A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 1401-Chapter 1600)

There, the foreign being had emerged from the golden ball again, and he was appraising the four Spatial Tempering Stage being with a dark expression on his face.

"Mr. Jia, I've heard that you’re not even a purebred Myriad Ancient being. In that case, why would you insist on fighting for the 13 Heavenly Cloud Races? Prior to coming here, the elders of our race specifically mentioned you and offered much praise for your proficiency in the art of puppetry. The elders have also promised that if you're willing to join our Jiao Chi Race, they would transform your body at all costs to give you the purest bloodline, and I can guarantee that your cultivation base would be significantly enhanced as a result. Given suitable opportunities in the future, it wouldn't be impossible for you to become a holy race being," the pale-faced being said in a respectful voice.

After a brief silence, Jia Tianmu shook his head expressionlessly, and replied, "Join the Jiao Chi Race? I have no interest in that. I may not have the purest bloodline, but I'm greatly indebted to the elders of our Myriad Ancient Race, so I won't pledge my allegiance to any other race. Besides, I'm sure you're not just trying to capture me for my puppet refinement skills; you're also planning to interrogate me for some secrets of the 13 Heavenly Cloud Races, right?"

As opposed to becoming enraged by Jia Tianmu's rejection, the pale-faced being smiled, and continued, "Mr. Jia, do you still think you have a chance of escaping this place? Your puppets are indeed very powerful, but you must be close to exhausting your supply of spirit stones, right? At your current cultivation base, you pose no threat to us at all. We don't want to have to do things by force, so I'd advise you to hand yourself over to us."

Jia Tianmu's expression remained completely unchanged upon seeing this, but he cast his gaze toward Han Li.

The pale-faced being faltered slightly upon seeing Jia Tianmu's reaction before also turning to Han Li in an expressionless manner. "Are you counting on him to rescue you? So be it; we'll get rid of this pesky meddler first, then."

"Are you going to surrender or will we have to destroy your body and capture your soul?" the pale-faced being asked in a cold voice.

Han Li's pupils contracted upon hearing this, but he then chuckled, and replied, "You sure can talk big. I wonder if you're all talk or if you can actually walk the walk as well."

The pale-faced being was rather surprised by Han Li's response. He carefully appraised Han Li for a moment before a thought suddenly seemed to have occurred to him, and his expression suddenly changed as he turned to the elderly woman in their group. "This man is a little familiar; is he the one that Envoy Tu asked us to capture a few days ago?"

"Now that you mention it, he really is identical to the man on the portrait! He must be quite powerful to have been able to escape from Envoy Tu." The elderly woman nodded as a cold light flashed through her eyes.

The other two beings in the group were both rather surprised to hear this.

"Haha, is he really the one? In that case, we're in luck; we'll be completing two missions at once! Come to think of it, it's all thanks to him for destroying the other battle ark. Otherwise, if the other team were to be teleported here as well, we'd have to split the reward for completing these missions with them," the giant man clad in beasthide guffawed.

"Hmph, you seem quite confident, Fellow Daoist Li. I'd advise you to be more careful against such a powerful opponent, though. Otherwise, you could be in for a nasty surprise," the midget chuckled coldly.

"Hehe, no matter how powerful he is, there's no way he can take on all four of us on his own," the huge man chuckled nonchalantly in response.

"Of course he's no match for the four of us, but are you sure we can stop him if he insists on getting away?" the midget countered as he pursed his lips.

Chapter 1579: Kun Peng Transformation

The group of four conversed casually with one another, and they seemed to all be on good terms with each other. The price that had to be paid to teleport them here was most likely quite a hefty one, and from the sounds of it, there was supposed to be another team teleported to this place as well.

However, due to the fact that one of the battle arks had been destroyed, they were the only ones who had ended up here.

The fact that they had deployed so many Spatial Tempering Stage beings just to pursue a Deity Transformation Stage being further highlighted that the foreign being was no ordinary character.

However, the fact that these beings had managed to identify him right away was rather surprising.

It seemed that the Body Integration Stage being from Green Light City still hadn't given up on him. This made Han Li even more curious about what lay within the two jade boxes that the big-headed being had given to him; they clearly had to be harboring extremely important items for the Body Integration Stage being to be so intent on capturing him.

Even as these thoughts were racing through Han Li's mind, he remained completely expressionless.

At this moment, the Leopard Kirin Beast and Weeping Soul Beast also returned to Han Li's side, then glowered at the four beings with vicious looks in their eyes.

However, they were also aware that these four beings were far more powerful than the ones they'd slain before, so they didn't rush in headfirst and attack in a reckless manner.

Meanwhile, the pale-faced being turned to Han Li and seemed to be about to say something, but Han Li didn't give him a chance to speak, abruptly sweeping a sleeve toward all four beings instead.

Several tens of azure threads immediately split up into four groups before hurtling toward the four beings like lightning, reaching them in the blink of an eye.

All four of the Spatial Tempering Stage Jiao Chi beings were given a massive fright by this development.

They had witnessed Han Li using those sword threads to slay the armored warriors earlier, yet the speed being displayed by these threads was significantly superior compared to before, and in their shock and horror, they could only set up defensive measures or take evasive action in a panicked manner.

The pale-faced being swayed and disappeared on the spot amid a plume of white smoke.

Light shimmered from the elderly woman's body, conjuring up several identical projections. All of the projections were shattered in a flash by the azure threads, but the woman was nowhere to be found.

The midget's expression changed in the instant that the azure threads came hurtling toward him, and he immediately made a hand seal, upon which a shimmering silver cloud appeared beneath his feet.

The cloud swayed before abruptly carrying him away as a ball of silver light, traveling at a speed that was not inferior by much compared to the azure thread.

Only the giant man chose to remain on the spot and take the azure threads head-on. Red light flashed from his hand, and a massive ax that was around 10 feet in size appeared in his grasp. There were scorching crimson flames burning along the ax, and he positioned it before him like a shield.

The ax had been refined from many types of precious fire-attribute materials, thereby granting it immense power and making it just as resolute as top-grade defensive treasures. This was why the man had decided to use it as a shield even after witnessing all of the armored warriors being sliced apart like cabbage by the azure threads.

However, as soon as the man raised the massive ax, a burst of azure light flashed, and the ax suddenly became weightless in his hands.

He looked down to discover that his ax had been severed into seven or eight segments by the azure threads in an instant, so he was left holding only a section of its hilt.

Before he even had a chance to make a single sound, he was diced up into chunks of flesh and blood; even his soul was completely eradicated by the azure threads before it had a chance to escape.

"Argh! Fellow Daoist Li!" the pale-faced being yelled with shock and fury as he reappeared over 300 feet away.