A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

Worst of all was that, although the lava and fire didn’t hurt the stonebeetles, it would melt any rock it touched. In the end, the world was like a sea of molten fire, across which rolled waves of a terrifying nature.

One of the stonebeetles noticed Bai Xiaochun as soon as he appeared within the world. Roaring, it turned into a blur of afterimages as it shot toward him ravenously.

On any other occasion, Bai Xiaochun would have dodged out of the way. But this time, he simply waved his hand and utilized the Living Mountain Incantation. The air around him rippled and distorted as massive rocks and boulders flew toward him, rapidly transforming him into a stone golem!

Instead of backing up to brace for impact, he lunged forward, the deafening roar that erupted from his mouth completely surpassing that of the stonebeetle. Then, the entire world shook and trembled as the other two stonebeetles began to charge toward Bai Xiaochun as well!

A few days later, he emerged from the ninetieth level, soaked in blood, his right arm missing, and his skull visible on the left side of his face!

However, instead of the lunacy that had burned in his eyes before, they were now calm, although within the depths of that calm simmered violence and rage.

After passing the ninetieth level, he returned to the main square of the fan. At that point, he coughed up a massive mouthful of blood, and then toppled forward onto his face. A long moment passed, and then he struggled up into a cross-legged position to do breathing exercises.

As his cultivation base rotated, and the regenerative powers of his fleshly body worked away, three days passed. Eventually, his arm grew back, and his face healed. At that point, he opened his eyes.

However, his session of cultivation was not yet over. The blood of the stonebeetles he had fought was shockingly corrosive. As such, it was taking much longer for his powers of regeneration to get him completely back to normal.

At around that time, a massive tremor suddenly shook the entire damaged fan.

At the same time, an aura which shocked Bai Xiaochun to the core swept into the damaged fan from the void beyond.

Shocked, he rose to his feet and walked over to the edge of the fan, where he peered out into the darkness. Eventually, his eyes went wide, and his heart trembled with shock.

“Is that…?” He gasped as he saw, far out in the darkness of the void, a soft glow of light. As it neared, he could see that it was huge, fully 30,000 meters from one end to the other. There, floating through the void, glowing with light… was a huge arm!!

It did not look like the arm of a cultivator, but rather, wolf-like, complete with claws!!

As the arm neared, the entire damaged fan trembled. At the same time, Bai Xiaochun realized that he recognized the aura of the arm!

“Heavens! That’s a sovereign aura!!” Even as he realized this, a shriek could be heard from behind him, its source being none other than the spirit automaton.

“Which sovereign? Let me look more closely…. I see. That arm likely belonged to Gao Tianshen from the Wolfdevil Realm…. Yeah, it must be him. He was one of the weakest sovereigns back in the day, and there’s no way I would mistake his aura for someone else's!!

“Gao Tianshen’s left arm…. Bai Xiaochun, lend me your control over the fan. With the power from that arm, I can increase the speed of the fan, and reunite it with its other half even sooner!! And I promise to only interfere with one of the remaining levels!!” The spirit automaton was so excited that he blurted out some bits of information that should have remained secret to Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t say anything. Although this sovereign’s arm was enticing, he didn’t trust the spirit automaton at all. Even as the damaged fan sped toward the arm, it suddenly moved!

Unexpectedly, numerous vengeful souls began to stream out from it and head toward the damaged fan, shrieking soundlessly, their eyes filled with greed and madness.

“Souls!” Bai Xiaochun said, his eyes widening!

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1178: Twenty-Two-Colored Flame

This was not Bai Xiaochun’s first time seeing vengeful souls out in the void. After all, he had already acquired an archaean soul from that enormous floating palace he had seen.

But when he saw this host of vengeful souls streaming out from the sovereign’s arm, he couldn’t help but start getting excited.

Ever since he had arrived in the Eternal Immortal Domains, he had lacked vengeful souls. Only the trial level filled with souls that he had passed earlier had replenished his stocks to some degree, but even that hadn’t been enough.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t get back into that level to get more souls, and even if he did, there were only so many inside. Even if he got all of them, he would still come up short.

“So, there really are vengeful souls out here in the void!”

Staring intently at them, he unhesitatingly declared, “Alright, little automaton, I’ll trust you just this once!”

He released his hold of authority over the fan, the only reason being that he knew that even if the spirit automaton got greedy, he could take it back if necessary.

After all… his level of authority over the fan now surpassed the spirit automaton’s. Of course, because he hadn’t yet passed the hundredth level, he didn’t have the ability to use the fan’s divine abilities, or control it completely.

The spirit automaton was thrilled to find that Bai Xiaochun was relinquishing his authority. Quickly unleashing his divine sense, he called upon the powers at his disposal to cause the fan to glow with dazzling light.

At the same time, he pointed his finger out at the approaching souls.

“Be subdued!” he said, his voice resounding like heavenly thunder, and sending ripples out into the void. At the same time, the image on the face of the fan began to move as if it were alive!

That image depicted a mountain, atop which was a tower, and beneath which was a river. On the river was a boat, within which could be seen two men playing Go. Also in the water of the river was a palace.

As the image on the fan rippled, one of the men on the boat waved his right arm, which caused a huge gravitational force to appear out in the void.

Rumbling sounds echoed out as the vengeful souls shrieked, transforming into streaks of light that shot into the image of the river on the fan.

As for the severed arm, it shivered visibly. If the arm had been attached to the sovereign it had once belonged to, then the spirit automaton of the damaged fan would have been helpless to do anything about it. But now that it was no longer attached, matters were much simpler.

Gradually, the arm slowed down, then touched the fan, whereupon it was also dragged into the picture. However, during the process, the fan trembled, as though some massive pressure had begun to weigh down on it.

After all, that arm was not the flesh and blood of a sovereign clone, but rather… an actual limb from a real sovereign!

The spirit automaton was weakening visibly, his eyes bloodshot as he went all out to make sure the process went smoothly. Bai Xiaochun stood off to the side, both surprised and nervous about what was happening. After ball, back when he had acquired the archaean soul, the fan had not been under the control of the spirit automaton, and yet had still put on a very impressive display.

But now, with the spirit automaton controlling the fan, the image on its face emitted a shocking aura. That was especially true of the man on the boat. After all, he was pulling in the sovereign’s arm in completely astonishing fashion.

“This magical item… is totally incredible!!” After the arm was pulled into the fan, Bai Xiaochun looked on in excitement as the picture on the face of the fan gained a new element, an enormous arm!