A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

The successor of the Arch-Emperor!!

Even as his words continued to echo within the imperial palace, the old Arch-Emperor withered away, becoming increasingly unrecognizable. Slowly but surely, his left eye went dark. However, despite his bitter state, his smile remained. He had finally discharged all of his responsibilities.

Bai Xiaochun trembled, his eyes welling up with tears as he clasped hands and bowed deeply!!

It was a show of respect to the previous Arch-Emperor, a display of respect to a great hero!!

In the past, he might not have been a hero, but now he was. Even though it happened in the last moment, that did not change its significance!

Not even the Vile-Prince could ever have guessed that something like this would happen. Immediately, he felt overwhelmed with humiliation. Howling, he took the lump of flesh and blood that was the old Arch-Emperor and sent wriggling tendrils of flesh and blood all over him until he became… an arm!!

Then the arm was pulled back toward the wound on his shoulder, and was stitched to it!!

The power of the blood of the Heavenspan Realm immediately began to emanate from the arm, and when the Vile-Prince detected that, he clenched his hand into a fist and started laughing.

“What do you think of my new arm, Ambassador Bai?” he said, looking over at Bai Xiaochun with narrowed eyes. “Do you sense that aura of spirit enhancement?!”

Bai Xiaochun was still lowered in a bow. However, his eyes were so bloodshot they seemed like they might start bleeding, and the impulse to take action began to rise up in his heart.

There was no way he could respond to the Vile-Prince in this moment. The killing intent in his heart was so strong that it towered to the heavens, and if he unleashed it, it would lead to destruction of a cataclysmic nature.

He stared with burning eyes at the Vile-Prince, then turned his gaze to the Vile-Emperor.

“Your Majesty the Vile-Emperor. I might be from the Heavenspan Realm, but I'm also the ambassador of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty. Furthermore, I'm one of only twelve celestials in the entire Eternal Immortal Domains. In this so-called banquet of yours, a demigod prince of your dynasty has heaped utter humiliation onto me, which was completely uncalled for. If this happens again, then I don’t think you can blame me… for killing someone!” With that, he turned and left.

The Vile-Prince felt like he was going crazy. The look in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes moments ago had been far more intense than earlier, and had burned into the prince's heart like a red-hot branding iron.

Before he could say anything further, Bai Xiaochun was gone.

At that point, the Vile-Prince began to grow somewhat calm, although fury still burned inside of him. As he tried to decide what to do next, the Vile-Emperor looked at him, a trace of ridicule in his eyes that no one else could detect. Some of that ridicule was for Bai Xiaochun, but most of it was for the Vile-Prince.

Without saying another word, he rose to his feet and left, followed by Virūpāk?a and the others. All of them knew that, on this occasion, Bai Xiaochun had somehow managed to avert a major catastrophe.

Eventually, the Vile-Prince was left alone, his face distorted with rage, and his eyes flickering with insanity.

“You're mine, Bai Xiaochun! I will have your body!!” Flicking his sleeve angrily, he turned and stalked off.

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1177: A Severed Arm In The Void

Bai Xiaochun didn’t even remember returning to the embassy. He was virtually soulless, almost like the walking dead. All he could think about was how much he hated being weak, and how much he detested being so useless.

He felt like his heart had been ripped in two. One part was saying that he couldn’t have done anything to change the situation. But the other part was screaming in rage, telling him that he should have done something to rescue the Arch-Emperor from his pain and misery.

The mental anguish and torment caused tears to well up in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, until he felt like he might collapse at any moment. He didn’t feel capable of handling the responsibility that had been thrust upon his shoulders. After all, he usually lived by the seat of his pants, pragmatically handling situations as they arose. But somehow, he had become the hope of everyone from the Heavenspan Realm.

He didn’t dare to think about what would have happened if, instead of the Arch-Emperor, it had been Li Qinghou, Song Junwan, Mistress Red-Dust or Big Fatty Zhang….

Then what would have happened…?

“My cultivation base. It’s all about my cultivation base!! If only I were an archaean….” Eyes bloodshot, he clenched his hands into fists, his determination to become stronger rapidly turning into full-on madness!

He took out the Greatsword of the North and studied it, thinking back to what the northern Heavenspan River region had been like. After a moment, he pulled out his turtle-wok, and using his new stockpile of multi-colored flame, began to enhance it!

As more and more spirit designs appeared, the aura of the sword began to change. Eventually, it emanated an air of sharpness, and strength that was profoundly shocking.

“This sword… is not enough to fight an archaean!” He put away the Greatsword of the North, and then vanished from his private chamber.

When he reappeared, he was back on the damaged fan. As of this moment, his killing intent and madness had reached the point that he needed to vent, lest he collapse mentally.

And the best way to vent would be to challenge the levels of the fan!!

He didn’t even bother to calculate whether or not the spirit automaton was asleep. Without any hesitation, he flew directly into the next level!

Rumbling sounds echoed out within the world around him as he summoned the Greatsword of the North and unleashed it in a powerful attack. Backed by the power of his fleshly body as well as his cultivation base, he used it to vent his madness and anger by destroying the entire level!

Eighty-fifth level. Eighty-sixth. Eighty-seventh!

The levels got harder and harder, but he was in a state of complete madness. It didn’t matter what appeared within the levels, he saw nothing but the color of blood as he unleashed shocking slaughter.

Kill. Kill! KILL!!!

His killing intent seemed to sink into the depths of his cultivation base, merging with it, pushing him to a higher level than he could have imagined. In the past, it couldn’t have happened. But because of the slaughter he was unleashing, he was being tempered, pushing his battle prowess to an even higher level.

Eighty-eighth level. Eighty-ninth level….

By the time he reached the ninetieth level, his wounds were far worse than they had been at any time in the past when challenging the damaged fan. His Undying Codex was operating in shocking fashion, and his attacks were the type that had only been seen previously in the Heavenspan Realm, the type in which he sustained damage to inflict fatal blows.

It was a unique fighting style that Bai Xiaochun had begun to develop starting in the Luochen Mountains. By now, although it couldn’t be said to have reached a state of perfection, it was certainly getting close to that point.

His blood boiled as he vented, and the madness in his eyes raged. And it all reached a head in the ninetieth level!

The ninetieth level was a world of heat and fire, its sky filled with leaden clouds and the glow of fire. The entire world rumbled as lava and flames spewed from the tops of seemingly endless volcanoes that stretched out in all directions.

Within that violent world roamed three enormous stonebeetles, each one fully 30,000 meters from end to end. As they moved about, they smashed into the occasional volcano, sending lava and fire roiling out in all directions.