Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 1-Chapter 150)

The lines full of red-coloured warnings about the abnormal status was extremely striking, but Leylin had actually not realised it before.

[Beep! Detection over! The Host has breathed in very potent and delicate hallucinatory gas particles! The five senses were affected! To expel or not?]

“Begin expulsion immediately!” Leylin commanded.

[Beep! Reserve energy has been used, expulsion in progress!]

The A.I. Chip indicated that the expulsion was complete, and only then did Leylin open his eyes.

Right now, he was situated inside a shrubbery, and the Violent Hilly Bear and Red-Eyed Raven disappeared without a trace.

There were many cuts on his body from the barbs in the shrubbery, and blood was dripping from them. However, there were no gashes on his back.

“It seems like it really was an illusion. What I saw earlier was completely artificial!”

Leylin looked at his surroundings again. On the left, there was a tree that had fallen, and he saw traces of scorch marks in his surroundings.

“Although what I saw was fake, my reactions were all real. The explosive potion and Umbra’s Hand uprooted the tree, and it is very likely that I mistook the tree for the Violent Hilly Bear!”

Leylin felt a little regretful. The explosive potion had cost him plenty of magic crystals, and he had spent a whopping amount before buying the formula and ingredients from Woox. But now, he had actually used it against a tree.

“However, it’s not like I didn’t reap any benefits.” Leylin looked at the prompt shown by the A.I. Chip earlier.

[Secretion of adrenaline in the Host’s body has rapidly increased, blood flow has increased by 58%!] [The Host has ignited internal life energy and broke through the boundaries of a Knight!]

“It might have been an illusion all along, but the igniting my internal life energy and advancing to a Knight was real!”

“It is also thanks to my advancement into a Knight that led me to realise that something was amiss, if not, I would have died just like that!”

Leylin was a little afraid, “A.I. Chip! Record the status I was in earlier when I broke through into a Knight!”

[Beep! Recording is done, name: State of advancing to a Knight]

“This state may be the key to igniting internal life energy! However why would it have some resemblance to the magic powers of my previous world? It seems extremely unconventional!”

Leylin harboured a few suspicions. This Knight’s advancement method was extremely perilous. Many of the situations required luck, otherwise, there might be an excessive secretion of adrenaline, opening up the possibility of being poisoned to death.

Chapter 35 – Returning To The Academy

Returning To The Academy

“I wonder how Kaliweir and the others are doing now?”

When Leylin feebly picked himself up, he felt like his whole body was going to fall apart.

“Even with the A.I. Chip, I have fallen into this state, let alone their situations. I had better find them quickly, it would be really terrible if they were to fall into a trap or encounter other wild beasts.

Leylin drew out a red-coloured potion from his waist pouch and opened the wooden plug. He poured the red liquid onto his wounds.

Hiss! White mist continuously rose up from the wound. Leylin gritted his teeth, his face a little twisted.

After the white mist dispersed, a red membrane was covering the wound, and the bleeding had already stopped. It had also closed the wound. Leylin waved his hands around and noticed that his movements were not restricted.

“This hemostatic potion is very good, but it’s so painful when it’s being used!”

Leylin grumbled, drew out another blue coloured potion, and gulped it down. The blue potion was sweet and carried the fragrance of white bread. Leylin felt his body getting much better and also recovered some strength. He walked out from the shrubbery and leaned against a big tree to rest.

“A.I. Chip! For that hallucinatory gas, are there any remedies against it?”

Since he knew that the only danger over there was the hallucinatory gas particles, Leylin did not mind rescuing his other party members.

If it really wasn’t possible, then Leylin would just turn his head and return to the academy to inform the professors while praying for them.

[Suggestion: Freshwater has good protective properties against the infiltration of the gas particles!]

The A.I. Chip replied.

“Freshwater, huh?” Leylin opened his water bottle and soaked a handkerchief, wrapping it over his nose and mouth before heading back to their previous location.

“I thought that I had run very far away, but I haven’t even gone a thousand metres!” Leylin retraced his footsteps. Moments later, when he returned back to where the party of five had split up, he was a little speechless.

“A.I. Chip! Scan the area in front and form a map!”

Since he knew that the path in front was filled with hallucinatory gas particles, Leylin still felt very vulnerable despite his safeguard.

[Beep! Scan completed!]

An image appeared in front of Leylin’s eyes. Where the five of them were earlier, there was a depression with huge mushrooms growing out from it.

These mushrooms were extremely big and almost as tall as a human being. Each one was a mysterious purple colour, with many black spots faintly forming the image of a human in pain.

“What type of mushrooms are these?”

[Comparing to database! Similarity level: Spider-Faced Mushroom 98.7%, Spear-Lining Mushroom 74.5%, Purple Umbrella Flower 23.3%]

“Spider-Faced Mushroom?” Leylin thought back to an image he had seen in a picture book from the library.

“The Spider-Faced Mushroom is a very mysterious plant. It is able to emit extremely strong hallucinatory gas particles, and people with weak constitutions and other intelligent beings will not be able to resist them. They will often attract flying beasts and live together in harmony with them. It seems like the two Red-Eyed Ravens from earlier were attracted to them.”

Leylin noticed a few bones at the stem of the purple mushroom, some seemed to belong to humans, and some were from various creatures.

“However, these kinds of dangerous plants should have been cleaned up around our school area, unless they were moved here only recently!”

Leylin conjectured and suddenly felt chills over his body as if he had discovered a part of a conspiracy.

Shaking his head, “This is not something that I can attend to now. I had better hurry and look for Neela and the others and then leave immediately!”

With the help of the A.I. Chip, finding the others of his party members proved to be extremely easy.

Raynor was lying not far away, with one of his thighs impaled on a branch. It seemed like he had run into it himself.

Not long later, Kaliweir was found too. At this moment, he looked like a lunatic, cleaving at a huge black boulder. He could not even see Leylin walking over, and was knocked out by Leylin in the end.

As for Neela and Lilisse, they were the luckiest. Not long after they left, they had been entangled within some vines. When Leylin found them, they were still clad in the glow of the green hastening potion and were actually not injured at all.

Leylin brought the four of them far away from the Spider-Faced Mushroom. When he found a stream, he tossed all of them into the water.

This was the suggestion given by the A.I. Chip.

With the bone-chilling cold water from the stream invading the noses and throats of Kaliweir and the others, their bodies began to convulse violently.

“Cough Cough!” Kaliweir and the others started to cough violently.

Leylin moved the few of them onto flat ground and laid them on their backs. He then picked up a weapon and got into a defensive stance.

“What happened?” Kaliweir rubbed his aching head and propped himself up.

“Do you still remember what happened earlier?” Leylin came in front of Kaliweir.

“Yes! I remember now, we met with the Violent Hilly Bear and even some Direwolves!” Kaliweir touched the gash on his face.

“Was it you who saved us?”

“Indeed! However, what we encountered were not ferocious beasts. I’ll explain it when the others have woken up!” Leylin pointed at the others, who seemed to be regaining consciousness slowly.

When the few of them left the domain of the Spider-Faced Mushrooms and gulped down huge amounts of fresh water, their minds started to clear again.

Leylin explained the matter of the Spider-Faced Mushrooms to them. As for himself, he said that he was lucky to avoid their situations because he had an item that could resist hallucinations.

After listening to Leylin, the expressions of Kaliweir and the others weren’t very good at all.

“Leylin! Thank you! I owe you my life!” Kaliweir said solemnly.

“Us too!” Neela and Lilisse spoke at the same time. As for Raynor, he opened his mouth but no words came out from it.

“I suggest that you all better tend to the injuries on your bodies first!” Leylin pointed to the puncture in Raynor’s thigh.