Fierce (Storm MC #2)

I didn’t waste any time and started in on the third asshole. He was ready though and put up a good fight. Fists and blood were flying, and the sounds of bones crunching were fucking music to my ears.

The guy I was fighting went down for the count so I looked over at Nash to see how he was going. He had everything under control; Nash had some muscle behind him and I’d never seen him lose a fight. However, the first guy I’d decked was back on his feet and heading straight for Nash so I helped out with the guy Nash was going a round with. Approaching the guy from behind, I pushed him hard on his back so he’d lose his balance and when he did, I swung my arm and punched him in the side of his face and shoved him to the ground. On his way down, his face crashed hard into the side of a table and that seemed to knock him out totally.

As I was finishing the guy off, I yelled at Nash, “Behind you, brother!”

He quickly ducked and turned around with an agility that most wouldn’t believe he had in him based on his size. I swung my full attention back to the asshole on the ground and bent over and smashed my fist into his face a couple of times. When he finally stopped struggling against me and his body sagged completely, I stood up straight. Nash had just knocked his guy out and was standing over him, watching me. His eyes lit up and he bounced a little on his feet. “Yeah, brother. That was some fun, huh?”

I chuckled. “Yeah, a laugh a fuckin’ minute.”

I surveyed the club; we’d caused a scene and customers were standing around watching us. Amy and Harlow were standing behind the bar and I saw Harlow say something to Amy but Amy was rooted to the ground with a stunned look on her face and didn’t appear to take in whatever Harlow had said to her. Harlow shocked me by wolf whistling to get everyone’s attention. It worked, and when she had it, she yelled out, “Half price drinks for the next ten minutes. Come and get it, people.”

There was a mad rush to the bar and Harlow’s obvious ploy had worked; most customers weren’t focused on us anymore. One of the bouncers from outside had come in and he, Nash and I started moving these dickheads outside.

Ten minutes later we had all three of them lying on the ground in the alley next to Indigo. I pulled out my phone and rang Dad. “You need to call Bullet and tell him I’ve got some of his fuckers passed out in the alley next to the club,” I said when he answered.

“What the fuck?”

“Yeah, what the fuck. Three of Black Deed’s out of state members rolled in tonight threatening Storm. Nash and I cleaned them up. You tell Bullet we want that meeting brought forward to tomorrow morning. I’m not waiting any longer for this shit.”

I hung up without waiting to hear what he said.

“Bullet’s got no clue what he’s done here,” Nash said, voicing what I was already thinking.

“No fuckin’ clue,” I agreed as we walked back inside.

“Harlow knew what she was doing in there. Pretty fucking impressed with her,” he said.


“What, you got nothing else to say about her?”

“I’m just processing the shit that’s gone down lately. Bullet’s coming for us and his guy saw me with Harlow this morning. Then we’ve got those two guys who were watching her the other night. She’s been put right in the fuckin’ middle of a shit storm.”

He didn’t say anything else; just nodded in agreement. When we entered the club, everything was back to normal. One of our bouncers threw us each a wet towel and I used it to clean the blood off me before making my way over to Harlow.

“I hope what I did was okay with the half price drinks,” she leant across the bar and breathed into my ear so that I could hear her over the music.

“More than okay. Thanks for that. You girls right here?”

“Yeah, we’re all good.”

“Nash and I have some things to take care of but we’re just out back if you need us.”

“Okay,” she said as she laid that sexy smile on me.

Before she could pull away from me, I gripped her hand that she was leaning on. It startled her and I noted that her breathing picked up. She looked at me expectantly. “That sexy smile will get you fucked sooner rather than later, babe.”

Her eyes danced with delight. “Oh, I’m counting on it, big boy.”

“Fuck,” I growled, “Tonight. You’re mine.”

Still with the dancing eyes, she leant closer and let her lips brush softly over mine before saying, “Yes, tonight I’m yours.”

I let go of her hand and we both pulled away but maintained eye contact. I was transfixed; the world whirled around me but I was oblivious to it. This woman had captured my complete attention and I was helpless to stop it.

Harlow broke eye contact first when a customer called her away. I stood watching her for another minute or so and then left to go in search of Nash.

I found him with Griff in the office. “How long you been here?” I asked Griff.

“About five minutes. Seems I’m a bit late to the party.”

I looked at Nash. “You catch him up?”

“Yeah,” he replied.