A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

Everything around him distorted, almost as if he were manipulating both space and time. Before Bai Xiaochun and his companions could make it through the exit, Virūpāk?a was closing in on them, and reaching out to grab Sima Yunhua!

Of course, he really wanted to grab Bai Xiaochun, but Sima Yunhua was in the way. And Celestial Virūpāk?a knew that if he made a move on the group as a whole, they would all turn to fight him.

Therefore, he targeted a single person. As far as he was concerned, the chances of the other four turning to help that single person were virtually none.

Except… Bai Xiaochun was not the type of person who did things the way Virūpāk?a would expect. Everyone else was concerned about the sovereign-level flesh, but Bai Xiaochun was more concerned about the potential of Sima Yunhua owing him a favor….

When Sima Yunhua saw himself being trapped by Virūpāk?a’s divine ability, his face went dark, and he began to curse in despair. He was convinced that he was done for; not only would he lose any possible rewards, but he would probably end up as a captive of the Vile-Emperor Dynasty.

Enraged, he shouted, “Virūpāk?a, you--”

But before he could say anything else, another shout of rage drowned him out.

“Virūpāk?a! How dare you mess with my good friend!”

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1162: What About The Tail?

The shout was so powerful that it shook heaven and earth, startling both Celestial Virūpāk?a and Sima Yunhua, and leaving their ears ringing.

Most bizarre of all was that Sima Yunhua didn’t recognize this voice, and couldn’t help but wonder… who this person was that he was good friends with.

Gu Tianjun, Chen Su and Aged Spirit were also completely taken by surprise, as were the Vile-Emperor and Saint-Emperor, who were just outside of the exit. To all of them, it seemed like a completely ridiculous situation.

Of course, the person who had just shouted out was none other than Bai Xiaochun!

To him, the sovereign flesh wasn’t very important anymore. In contrast, friendships were. That was why he had shared the flesh with the other celestials of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, and even with Gongsun Wan’er.

He was actually very pleased with how it seemed to be changing the other celestials’ opinion of him. Right now, Sima Yunhua was in danger. Although he likely wouldn’t die, if Virūpāk?a captured him, Sima Yunhua would likely lose the sovereign flesh that Bai Xiaochun had given him.

Furthermore, it would happen right in front of the Vile-Emperor and Saint-Emperor. Virūpāk?a would shine, and although he would have lost out overall inside the spiderweb, he would at least have performed some meritorious service worthy of a reward.

In contrast, Sima Yunhua would lose not just the sovereign flesh, but also a lot of face too. To celestials, that type of thing was very important.

Bai Xiaochun realized all of that in the briefest of moments. To him, this opportunity was like a little sheep, and he was a big gray wolf… Eyes shining, he snatched at the opportunity as soon as it presented himself. Without hesitation, he produced the Greatsword of the North and slashed it out toward Virūpāk?a.

And of course, he didn’t forget to shout something appropriate as he attacked.

“Run, Sima, old pal! Don’t worry about me, I’ll hold him off!!”

Although his words seemed a bit melodramatic, anyone who was watching could see that he intended to follow through in action. He really was placing himself in danger and going all out in an attempt to help Sima Yunhua.

Sima Yunhua was usually a grim individual, but in this moment, he was uncharacteristically moved, and suddenly experienced feelings that were very foreign to him.

“I won’t leave you behind, Bai, my friend!!” he shouted.

And thus, both Bai Xiaochun and Sima Yunhua drew upon their most powerful trump cards to strike back at Celestial Virūpāk?a.

Booms rang out in all directions, and massive winds swept the area. Although Sima Yunhua was no match for Virūpāk?a in terms of cultivation base, he had a huge amount of experience, and thus, attacked in a very effective manner.

Bai Xiaochun, despite being in the mid Celestial Realm, had a world treasure, which shone with blue light as he viciously attacked Virūpāk?a.

Power that seemed capable of destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth was unleashed. Sima Yunhua bore the brunt of the attacks, causing his chest to cave in and blood to spray out of his mouth. In the critical moment, Bai Xiaochun defended him with his sword and then grabbed his shoulder.

Then, sonic booms could be heard as the two of them flew backward at high speed.

Sima Yunhua was feeling genuinely moved, and thought back to when he had been working hard to oppose Bai Xiaochun. For the first time, he felt a bit guilty about that. Meanwhile, Virūpāk?a, whose divine abilities had been vanquished by the two of them, was descending into a rage.

“Feeling suicidal, Bai Xiaochun?!?!” he shouted. Then he thought about how his arm was now gone because of Bai Xiaochun, and his eyes turned bloodshot with rage. Slapping himself hard on the chest, he damaged his Daoseed even more to fuel his cultivation base and achieve another burst of speed. Throwing his arms out in front of him, he aimed, not for Sima Yunhua, but Bai Xiaochun!

“Let’s see if anyone will come to save you!!”

However, even as Virūpāk?a prepared to attack, Sima Yunhua gritted his teeth and beat him to the punch. He couldn’t simply abandon Bai Xiaochun after having just been saved by him. Perhaps if the two of them had been alone, he might have considered it, but with so many people watching, that would be too much of a disgrace.

Simultaneously, Celestial Aged Spirit and Chen Su both hesitated for a moment, then turned around. After all, if their inaction caused Bai Xiaochun and Sima Yunhua to be captured, the Saint-Emperor would not be pleased with them at all.

Furthermore, considering how things had developed, it was likely that Sima Yunhua would hold a grudge against them if they didn’t help.

Gu Tianjun also hesitated for a moment, then sighed and also turned to help. The three of them all attacked at the same time, which, when combined with the counter attack by Bai Xiaochun and Sima Yunhua, created a massive storm of magical techniques that bore down on Celestial Virūpāk?a!!

“How could this be happening!?!?” Celestial Virūpāk?a said with a gasp. He knew all of the celestials from the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, and was sure that unless there was some benefit at stake, they wouldn’t possibly work together like this. And if they had conflicting interests, they definitely wouldn’t do so.

What he was seeing now seemed completely implausible. Unfortunately, even the mighty Virūpāk?a couldn’t stand up to the combined attacks of five other celestials. Coughing up blood, he tumbled backward, body on the verge of collapse.

With Virūpāk?a having been taken out of the picture temporarily, Bai Xiaochun grabbed Sima Yunhua and sped toward the exit as quickly as possible. Then, to the shock of the Vile-Emperor and Saint-Emperor, the five of them all emerged into the open, gasping for breath!

At this point, even Gu Tianjun breathed a sigh of relief. As for Sima Yunhua, he seemed relieved, and quickly clasped hands and bowed to Bai Xiaochun. He said nothing, but from the look in his eyes, it was obvious that he would not forget what had just played out!

Bai Xiaochun felt immensely proud, but didn’t let it show on his face. Instead, he lowered his voice and asked all of the other celestials how they were doing, and if they were alright.

As for the Vile-Emperor and the Saint-Emperor, one looked livid, and the other surprised. Neither spoke.