, but from where I’m standing, what I see is that for the people who don’t fuck with you, you’d give your life for them. And just for the record, I don’t fuck with people. Ever.”

He stiffened and his jaw muscles tightened. His breathing that had been deep and even was now ragged, and his eyes reached into my soul. I struggled to keep my own breathing even as the intensity of his gaze sent sparks of electricity through me. When he reached his hand up and ran his thumb over my lips, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest and goosebumps flooded my skin.

Our faces were so close now, and when he spoke, his warm breath touched my lips. “The more I get to know you, the more I want to know you,” he rasped.

Pleasure shivered through me; from my neck down to my toes. I bit my lip as I took another step closer to him; our bodies now touching. The outside world was blocked out; all I could see, hear and smell now was Scott.

“Fuck,” he muttered, and wrapped a hand around the back of my head so he could pull me to him. His lips smashed down on mine and we kissed. I entwined my arms around his bulky frame, letting my hands run over his hard muscles. Scott moved one hand down to cup my ass, and pulled me closer. I’d never be close enough; his body against mine was sheer heaven.

His kiss was rough, yet tender; his tongue tangled with mine in a gentle caress and then it became wild and dominating. I moved my fingers to run through his hair and he grunted in response, and roughly pulled me even closer. My heart was beating so fast now, and my thoughts were scrambled. This kiss was pulling me under; exposing me and laying me vulnerable to a man from a world completely different to my own. And yet, after refusing to give my heart to anyone for so long, here was a man I wanted to open myself up to.

He broke the kiss, and murmured slowly, “Fuck.”

“Why do you keep saying that?”

“Because you’re making me feel things I never wanted to feel.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked softly.

“Not sure yet but what I do know is that I’ve no right to drag you into my world.”

“How long do you think it’ll take you to work it out? Because I’ve gotta tell you, I want you; even if just for that one night.” His desire for me was causing me to be bold; to be confident in ways I’d never been before. Throwing myself at a man like this was not my signature move.

“Fuck,” he growled, again, and leant down to brush his lips roughly over mine.

Of course, I took the opportunity to turn this into another full blown kiss and quickly wrapped my hands around his neck while my tongue played with his and my teeth softly bit his lips. Eventually he pulled away and shook his head at me. “Again, the more I get to know, the more I fucking want.”

I was just about to say something when we were interrupted by Lisa. “Scott, is it okay if I go home now to get ready for school?”

Oh, my heart broke for this child. She was twelve but she lacked the confidence that a young girl needed to start her journey through the minefield that was the teenage years. She was average height but so very skinny, her hair was a dirty blonde that hung limply just below her shoulders and she walked with a slight hunch. I wanted to take her home, feed her and pamper her; really, I just wanted to love her because it was obvious she needed it.

“Sure,” he replied, and then looked at me, “Harlow will take you.”

Lisa gave Scott a look that said ‘I don’t need help getting home’, but I knew where he was coming from so I said, “Come on, let’s get you home.” I put my arm around her shoulder and walked with her.

Once we were outside and on our own, I said to her, “How are you feeling today, honey? Do you have any period pain?”

Her cheeks flamed red. “No, I don’t have any pain. Will I get pain?” Worry etched her face. Bloody hell, her mother hadn’t prepared her for any of this.

“Not necessarily but a lot of girls do get pain. I want you to call me if you get some because I will bring you something to help with it. Do you have a mobile phone?” I added that last bit on because it occurred to me that she might not have one.

“Yes, Scott gave me one.”

Of course he did. “Pass it here and I’ll put my number in it.”

We swapped numbers, and then I said, “Lisa, the changes you’re going through are going to suck. Well, for a little while anyway, while you get used to them. If you need someone to talk to, I really want you to call me. Okay?”

She agreed before scurrying off to her house to get ready for her day. I waited until she was safely inside her house and then I turned and walked back to Scott’s. As I entered his gate, I noticed a motorcycle pull up across the road. I expected the guy to come across but he just sat on his bike and watched me. Strange. But then, what did I know about bikers and how they operated. Maybe he was waiting for Scott and didn’t want to go inside. I obviously had a lot to learn.

Chapter 17