Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

The flames, which had only been the size of a bean, suddenly expanded and burned furiously. Just like that, the spirit spots were razed to ashes.

However, these spots seemed to be boundless. Even though the spots in front of them had been burnt to nothingness, they still did not hesitate to pounce towards the flames. This was especially so for the spiritual spots that belonged to official Magi. They could survive in the flame for a long time, almost extinguishing the white-gold flames.

Eventually, the consciousness of the white-gold flame became increasingly weak. All the impurities in the spiritual spots had disappeared, and the consciousness vanished, causing it to be extremely pure.

A clean, pure, ownerless spiritual force began to be produced from the heart of the flames.


Sometime later, Leylin focused on the silver flames in front of him, his eyes revealed his joy.

This was the crystallised spiritual force that he had refined. It combined the spiritual force that the platinum gate had gathered after many years, with the spiritual force essence from the Magi that had died in battle.

“The effects are even better than I expected! Total amount of spiritual force has increased by 22%.”

Leylin mumbled quietly, and then looked towards the silver flame. There, a white-gold ball of light like a ping pong ball hovered, emitting spiritual waves that Leylin almost did not notice.

However, the spiritual waves seemed to communicate with the silver flames, and there was even an urge to return to within the silver flames.

This was the consciousness that he had separated. After fights with other spirits, it had become very weak and would probably be destroyed with just a blow from Leylin.

However, as long as it was still not destroyed, the crystallised spiritual force flames in Leylin’s possession would never be able to be considered pure.

“My apologies!”

Leylin spoke to the ball of light, and then blew!

Pu! Like a bubble, it popped, and the ball completely broke open and it was on the verge of disappearing in the air.

With the destruction of the core body of consciousness, the crystallisation of the silver flames in Leylin’s hands were transparent, like a totem of flames created using crystal. It produced a very pure feeling.

This was its form after removing its pure consciousness.

[Large amounts of crystallisation of spiritual force. Purity: 100%] The A.I. Chip came up with a conclusion.

“100%?” Leylin shook his head.

He was clear that at this point, he would not be able to identify the impurities in the spiritual force, and it could not be said to be perfect.

The spirit was a wondrous thing. Even the A.I. Chip right now was unable to examine it properly. Though it might not be able to detect a few ingredients, this did not mean that rank 4 or 5 great Magi would not be able to find out.

In the Book of Giant Serpents, there was a warning from the great Magus Serholm. This spiritual force seemed to be very pure, but in actuality, there were still a few spiritual marks left behind and could not be absorbed! Otherwise, the road ahead would be difficult, and might even cause residual effects.

Chapter 265 – Self-Destruct Runes

Self-Destruct Runes

“However I don’t want to absorb it, but to use it as a single-use stimulant to level up the meditation technique!”

Leylin chuckled and reached for the crystal in the heart of the flames.


The spiritual force crystal glistened as it turned into a large silvery flame that engulfed Leylin within.

Where the crimson light screen formation was.

The Magi outside would naturally not know what happened in here, but at this moment Leylin destroyed the secret plane’s core body of consciousness!

Weng! Weng! Weng!

The giant metal gate of the Four Seasons Garden headquarters creaked loudly as various runes on it dimmed! Right after, large cracks began to appear on the surface of the gate.

Ka-Cha! Ka-Cha!

The noise produced from the giant metal gate was akin to that of ice cubes melting, as chunks of the gate began to melt like lava and rolled to the ground.

Under these circumstances, even the two rank 2 Magi inside the tornado stopped fighting and directed their gaze towards this scene.

Finally, with the faces of the dark and light Magi showing their disbelief, the gate collapsed and produced a large amount of grime and dust!

“The secret plane’s entrance has self-destructed! Damn it! That Leylin must have destroyed the core!”

Cabourn who was in the tornado charged at the crimson light screen formation.

As for Desmund, his eyes gleamed as he remained rooted to the spot, not planning to stop Cabourn.

At this moment, outside of the crimson light screen formation, Number 2 and Number 3 brandished their metal greatswords, which were even larger than they were. The brands on their body shone resplendently and surrounding them lay the bodies of countless magicians.

All these were magicians who had foolishly rushed forward earlier to stop Leylin from harvesting the spirits from both dark and light faction. However, under the two Branded Swordsmen’s teamwork, they were all slain here.

Branded Swordsmen had always been one of the stronger classes in ancient times. This could clearly be seen from the mighty battle prowess stemming from Number 2 and 3.

Regular semi-converted Magi were not their match at all. Even if those Magi were a tad stronger, under the combination of the instantaneous spell casting innate to their bodies and their battle techniques, the Magi were still easily disposed of.

Formidable physical qualities with an expert fighting technique, combined with instantaneous spell casting abilities have granted Number 2 and Number 3 the title of meat grinders on the battlefield. It required at least a peak rank 1 Magus to finish both of them.

However, how rare was a peak rank 1 Magus?

Previously, Leylin had already swept the battlefield clean of the peak rank 1 Magi. Not to mention those dark Magi spies who were now dead, and even Caesar and Giant were severely injured and unconscious. At this moment, Number 2 and Number 3 were unstoppable!

However, no matter how powerful a Branded Swordsman was before they advanced, they weren’t a match for rank 2 Magi

With the attack from Cabourn, Number 2 and Number 3 looked at each other with undying loyalty written over their faces.

“For our Master!”

They grunted as the brand and runes on their bodies flashed ten times more powerful than before as they charged to receive Cabourn’s attack.

“You’re overestimating your abilities!” Cabourn smirked and released two black tornados from his hands.


The tornados which contained a corrosive effect hit the Branded Swordsmen bodies, but it only left several white marks. Their skin was even intact.

“En? What kind of modification is this?” This time, it was Cabourn who was astonished.

However, he no longer had any time. At this moment, Number 2 and Number 3 bodies began to bloat, like two over-inflated balloons, as they came to Cabourn’s side.

Boom! Boom!

Two huge explosions sounded.

As a Branded Swordsman, in front of an unbeatable foe, there was always a final move! This was to fully detonate all of the brands on their body to generate a powerful one-time attack!

In theory, this attack was to use the life force of the Branded Swordsman, the energy particles attracted by the runes and even the spirit that would be detonated all at once! A rank 1 Branded Swordsman’s self-detonation, which could even be a threat to a rank 2 Magus!

When Leylin made modifications to the Branded Swordsman, he also increased the explosive effect of the detonation.

As this information of the Branded Swordsman’s trump card was not known to many, even Cabourn as a rank 2 Magus had never heard of it before. Hence, he had received two such explosive attacks without any suspicions.

Two giant red mushroom clouds formed in the air, whistling through the skies as they engulfed Cabourn completely.

These flaming mushroom clouds even had scarlet flames at their edges. Anything that the flames touched, be it Magi or concrete, would be instantly dissolved.

“What kind of spell is this? The might is infinitely nearing that of a rank 2 spell!”

The eyes of the surroundings Magi twitched as they scrambled away as if having seen a ghost.

Rumble! The splendour of the giant red mushroom cloud displayed its terrifying radiation and might. Several minutes later, the two clouds completely dissipated, revealing a black robed figure within.

“Cough Cough…” Cabourn’s appearance now was terribly miserable. His robes were all tattered and torn like a beggar’s. Especially noteworthy was his left hand which was in an unusual angle with evident traces of burns. It seemed like the effects of the self-detonation of Number 2 and Number 3 were substantial.