A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“If I can actually control this fan one day… then who cares if I have to face the Vile-Emperor!? I could crush him with the wave of a finger!” Heart pounding, he imagined what it would be like to rout an archaean in that fashion.

After the sovereign’s arm was fully absorbed, the damaged fan began to emit even more radiant light than before. And then, just as the spirit automaton had said, the fan used the influx of power to begin to move even faster.

The spirit automaton seemed to be severely drained. Gasping for breath, he turned into a beam of light that shot back toward the fan to go back to sleep. At the same time, the authority he had borrowed from Bai Xiaochun was relinquished.

However, Bai Xiaochun wasn’t willing to let him go so quickly. Before he could vanish, he shouted, “Hey, I didn’t give you my authority just to be nice! I don’t want the arm, but give me the souls!”

The spirit automaton sighed and muttered inaudibly to himself for a moment. Then, for some unknown reason, it actually complied with Bai Xiaochun’s request. Sending some divine sense into the fan, it caused a vast quantity of vengeful souls to fly out from the arm toward Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun excitedly collected the souls, the weakest of which was at the Nascent Soul level. Many of them were deva souls, and there were even a good number of demigod souls. Most shockingly… there were three archaean souls!

Bai Xiaochun nearly began to dance with joy. As he put all the souls away, the spirit automaton entered the fan and went to sleep.

At the same time, Bai Xiaochun sat down cross-legged, and waited until he was sure the spirit automaton was fully asleep. Then, as the damaged fan continued to sail along through the void, he began to conjure flame!

With this most recent influx of souls, he could now conjure beyond the level of fifteen colors without worrying about wasting too much.

“I’m going to conjure… twenty-two-colored flame!” he said, his eyes bloodshot. He had dreamed of this moment back in the Heavenspan Realm, but had never been able to succeed. Then, after arriving in the Eternal Immortal Domains, he had felt confident, but had lacked ingredients.

Throwing his arms wide, he summoned a vast collection of souls, and began to conjure!

Meanwhile, back in the Eternal Immortal Domains, near Vile-Emperor City, was the coalition of cultivators who Big Fatty Zhang had secretly been helping. Among them were Li Qinghou and Patriarch Spirit Stream. Furthermore, in recent days, there were two new additions!!

The first was Song Junwan, and the other… was Mistress Red-Dust!

They had come after hearing that Bai Xiaochun had been made the ambassador in Vile-Emperor City, and neither wanted their children to be born without the father at least being there to see them.

Song Junwan had been protected by Bruiser this entire time, whereas Mistress Red-Dust didn’t need any help at all.

Both of them… had visibly protruding bellies. When Li Qinghou, Patriarch Spirit Stream, and the others saw that, their eyes went wide. Song Junwan took the stares in stride. As for Mistress Red-Dust, she simply blurted out the name of her child’s father, causing many jaws to drop.

Then, a murderous look appeared in Song Junwan’s eyes. Snorting coldly, she announced the name of her own child's father.

At that point, Patriarch Spirit Stream cleared his throat and hurried away. As for Li Qinghou, he smiled wryly, and then did his best to console the one and pacify the other.

Eventually, he got them calmed down. At that point, he returned to his residence and angrily grumbled to himself, “I can’t believe the little brat knocked up two at the same time….”

Of course, despite his seeming front of anger, he couldn’t cover the happy smile that spread out across his face.

Perhaps it was because of the happy reunions which had just taken place, but back on the damaged fan, Bai Xiaochun suddenly looked up, his eyes bloodshot, his expression exhausted, and yet clearly filled with excitement.

“It worked!” He threw his head back and laughed uproariously, extending his hand, causing the unprecedentedly bright light of a twenty-two-colored flame to illuminate the entire fan.

Because of it, the damaged fan became a burning torch in the darkness of the endless void…!

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1179: A Reunion Before The Storm

Although the sight of the twenty-two-colored flame was very exciting to Bai Xiaochun, it also caused his mood to sink as he thought back to the last time he had seen such a flame, back in the Heavenspan Realm, when Bai Hao saved his life.

By igniting himself, he had created a flame that surpassed the very limits of the world around him….

Although Bai Xiaochun knew that he was innately skilled when it came to flame conjuring, he didn’t come close to his own apprentice. Without Bai Hao, Bai Xiaochun may have been able to reach his current level on his own, but it would have taken much longer, and come at a far greater cost.

Because of Bai Hao’s genius, Bai Xiaochun’s advancement in the art of flame conjuring had been incredibly smooth. Furthermore, Bai Hao’s skill had been the key to snatching Bai Xiaochun out of the jaws of death.

When it came to his apprentice, Bai Xiaochun felt much guilt, as well as profound pain. Whenever he thought of him, he couldn’t help but think back to everything that had occurred in the Wildlands, and how they had relied on each other to survive.

“Hao’er,” he murmured in a voice that only he could hear, “it won’t be long now. Master is definitely going to resurrect you by means of the flame!” He looked down at the mark on the back of his hand, and after a long moment passed, left the damaged fan, completely wrapped up in his memories.

He was not the carefree and happy-go-lucky Bai Xiaochun that he had been in the past. He carried great weight on his shoulders now. And then there were the events that had played out in the imperial palace. The Vile-Prince had viciously humiliated the people of the Heavenspan Realm, and the Arch-Emperor himself, right in front of Bai Xiaochun. And Bai Xiaochun could not feign indifference to the Arch-Emperor’s defeated and yet victorious gaze as he named him successor.

“Strength. And cultivation base!” After returning to his private chamber in the embassy in Vile-Emperor City, he immediately sat down cross-legged, arranged his spoils from this trip to the fan, and began to work on his cultivation.

Although the spirit automaton had claimed that he would only interfere in one of the following levels, Bai Xiaochun didn’t completely trust him. Besides, even without interference, the levels would only continue to get more difficult. He was already at the ninetieth, which meant that he only had ten more to go before achieving true success.

Failure was not an option!

The only thing he could do now was take the rewards he had earned at the ends of the levels, the various medicinal pills and other items, and use them to advance his cultivation base.

That was the only way he could win in the end!

If he succeeded, the ultimate reward would be stupendous beyond imagination. And that became a great motivating factor.

Half a month passed, which he spent entirely focused on his cultivation. Thanks to the rewards he had earned from the damaged fan, his cultivation base continued to advance, pushing him ever closer to the peak of the mid Celestial Realm.

Eventually, two people arrived at the embassy, both women. One of them was tall, slender, and particularly beautiful, with a celestial cultivation base. Bai Xiaochun almost immediately detected her presence.

“Gongsun Wan’er?” Bai Xiaochun opened his eyes and sent some divine sense out to check out the situation. Immediately, he caught sight of a young woman standing next to Gongsun Wan’er, and a tremor passed through him.

“Xiaomei!!” he blurted. Vanishing, he reappeared right in front of Gongsun Wan’er and Hou Xiaomei, whose cultivation base was now in the Deva Realm.