A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“Considering that Sima Yunhua didn’t tell me anything about these people, I guess that means he didn’t view them as being very important.” After looking the group over, Bai Xiaochun realized that all of them looked dispirited to some degree, even the demigods. But that made sense, considering that they were from the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, and were stuck in the terrifying Vile-Emperor City.

If true conflict erupted between the two dynasties, this group would be the first to lose their heads.

Shaking his head, he maintained silence as he followed the two Vile-Emperor Dynasty demigods off of the heavenly mountain. As they neared the city itself, Bai Xiaochun could already sense that its population greatly surpassed that of Saint-Emperor City.

The moment he stepped into the city itself, five or six streams of divine sense locked onto him.

Slowing down for a moment, he sent his own divine sense out to make contact with them.

Although no one could see that moment of contact, it left Bai Xiaochun feeling very shaken. After all, those streams of divine sense belonged to the celestials in the city!

However, considering his status as the ambassador from the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, he knew that as long as he didn’t make any mistakes, no one would be able to do anything to him, at least not easily.

And as it turned out, after making initial contact, the other streams of divine sense faded away. At that point, he pulled his own divine sense back in and continued on with the two demigods, who had sensed that something strange was going on, but weren’t sure what.

Bai Xiaochun didn’t hurry. He looked around at the streets, and the people of Vile-Emperor City, and was unsure about how he felt. After all, this place was completely unfamiliar to him.

However, despite the unfamiliar surroundings, he could sense the auras of Heavenspan Realm cultivators, quite a few in fact. Sadly, the auras were weak. He could only imagine how many people were imprisoned here, unable to escape.

Here in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty, the prevailing view was that people from the Heavenspan Realm were to be enslaved. And Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation base was not so great that he could simply ignore the laws of the land and do what he wished.

Sighing, he hurried along until the Saint-Emperor Dynasty’s embassy was visible up ahead, on the lower half of the bone dragon’s spine. It was five stories tall, and surrounded by a sprawling courtyard. Overall it was very impressive, especially considering the powerful spell formation fluctuations rolling out from it. At a cursory glance, Bai Xiaochun could tell that even a celestial who wanted to break through that formation would have a difficult time of it. That made him feel a little bit better.

The cultivators who had come to receive him from the embassy were visibly relieved to return.

After entering, the two Vile-Emperor Dynasty demigods left, and Bai Xiaochun sat down in the main hall of the embassy. Looking at his subordinates, who were lined up in front of him, he asked, “So, what are my responsibilities?”

Unsure of what type of person Bai Xiaochun was, they didn’t dare to withhold anything, and quickly gave him an overview of the situation.

“Exalted Celestial, you normally don’t have to do anything. As long as the two dynasties aren’t in conflict, you just need to make a public appearance every once in awhile.

“Occasionally you’ll be summoned by the Vile-Emperor. Since you’ve just taken over as ambassador, it’s likely you’ll soon receive such a summons.

“Exalted Celestial, please be careful here. After all, this is Vile-Emperor City….”

He nodded.

“What’s so dangerous about this place?” he asked.

The assembled cultivators exchanged glances and whispered among themselves for a moment. Then, the highest-ranking demigod stepped forward, clasped hands, and bowed.

“Exalted one, you need to abide by all of the laws and customs of the Vile-Emperor Dynasty. And you need to be careful… of people… intentionally causing problems.” Although the man was being vague, Bai Xiaochun understood what he was getting at. After discussing a few other matters with the group, and coming to understand the city a bit more, he dismissed them, and sat there to think.

“It’s a foregone conclusion that people will try to cause problems for me….” he thought. Massaging his temples, he contemplated the fact that if his cultivation base were high enough, he wouldn’t need to worry about such things.

“Hold on a second!” Suddenly, he smacked his forehead. “Usually, I cause grief for people whenever I go somewhere new. The way it usually works is… I show up, and everything goes like normal for a while. But then, for some unknown reason, things always change….” He suddenly realized that he had been thinking about everything the wrong way. After reminiscing about how many drums and gongs he had heard throughout the years, he blinked a few times, and suddenly felt a lot better.

Clearing his throat, he tried to pump himself up a bit. “This Vile-Emperor must be a complete idiot. The Saint-Emperor wants me to be the ambassador, and he just agreed right off the bat? You know, a lot of people have said that, given the right circumstances, I could easily destroy the world.”

As of now, he felt the tension beginning to melt away, and even felt a bit sorry for the Vile-Emperor.

It was starting to get dark outside, and considering how much better he felt, he decided to take a stroll around the embassy. Eventually, he found a private chamber perfect for practicing cultivation, so he sat down to do some meditation.

“I need to go check out the damaged fan, and pass some more levels there. One of these days, I’ll reach the hundredth level, and when I get that reward, my cultivation will progress a lot faster.” Having reached this point in his train of thought, he closed his eyes and disappeared. When he materialized, he was back on the damaged fan. After calling out a few greetings, he confirmed that the spirit automaton was asleep, whereupon he headed toward the next level.

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1166: Battle Level

Fearful of the problems the spirit automaton might cause upon awakening, Bai Xiaochun worked as quickly as possible. Whether it was in terms of speed, or his powers of regeneration, the sovereign flesh he had consumed had helped him to advance by leaps and bounds.

He put on a great showing, and quickly reached the seventy-eighth level!

As soon as he entered that level, he felt an intense pressure weighing down on him. There was also a sensation of potential danger that caused him to immediately back up and send his divine sense out to check the area.

Rumbling sounds could be heard as he was immediately able to see the entire area in his mind.

It was a very strange world indeed.

There was no sky or no land, only an endless void, and a stone dais. In front of the stone dais was a huge wooden marionette!

It was fully 300 meters tall, and as round as a sphere. It also had a face painted onto its head.

Although Bai Xiaochun couldn’t be certain why, he was sure that there was a very strange aura in this place. After studying it for a moment, his attention was continuously drawn to the marionette.

Almost as soon as he looked at it closely, it opened its eyes, which glowed with mysterious light. Then, it leapt nimbly into the air, and began to head directly toward him.

“All I did was look at him!” Bai Xiaochun thought. Alarmed, he fell back, but the marionette was shockingly quick. All it took was a moment for it to be right in front of him. Seeing that he couldn't evade it, he decided that since he had recently improved his fleshly body power, he might as well just start fighting. Clenching his right hand into a fist, he punched out at the marionette.

It seemed like an ordinary strike, but considering the level of his battle prowess, that fist strike alone would be enough to shove someone in the early Celestial Realm away from him, coughing up blood the entire time. Although it might not kill an opponent like that, it would at least inflict injuries.