A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“Heaven damn you, Bai Xiaochun!!” the spirit automaton howled. When he saw that Bai Xiaochun was about to take the final piece, he simply couldn’t take it.

“Give me this one piece! If you do, I’ll tell you what’s so special about it!!” The spirit automaton would obviously not say such a thing unless it were absolutely necessary.

To have something like this dangled right in front of him, only to be unable to take it, made it feel like his heart was being crushed.

In response to the spirit automaton’s words, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes glittered. However, he didn’t hold back from delivering a vicious kick. Snorting coldly, he said, “Who do you think you’re fooling? That sovereign-level fleshly body was good stuff! I already absorbed all of it!”

Then he delivered another kick, backing it with his mid Celestial Realm cultivation base, and all of the fleshly body power he could muster. It slammed into the chunk of flesh like an entire mountain, instantly shoving the spirit automaton out of it.

When the spirit automaton saw Bai Xiaochun then grab the chunk of flesh and prepare to throw it into his bag of holding, he nearly started weeping. Forcing down his revulsion, he quickly said, “All you got was the quintessence of its flesh and blood! I’m talking about the cultivation base aura hidden within it!!

“Sovereigns have incredible fleshly bodies and cultivation bases! That’s the only way they can reach that incredible level! Listen to me. You must practice some special technique that allowed you to absorb its fleshly body quintessence. But the aura hidden inside it is something that, in all existence, only I can extract perfectly!

“Give me half of the fleshly body, and I… I can give you half of the aura!” Worried that he would speak too slowly, he blurted everything out as quickly as possible.

Even still, Bai Xiaochun looked suspicious. A few breaths of time passed, after which he sighed.

“Forget it. I don’t trust you. Plus, half of it is too much!” Shaking his head, he put away the final chunk of flesh, turned, and prepared to leave.

The spirit automaton truly felt like he was going mad. He had told him the truth, and yet hadn't been believed. It seemed no amount of explanations would change that. Seeing that Bai Xiaochun was starting to fade away, and would be gone, the spirit automaton shouted, “Give me thirty percent! Thirty percent is enough….

“Dammit, just three pieces! Three pieces is all I need!!

“A single piece! Just give me one….”

The spirit automaton was sinking into the depths of despair. However, it was at this point that Bai Xiaochun suddenly faded back into clarity. Looking torn, he turned to the spirit automaton and asked, “A single piece will do?”

“Yes!!” the spirit automaton replied through gritted teeth, although he tried to make it seem like he was happy with that.

Bai Xiaochun blinked a few times and cleared his throat. The truth was the had been tempted from the beginning to accept, but had felt that the spirit automaton’s demands were a bit excessive. As it turned out, the spirit automaton seemed very clever most of the time, but in critical moments, was actually quite foolish….

Muttering to himself, he pulled out the chunk of flesh and threw it over.

“First extract all of the sovereign aura from this part…. Wait, no, just seventy percent will be fine!” After all, he still had to return and give the remains of the lizard over to the Vile-Emperor and Saint-Emperor. If he took too much from it, it could lead to some major problems later.

To safeguard against the spirit automaton doing something underhanded, he gave him a very small chunk. That way, if he succeeded, all would be well, and he could go on to another piece.

The spirit automaton was cursing inwardly, but had no other options at his disposal. To him, a single chunk of a sovereign’s flesh and blood was an unprecedented level of good fortune. Brightening a bit, he used a secret magic to start extracting the aura from the flesh.

It was impossible to see the sovereign aura, but as it spread out, it caused terrifying weight to press down in all directions.

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1159: Shhh

As soon as Bai Xiaochun sensed the incredible pressure, he shivered, and began to pant. His cultivation base began to rotate of its own accord, almost as if he had just encountered some deadly situation.

Thankfully, he had already absorbed the quintessence of the sovereign’s flesh and blood, otherwise the pressure wouldn’t have caused his cultivation base to rotate, but rather, would have suppressed it all the way to the limit.

The truth was that there hadn’t even been a bit of goodwill in the spirit automaton’s offer. He had hoped to test out how much of the flesh and blood quintessence Bai Xiaochun had absorbed, and if he ended up being suppressed, he could have pressed an attack.

When he saw that Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation base was merely rotating rapidly, he sighed and dismissed the idea. Then, he watched helplessly as Bai Xiaochun prepared to absorb seventy percent of the cultivation base aura.

The aura wasn’t corporeal, but did take the shape of a black crystal, which Bai Xiaochun quickly grabbed out of the air.

As soon as he touched it, his aura began to fluctuate wildly, and his cultivation base began to rotate with unprecedented speed. All of a sudden, he felt himself capable of thinking more clearly than ever, and capable of understanding things that had long been difficult for him to grasp.

“This stuff is awesome!” he exclaimed in delight.

The spirit automaton remained off to the side, torn about the whole situation. He obviously wanted to stop what was happening, but the chunk of flesh Bai Xiaochun had given him was too small. And he was worried that if he got greedy, Bai Xiaochun would change the deal and not give him what he had promised.

The spirit automaton briefly considered using the sovereign aura he had command over to try to threaten or extort Bai Xiaochun, but quickly abandoned the idea. Considering how much he knew of Bai Xiaochun’s shameless and crafty nature, it seemed likely it would only be asking for trouble.

“Dammit! I’ll just cooperate this once. Sooner or later, I’ll get my chance to destroy him!” Gnashing his teeth, he watched as Bai Xiaochun delightedly looked at the crystal and the sovereign’s flesh.

Around the time the spirit automaton was starting to get impatient, Bai Xiaochun reluctantly put the crystal and the chunk of flesh away, then pulled out another small chunk and tossed it over.

And thus, keeping careful control over the size of the chunks of flesh, he had the spirit automaton extract the aura from almost the entire corpse. In the end, he didn’t go back on his word. He took the largest piece he had, which was about twice as big as the other pieces he had produced during the process, and tossed it to the spirit automaton.

“Don’t you dare say that Lord Bai is untrustworthy. I'm the most trustworthy person you know!”

The spirit automaton was cursing inwardly, but didn’t let it show. He simply grabbed the chunk of flesh.

He didn’t extract the aura of this one like he had with the other pieces. Instead, he tried to fuse with it. This time, because Bai Xiaochun didn’t interfere with the process, he succeeded in about the time it takes half an incense stick to burn. At that point, the chunk of flesh vanished, and the spirit automaton was no longer visible.

Now he had a physical body!

It was a strange body, being only a lump of skin the size of a watermelon, with some crude facial features. Overall, he looked quite strange.

“So that’s what you look like!” Bai Xiaochun said, looking at him closely.

“What are you lookin’ at!?” the lump of skin said, glaring at him.