A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 1401-Chapter 1600)

All of the pillars of light that struck the giant shield were warped and refracted toward another direction, so none of the battle ark's attacks were able to land on Han Li. The white jade sword then crashed into the giant bird's talons amid a dull thump, only to be repelled with ease.

The talons then closed around the sword like lightning, capturing it in an inescapable grasp that immobilized it no matter how much it struggled.

The talons then clamped down with even greater force, and the flying sword was shattered into several segments amid a crisp crack.

The midget down below immediately let loose a howl of anguish before throwing up several mouthfuls of blood in succession.

Meanwhile, the giant talons continued downward and they grabbed onto the azure light barrier, leaving the midget looking on with sheer horror in his eyes.

However, the azure light barrier really was quite powerful; even after the massive talons had closed around it, it managed to remain intact, even though it was creaking and groaning in an alarming manner.

On the other side, the mist wyrm absorbed the vast expanse of black light into its body, and it suddenly seemed to have attained actual substance. Its previously misty and insubstantial body had grown a layer of glossy black scales, and it let loose a menacing roar as it violently whipped its tail into the massive bird's other set of talons. Despite the bird's enormous strength, its talons really were kept at bay by the black wyrm.

A hint of surprise flashed through Han Li's eyes upon seeing this, but he then opened his cavernous beak, and a silver ball of flames suddenly shot forth from within. At the same time, the huge beak came pecking down with ferocious might.

Immediately thereafter, the black wyrm was struck by the silver fireball and began to burn in an uncontrollable manner. The black wyrm's body then rapidly shrank as if it were being devoured by the silver flames. At this moment, the gigantic bird's beak struck the azure light barrier with devastating power. The barrier was already on the brink of destruction, and it was shattered by the beak with ease.

The midget within the shattered barrier no longer had the power to resist, and his body and soul were both crushed into a cloud of blood mist by the giant talons that instantly closed around him.

Meanwhile, the pale-faced being was also in dire straits. After the black wyrm had been shrunk down to around a third of its original size, it was no longer able to withstand the massive bird's talons any longer, and was promptly destroyed. Immediately thereafter, the silver flames enveloped the massive talons before sweeping toward the pale-faced being.

The pale-faced being's expression had already changed drastically after witnessing the death of his final companion, and a look of shock and horror finally appeared on his face after witnessing his own treasure failing to withstand his opponent's attacks. In his desperation, he gritted his teeth and let loose a long shrill cry. An explosive boom rang out, following which a layer of crimson light surfaced over his body, then swelled to form a ball of light comparable in size to a wagon wheel.

Even the giant talons that were enshrouded in silver flames were repelled by this ball of light, unable to land on their target.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a faint crimson shadow shot forth from within the crimson light, covering a distance of several hundred feet in a flash, then sped to over 1,000 feet away, taking it not too far away from the remaining battle ark.

With Han Li's spirit eye ability, the crimson shadow naturally didn't escape his notice. As such, he immediately twisted around to give chase.

However, right at this moment, a pillar of golden light suddenly shot forth soundlessly and without any warning, almost instantly striking the crimson shadow that had just reappeared above the battle ark. Several arcs of golden lightning struck the crimson shadow amid a loud thunderclap, and the shadow let loose a bloodcurdling cry before being reduced to nothingness. "Divine Devilbane Lightning!" Han Li was quite startled to see this familiar golden lightning.

Chapter 1581: Sense Enhancement Bead

He cast his gaze toward the origin of the golden lightning to discover that the long-haired foreign being had already emerged from his golden ball, and that a blue humanoid puppet that was around 20 feet tall had appeared beside him.

The puppet was entirely blue in color, and one of its hands was raised with thin arcs of lightning flashing in between its fingers.

This Jia Tianmu had not only two high-grade puppets, but also a third one that was capable of unleashing Divine Devilbane Lightning! That came as quite a surprise to Han Li. However, he was only caught in a stunned stupor for an instant before flapping his wings and hurtling toward the silver battle ark as a gust of fierce winds. Azure light flashed, and his massive avian body swelled dramatically once again.

Immediately thereafter, the massive bird's talons came crashing down upon the battle ark with piercing lightning flashing alongside them.

The talons instantly pierced into the battle ark amid a string of resounding booms, and a massive hole was torn into its silver surface.

The giant bird then opened its cavernous mouth, and a thick bolt of lightning blasted forth, disappearing into the hole in a flash. Lightning flashed, and cries of anguish rang out from within the battle arks as countless Jiao Chi being's were slain in the blink of an eye. However, the giant bird didn't rest there. It flapped its wings downward in a violent manner, and a gust of fierce white winds swept forth.

It then released the massive battle arks, and the latter was swept up by the gale-force winds before plummeting toward the ground. The battle ark crashed onto the ground amid a resounding boom, and the massive bird let loose a long cry before folding its wings away, then shrinking down to its humanoid form amid a flash of azure light. Han Li cast his gaze onto the ground down below, then made a hand seal, and several tens of small azure swords appeared in unison in the surrounding area. The swords tremored before hurtling through the air as streaks of azure light, making short work of the ruined battle ark down below.

Han Li then turned his attention to the battle ark that he had previously felled, manipulating his flying swords to destroy that ark as well.

At this moment, the armored warriors and giant falcons in the surrounding area had also almost been completely eradicated by the Weeping Soul Beast and the Leopard Kirin Beast. Only a few fortunate survivors had managed to flee into the extremely far distance, but the rest of their companions had all been slain.

Han Li couldn't be bothered to send his two beasts after those beings, and he merely waved a hand through the air, upon which a black ring whizzed out of his sleeve.

The massive black ape instantly shrank down and disappeared into the black ring as a streak of black light, along with the Leopard Kirin Beast, which also returned as a streak of golden light. Han Li swept a sleeve through the air, and the black ring flew back to him before being stowed away. Only then did Han Li cast his gaze toward the distance where Jia Tianmu was standing, then suddenly flew over to him as a streak of azure light.

After just a single flash, he appeared around 10 feet before Jia Tianmu in a wraith-like manner, then appraised him in a cold and expressionless manner.

Jia Tianmu's heart stirred upon seeing this, but he quickly put on a smile before cupping his fist in a grateful salute. "Thank you for saving me, Senior; I'll be sure to fulfill my promise and reward you with a sentient puppet once we return to the Myriad Ancient Race."