Fierce (Storm MC #2)

I finally arrived at Indigo just after nine that night. The place was packed. Scanning the crowd and the bar area, I caught sight of Harlow, and desire slammed into me.

She saw me and her face lit up. I nodded and kept going; I had to get out of there because watching the assholes ogle her was sending my blood pressure through the fucking roof. I ended up in the office, alone with my thoughts. What the fuck was I doing with Harlow? I was looking at breaking two of my rules with her now; never chase a woman, and never fuck an employee. Shit just got messy when you did either of those two things. Problem was though, my dick was committed to making this happen; there was no backing out now.

I looked up as Nash wandered into the office and settled himself in the couch. “Saw you come in, and then saw you dismiss Harlow and come out here. Thought you were into her? Cause I’ve gotta say, if you’re not gonna have a crack at that, I’m into it.”

“Leave her the fuck alone, Nash,” I snarled, fighting not to jump the desk and deck the motherfucker.

“Yeah, I figured but just had to check.” The asshole was fucking grinning at me.

I threw the pen down that I was holding and ran my hands through my hair. “Christ, I’ve never had a hard on for a woman like I do for her. You ever had that?”

Something crossed his face; a darkness I’d never seen there before but it was gone as fast as it came. “Had it once, brother. Never again.”

I nodded slowly. “I hear you.”

Then he shocked me by leaning forward in his seat and saying, “Might be right for you though. Never seen a chick get to you like this one.”

There was a knock at the door; it was Harlow.

Nash stood up to leave. “Speak of the devil,” he muttered, grinning at her as he left.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Amy said to let you know that we need some change for the till. Fives and tens,” she replied, not sounding happy.

“What’s wrong with you?”


I’d made my way to her by now. “Don’t bullshit me, Harlow.”

She tensed and took a moment before saying, “Whatever this is between us, if you’re not into it anymore, that’s cool with me.” She may have said those words but the way she was looking at me told me that it was anything but cool with her.

“Where the fuck did that come from?”

Another pause. “You gave off a vibe when you came in so I figured you’d thought about it and changed your mind.”

I reached around and closed the door behind her. Then I backed her up against the door and leaning into her, I rested my arm on the door above her head. “First thing you need to know about me, Harlow, is that I don’t tend to change my mind too often. Second thing you need to know is that when I tell a woman I’m going to fuck her, she can be damn sure that I’m going to fuck her. And the third thing you need to know is that I don’t like to waste time,” I growled that last sentence and grabbed her hip to pull her closer to me before continuing, “Believe me babe, when I say that I’m going to be tasting your pussy soon.”

Those eyes of hers widened and just as she went to say something, we were interrupted by Velvet. “Scott,” she knocked loudly on the door, “We’ve got some trouble out front. Nash said to come and get you.”

“Shit,” I muttered, taking one last look at Harlow before pushing off the wall. “We good?” I asked her.

“Yeah,” she said softly and I left her to go and sort this shit out. It couldn’t have been worse fucking timing.

Nash was with three guys in the main club area just near the bar. He looked like he was about to take one of them on. “What have we got here, Nash?” I asked, joining them.

His eyes were feral. “Bullet’s sent these assholes around,” he seethed.

I looked at the three of them. None were wearing their colours and I didn’t recognise any of them. “You guys new to Black Deeds?” I asked them.

The biggest one piped up, “No, motherfucker, been around for years, just with a different chapter.”


“You in town for long?”

“That depends on how long it takes for Bullet to sort out this little problem he has with your brother.”

“My step-fucking-brother, who I have nothing to do with. Perhaps you could remind Bullet of that little fact.”

“Bullet doesn’t give a shit either way. He just wants this cleaned up, and he doesn’t give a fuck how that’s achieved. You read me?”

“I fucking read you, dickhead,” I snarled before landing a punch on his jaw. I hit him so hard that he stumbled backwards into a table and fell on his ass.

“Nice work, brother,” Nash said, and joined the brawl with a punch to one of the other guy’s heads.